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MeshGetCachedTextureCoordinates Method (RhinoObject, Texture)

Returns cached texture coordinate set based on the texture. Make sure to set up cached texture coordinates for all textures in the material first by calling SetCachedTextureCoordinatesFromMaterial(RhinoObject rhinoObject, Rhino.DocObjects.Material material) If this function returns null then there are no texture coordinates available.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 8.7
public CachedTextureCoordinates GetCachedTextureCoordinates(
	RhinoObject rhinoObject,
	Texture texture


Type: Rhino.DocObjectsRhinoObject
RhinoObject that defines texture mappings
Type: Rhino.DocObjectsTexture
Texture that defines the mapping channel

Return Value

Type: CachedTextureCoordinates
Cached texture coordinates if available and otherwise null
See Also