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IntersectionCurveBrep Method (Curve, Brep, Double, Curve, Point3d)

Intersects a curve with a Brep. This function returns the 3D points of intersection and 3D overlap curves. If an error occurs while processing overlap curves, this function will return false, but it will still provide partial results.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry.Intersect
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public static bool CurveBrep(
	Curve curve,
	Brep brep,
	double tolerance,
	out Curve[] overlapCurves,
	out Point3d[] intersectionPoints


Type: Rhino.GeometryCurve
Curve for intersection.
Type: Rhino.GeometryBrep
Brep for intersection.
Type: SystemDouble
Fitting and near miss tolerance.
Type: Rhino.GeometryCurve
The overlap curves will be returned here.
Type: Rhino.GeometryPoint3d
The intersection points will be returned here.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
true on success, false on failure.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Rhino;
using Rhino.Commands;
using Rhino.Geometry;
using Rhino.Geometry.Intersect;
using Rhino.Input;
using Rhino.Input.Custom;
using Rhino.DocObjects;

namespace examples_cs
  public class FurthestZOnSurfaceCommand : Command
    public override string EnglishName { get { return "csFurthestZOnSurfaceGivenXY"; } }

    protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
      #region user input
      // select a surface
      var gs = new GetObject();
      gs.SetCommandPrompt("select surface");
      gs.GeometryFilter = ObjectType.Surface;
      gs.SubObjectSelect = false;
      if (gs.CommandResult() != Result.Success)
        return gs.CommandResult();
      // get the brep
      var brep = gs.Object(0).Brep();
      if (brep == null)
        return Result.Failure;

      // get X and Y
      double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
      var rc = RhinoGet.GetNumber("value of X coordinate", true, ref x);
      if (rc != Result.Success)
        return rc;
      rc = RhinoGet.GetNumber("value of Y coordinate", true, ref y);
      if (rc != Result.Success)
        return rc;

      // an earlier version of this sample used a curve-brep intersection to find Z
      //var maxZ = maxZIntersectionMethod(brep, x, y, doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance);

      // projecting points is another way to find Z
      var max_z = MaxZProjectionMethod(brep, x, y, doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance);

      if (max_z != null)
        RhinoApp.WriteLine("Maximum surface Z coordinate at X={0}, Y={1} is {2}", x, y, max_z);
        doc.Objects.AddPoint(new Point3d(x, y, max_z.Value));
        RhinoApp.WriteLine("no maximum surface Z coordinate at X={0}, Y={1} found.", x, y);

      return Result.Success;

    private static double? MaxZProjectionMethod(Brep brep, double x, double y, double tolerance)
      double? max_z = null;
      var breps = new List<Brep> {brep};
      var points = new List<Point3d> {new Point3d(x, y, 0)};
      // grab all the points projected in Z dir.  Aggregate finds furthest Z from XY plane
      try {
        max_z = (from pt in Intersection.ProjectPointsToBreps(breps, points, new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), tolerance) select pt.Z)
                // Here you might be tempted to use .Max() to get the largest Z value but that doesn't work because
                // Z might be negative.  This custom aggregate returns the max Z independant of the sign.  If it had a name
                // it could be MaxAbs()
                .Aggregate((z1, z2) => Math.Abs(z1) > Math.Abs(z2) ? z1 : z2);
      } catch (InvalidOperationException) {/*Sequence contains no elements*/}
      return max_z;

    private double? MaxZIntersectionMethod(Brep brep, double x, double y, double tolerance)
      double? max_z = null;

      var bbox = brep.GetBoundingBox(true);
      var max_dist_from_xy = (from corner in bbox.GetCorners() select corner.Z)
                              // furthest Z from XY plane.
                              // Here you might be tempted to use .Max() to get the largest Z value but that doesn't work because
                              // Z might be negative.  This custom aggregate returns the max Z independant of the sign.  If it had a name
                              // it could be MaxAbs()
                              .Aggregate((z1, z2) => Math.Abs(z1) > Math.Abs(z2) ? z1 : z2);
      // multiply distance by 2 to make sure line intersects completely
      var line_curve = new LineCurve(new Point3d(x, y, 0), new Point3d(x, y, max_dist_from_xy*2));

      Curve[] overlap_curves;
      Point3d[] inter_points;
      if (Intersection.CurveBrep(line_curve, brep, tolerance, out overlap_curves, out inter_points))
        if (overlap_curves.Length > 0 || inter_points.Length > 0)
          // grab all the points resulting frem the intersection. 
          //    1st set: points from overlapping curves, 
          //    2nd set: points when there was no overlap
          //    .Aggregate: furthest Z from XY plane.
          max_z = (from c in overlap_curves select Math.Abs(c.PointAtEnd.Z) > Math.Abs(c.PointAtStart.Z) ? c.PointAtEnd.Z : c.PointAtStart.Z)
                  (from p in inter_points select p.Z)
                   // Here you might be tempted to use .Max() to get the largest Z value but that doesn't work because
                   // Z might be negative.  This custom aggregate returns the max Z independant of the sign.  If it had a name
                   // it could be MaxAbs()
                  .Aggregate((z1, z2) => Math.Abs(z1) > Math.Abs(z2) ? z1 : z2);
      return max_z;
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
from Rhino.Geometry import Intersect, Point3d, Vector3d
from scriptcontext import doc

def RunCommand():
  # select a surface
  srfid = rs.GetObject("select serface", rs.filter.surface | rs.filter.polysurface)
  if not srfid: return
  # get the brep
  brep = rs.coercebrep(srfid)
  if not brep: return

  x = rs.GetReal("value of x", 0)
  y = rs.GetReal("value of y", 0)

  pts = [(abs(point.Z), point.Z) for point in Intersect.Intersection.ProjectPointsToBreps(
           [brep], [Point3d(x, y, 0)], Vector3d(0, 0, 1), doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance)]


  if pts == []:
    print "no Z for given X, Y"
    rs.AddPoint(Point3d(x, y, pts[0][1]))

if __name__ == "__main__":
See Also