This guide documents the Grasshopper components that support Revit interaction. It is important to have a basic understanding of the Revit Data Hierarchy when working with Revit-aware components to create and edit Revit content.

Annotate Components

Add Detail Item Given its Location, it adds a detail item element to the active Revit document
Add Detail Line Given a Curve, it adds a detail line to the given View
Add Region Given a profile, it adds a region to the given View
Add Revision Cloud Given a profile, it adds a revision cloud to the given View
Add Symbol Given its Location, it adds a symbol element to the active Revit document
Add Text Given a content and a point, it adds a text to the given View
Annotation Leaders
Annotation References
Reference Annotations
Add Aligned Dimension Given a line, it adds an aligned dimension to the given View
Add Angular Dimension Given an arc, it adds an angular dimension to the given View
Add Arc Length Dimension Given an arc, it adds an arc length dimension to the given View
Add Diameter Dimension Given an arc referece, it adds a diameter dimension to the given View
Add Linear Dimension Given a line, it adds a linear dimension to the given View
Add Radial Dimension Given an arc referece, it adds a radial dimension to the given View
Add Spot Coordinate Given a point, it adds a spot coordinate to the given View
Add Spot Elevation Given a point, it adds a spot elevation to the given View
Dimension Text
Tag Area Given a point, it adds an area tag to the given Area Plan
Tag By Category Given a point, it adds a category tag to the given View
Multi-Category Tag Given a point, it adds a multi-category tag to the given View
Material Tag Given a point, it adds a material tag to the given View
Tag Room Given a point, it adds a room tag to the given view
Tag Space Given a point, it adds a space tag to the given view
Add Detail Group Given its Location, it adds a detail group element to the active Revit document

Architecture Components

Add Ceiling Given its outline curve, it adds a Ceiling element to the active Revit document
Add Column Given its Location, it adds a column element to the active Revit document
Add Floor Given its outline curve, it adds a Floor element to the active Revit document
Add Railing Given a curve, it adds a Railing element to the active Revit document
Add Roof Given its outline curve, it adds a Roof element to the active Revit document
Add Face Opening Given its outline boundary and a host element, it adds an opening to the active Revit document
Add Shaft Opening Given its outline boundary, it adds a Shaft opening to the active Revit document
Add Vertical Opening Given its outline boundary and a host element, it adds a vertical opening to the active Revit document
Add Wall Opening Given a host wall, it adds an opening to the active Revit document
Opening Boundary Profile Get the boundary profile of the given opening
Host Type Compound Structure Get-Set host type compound structure
Construct Compound Structure Construct compound structure
Construct Compound Structure Layer Construct compound structure layer
Deconstruct Compound Structure Deconstruct compound structure
Deconstruct Compound Structure Layer Deconstruct compound structure layer
Host Boundary Profile Get the boundary profile of the given host element
Element Host Obtains the host of the specified element
Host Faces Obtains the faces of a Host element
Host Curtain Grids Obtains the curtain grids of the specified host element
Host Inserts Obtains a set of elements inserted at the specified Host
Host Shape Gives access to points and edges on a slab, roof, floor or toposolid
Host Type Compound Structure Get host object type compound structure
Deconstruct Compound Structure Deconstructs given compound structure into its properties
Deconstruct Compound Structure Layer Deconstructs given compound structure layer into its properties
Analyze Mullion Type Analyze given mullion type
Analyze Panel Type Analyze given panel type
Analyze Curtain System Type Analyze given Curtain System Type
Analyze Curtain Wall Type Analyze given Curtain Wall Type
Analyze Basic Wall Type Analyze given Basic Wall type
Query Wall Types Get document wall types list
Deconstruct Curtain Grid Deconstruct given curtain grid
Curtain Cell Profile Deconstruct given curtain grid cell in to geometry
Deconstruct Curtain Line Deconstruct given curtain grid line
Analyze Mullion Analyze given mullion element
Analyze Panel Analyze given panel element
Analyze Curtain System Analyze given Curtain System element
Analyze Curtain Wall Analyze given Curtain Wall element
Analyze Stacked Wall Analyze given Stacked Wall element
Analyze Wall Analyze given Wall element
Analyze Wall Location Curve Analyze location curve of given wall instance
Analyze Wall Profile Get the vertical profile of the given wall
Add Wall (Curve) Given a curve, it adds a Wall element to the active Revit document
Add Wall (Profile) Given a profile, it adds a Wall element to the active Revit document
Query Walls Get all document walls

Component Components

Add Component (Adaptive) Given a collection of Points, it adds an adaptive component element to the active Revit document
Add Component (Curve) Given a Curve, it adds a curve based component to the active Revit document
Add Component (Location) Given its Location, it adds a component element to the active Revit document
Add Component (Work Plane) Given a Work Plane, it adds a work plane-based component to the active Revit document
Add Form Given its Geometry, it adds a Form element to the active Revit document
Add Mass Loft Given a list of curves, it adds a Form element to the active Revit document
Construct Visibility Construct Visibility/Graphics Overrides value
Deconstruct Visibility Deconstruct Visibility/Graphics Overrides value
Component Family Form
Component Family Curve
Component Family Mesh
Component Family Opening
Component Family Void
Load Component Family Loads a family into the document
New Component Family Creates a new Family from a template
Save Component Family Saves the Family to a given file path

DirectShape Components

DirectShape Categories Provides a picker for direct shape categories
Add DirectShape (Brep) Given a Brep, it adds a Brep shape to the active Revit document
Add DirectShape (Curve) Given a Curve, it adds a Curve shape to the active Revit document
Add DirectShape (Mesh) Given a Mesh, it adds a Mesh shape to the active Revit document
Add DirectShape (Point) Given a Point, it adds a Point shape to the active Revit document
Add DirectShape (Geometry) Given its Geometry, it adds a DirectShape element to the active Revit document
Add DirectShape Type Given its Geometry, it reconstructs a DirectShape Type to the active Revit document
Add DirectShape Instance Given its location, it reconstructs a DirectShape into the active Revit document

Document Components

Built-In Failure Definitions Provides a picker for built-in failure definitions
Default File Locations Gets Revit default file locations
Document Tolerances Gets Revit tolereance values
Revit User Gets Revit user information
Revit Version Gets Revit version information
Query Phases Get document construction phases list
Workset Global Visibility Get-Set workset global visibility
Active Workset Gets the active workset
Ensure Workset Ensures a user-created workset exist at Document
Delete Workset Deletes worksets from Revit document
Query Worksets Get document construction worksets list
Workset Identity Workset properties Get-Set access component to workset information
Active Design Option Gets the active Design Option
Design Option Set Identity Design Option Set identity information
Design Option Identity Design Option identity information
Query Design Option Sets Get all document design options
Query Design Options Get all document design options
Active Document Gets the active document
Document Identity Basic information about a document identity
Document File Basic information about a document local file
Document Worksharing Worksharing information about a document
Document Server Document server information
Save Document Saves a document to a given file path
Document Version Document version information
Query Warnings Gets a list of failure messages generated from persistent (reviewable) warnings accumulated in the document
Open Documents Gets the list of all open documents
Project Information Project information
Query Revit Links Gets Revit linked models into given document

Element Components

Release Element Release elements on Revit document
Element Phasing Element Phasing properties Get-Set access component to element phasing information
Element Parameter Get-Set access component to element parameter values
Reset Element Parameter Resets the parameter value of a specified Revit Element
Query Element Parameters Get the parameters of the specified Element
Get Element Parameter Gets the parameter value of a specified Revit Element
Set Element Parameter Sets the parameter value of a specified Revit Element
Element Bounding Geometry Bounding geometry of given element
Element Geometry Get the geometry of the specified Element
Element Parts Geometry Extracts the parts geometry of the given element
Element Preview Get the preview of the specified Element
Element Category Element Category Property Get access component to Element Category property
Clone Element Clone document element on several locations
Delete Element Deletes elements from Revit document
Element Dependents Queries for all elements that, from a logical point of view, are the children of Element
Duplicate Element Duplicates document elements
Element Subcategory Element Subcategory Property Get-Set access component to Element Subcategory property
Flip Element Flips or Unflips elements from Revit document
Inspect Element Inspects Element parameters
Element Location Element Get-Set location
Element Curve Element Get-Set curve
Element Material Quantities Query element material information
Element Materials Query element used materials
Element Face Paint Get-Set access component to material used to paint an Element Face
Element Name Element Name Property Get-Set accessor to Element Name property
Namesake Element Get namesake element on a diferent document
Element Passport
Pin Element Pins or Unpins elements from Revit document
Purge Element Purge unused elements from Revit document
Query Element Get element by ID
Query Elements Get document model elements list
Query Graphical Elements Get graphical elements visible in a view
Select Element Adds or remove elements from active selection
Element Type Element Type Property Get-Set access component to Element Type property
Element Version Element version information
Element Owner View Element Owner View Property Get access component to Element Owner View property
Delete Element Deletes elements from Revit document
Element Identity Queries element identity information
Element Placement Queries element placement information
Element Workset Element Workset properties Get-Set access component to element workset information
Element Ownership Element ownership status

Filter Components

Element Classes Provides a picker for Revit element classes
Not Equals Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter are not equals to Value
Equals Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter equals to Value
Greater Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter greater than Value
Greater Or Equal Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter greater or equal than Value
Less Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter less than Value
Less Or Equal Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter less or equal than Value
Text Contains Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter contains the specified text
Text Begins Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter begins with the specified text
Text Ends Rule Filter used to match elements if value of a parameter ends with the specified text
Category Rule Filter used to match elements on a category
Exclude Types Filter used to exclude element types
Class Filter Filter used to match elements by their API class
Category Filter Filter used to match elements by their category
Family Filter Filter used to match elements by their family
Type Filter Filter used to match elements by their type
Parameter Filter Filter used to match elements by the value of a parameter
Workset Filter Filter used to match elements by their workset
Bounding Box Filter Filter used to match elements by their BoundingBox
Elevation Filter Filter used to match elements located at specific elevation range
Intersects Element Filter Filter used to match elements that intersect to the given element
Intersects Brep Filter Filter used to match elements that intersect to the given brep
Intersects Mesh Filter Filter used to match elements that intersect to the given mesh
Level Filter Filter used to match elements associated to the given level
Design Option Filter Filter used to match elements associated to the given Design Option
Phase Status Filter Filter used to match elements associated to the given Phase status
Owner View Filter Filter used to match elements associated to the given View
Selectable In View Filter Filter used to match seletable elements into the given View
Visible In View Filter Filter used to match visible elements into the given View
Logical And Filter Filter used to combine multiple filters into one that pass when all pass
Logical Or Filter Filter used to combine multiple filters into one that pass when any pass
Intersection Filter Filter used to combine a set of filters into one that pass when all pass
Union Filter Filter used to combine a set of filters into one that pass when any pass
Exclusion Filter Filter used to exclude a set of elements
Filter Elements Evaluate if input Elements pass a Filter
BoundingBox Filter Filter used to match elements by their BoundingBox

Input Components

Curtain Grid Align Type Picker for curtain grid align type options
Curtain Grid Join Condition Picker for curtain grid join condition options
Curtain Grid Layout Picker for curtain grid layout options
Curtain Mullion Position Picker for curtain mullion position options
Curtain Mullion System Family Picker for curtain mullion system family types
Deck Embedding Type Picker for deck embedding type of a wall compound structure layer
Model Categories Picker Provides a Model Category picker
Annotation Categories Picker Provides a Annotation Category picker
Tag Categories Picker Provides a Tag Category picker
Analytical Categories Picker Provides a Analytical Category picker
Levels Picker Provides a Level picker
Component Families Picker Provides a Family picker
Title Block Type Picker Provides a Title Block type picker
Element Type Picker Provides an Element type picker
End Cap Condition Picker for end cap condition of a wall compound structure
Layer Function Picker for layer function of a wall compound structure layer
Opening Wrapping Condition Picker for compound structure layers wrapping at openings setting
Spatial Boundary Location Picker for spatial element boundary location line options
Spatial Element Categories Picker for kind of spatial elements
Detail Level Picker for level of detail
Wall Function Picker for builtin predefined Wall functions
Wall Location Line Picker for builtin Wall location line options
Wall Structural Usage Picker for builtin Wall structural usage options
Wall System Family Picker for builtin Wall system families
Wall Wrapping Picker for builtin Wall wrapping options
Pick Elements
Pick Points

Material Components

Physical/Thermal Asset Behaviour Picker material behaviour options of physical or thermal assets
Physical Asset Class Picker for physical material class options
Thermal Asset Class Picker for thermal material class options
Analyze Appearance Asset (Generic) Analyze given Appearance asset of "Generic" schema
Appearance Asset Identity Appearance Asset Identity Data
Convert Material Quickly create a new Revit material from a Shader or Color

This component needs a color as input and it will create a new Revit material using the given color. The new material will be named by the given color following the RGB xxx xxx xxx format.

Keep in mind, that if a color picker is attached to the component and the user, drags the color picker over a series of colors and finally selects a color, all the intermediate colors will be passed on to this node by Grasshopper and will result in creation of many materials for all the given colors.

Add Material Create a Revit material by name
Construct Bitmap Asset Construct Bitmap Asset
Construct Checker Asset Construct Checker Asset
Create Appearance Asset Create a Revit appearance asset
Deconstruct Bitmap Asset Deconstruct Bitmap Asset
Deconstruct Checker Asset Deconstruct Checker Asset
Material Graphics Material Graphics Data
Material Identity Material Identity Data
Modify Appearance Asset (Generic) Modify given Appearance asset of "Generic" schema
Replace Material's Assets Replace existing assets on the given material, with given assets
Create Physical Asset Create a Revit structural asset
Modify Physical Asset Modify an existing instance of Physical Asset
Analyze Physical Asset Analyzes given instance of Physical Asset
Create Thermal Asset Create a Revit thermal asset
Modify Thermal Asset Modify an existing instance of Thermal Asset
Analyze Thermal Asset Analyzes given instance of Thermal Asset
Query Appearance Assets Get document appearance assets list
Extract Material's Assets Queries appearance, structural, and other assets from given material
Query Materials Get document materials list
Add Material Create a new Revit material by name and color
Material Identity Query material identity information

Model Components

Add Model Line Given a curve, it adds a Model Line to the the provided Work Plane
Add Work Plane (Plane) Given a Plane, it adds a <not associated> Work Plane element to the active Revit document
Add Work Plane (Face) Given a Face, it adds a Work Plane element to the active Revit document
Sketch Lines Get the model lines of the given sketch element
Add Model Group Given its location, it reconstructs a Model Group into the active Revit document
Element References Retrieves geometry references of given element
Curve Point References Get point references of given curve
Component References Retrieves references of given component
Component Reference Plane Retrieves references of given component
Datum Bubbles Get-Set Datum bubbles visibility
Add Reference Line Given a curve, it adds a Reference Line to the provided Work Plane
Add Reference Plane Given a plane definition, it adds a Reference Plane to the current Revit document
Add Level Given its elevation, it adds a Level to the current Revit document
Level Identity Query level identity information
Levels Adjacency Compute closest levels to input elevation
Query Levels Get all document levels
Level Offset Get-Set a level offset
Add Grid Given its Axis, it adds a Grid element to the active Revit document
Add Multi-Grid Given its Axis, it adds a Multi-Segment Grid element to the active Revit document
Query Grids Get all document grids

Object Styles Components

Category Types Provides a picker of a CategoryType
Color Contains a collection of RGB colours
Built-In Categories Provides a picker for built-in categories
Query Fill Patterns Get document fill patterns list
Add Line Pattern Create a Revit line pattern by name
Line Pattern Dashes Get-Set access component to line patern dashes, spaces and dots
Query Line Patterns Get document line patterns list
Add SubCategory Add a new subcategory to the given category
Category Graphics Style
Category Identity Query category identity information
Category Parameters Gets a list of valid parameters for the specified category that can be used in a table view
Category Style
Category SubCategories Returns a list containing the subcategories of Category
Curve Line Style Curve Line Style Property Get-Set access component to Curve Line Style property
Query Categories Get document categories list
Query Line Styles Get document line styles list
Category ObjectStyle

Parameter Components

Built-In Parameter Groups Provides a picker for built-in parameter Groups
Built-In Parameters Provides a picker for built-in parameters
Built-In Parameter Types Provides a picker for parameters types
Add Parameter Given its Definition, it adds a new Parameter into the Revit document
Define Parameter Given its attributes, it creates a Parameter definition
Global Parameter Get-Set access component to global parameter values
Parameter Formula Parameter formula property Get-Set access component to Parameter formula properties
Parameter Identity Query parameter identity data
Project Parameter Gives acces to project parameter settings
Query Parameters Get document parameters list
Shared Parameters Explore the content of the shared parameters file
Parameter Identity Query parameter identity data

Revit Components

Assembly Contains a collection of Revit assemblies
Base Point Contains a collection of Revit base point elements
Compound Structure Contains a collection of Revit compound structures
Compound Structure Layer Contains a collection of Revit compound structure layers
Curtain Grid Contains a collection of Revit curtain grids
Curtain Cell Contains a collection of Revit curtain grid cells
Curve Element Contains a collection of Revit curve elements
Level Contains a collection of Revit level elements
Grid Contains a collection of Revit grid elements
Reference Plane Contains a collection of Revit reference plane elements
Reference Point Contains a collection of Revit reference point elements
Document Contains a collection of Revit documents
Element Contains a collection of Revit elements
Filter Contains a collection of Revit filter
Element Filter Contains a collection of Revit element filters
Filter Rule Contains a collection of Revit filter rules
Type Contains a collection of Revit element types
Project Elevation Contains a collection of project elevation values
Family Contains a collection of Revit family elements
Geometry Contains a collection of Revit geometry
Point Contains a collection of Revit points
Curve Contains a collection of Revit curves
Face Contains a collection of Revit faces
Graphical Element Contains a collection of Revit graphical elements
Group Contains a collection of Revit group elements
Point Cloud Contains a collection of Revit point cloud elements
Point Cloud Filter Contains a collection of Revit point cloud filters
Level Constraint Contains a collection of level constrait values
Category Contains a collection of Revit categories
Graphic Overrides Contains a collection of Revit graphic overrides
Parameter Contains a collection of Revit parameters
Parameter Value Contains a collection of Revit parameter values on an element
Phase Contains a collection of Revit construction phase elements
Shared Site Contains a collection of Revit shared site elements
Site Location Contains a collection of Revit site location elements
Topography Contains a collection of Revit topography elements
Toposolid Contains a collection of Revit Toposolid elements
Sketch Contains a collection of Revit sketch elements
Work Plane Contains a collection of Revit work plane elements
Schedule Contains a collection of Revit schedule views
View Contains a collection of Revit view elements
View Type Contains a collection of Revit view types
3D View Contains a collection of Revit 3D views
Drafting View Contains a collection of Revit drafting views
Floor Plan Contains a collection of Revit floor plan views
Ceiling Plan Contains a collection of Revit ceiling plan views
Area Plan Contains a collection of Revit area plan views
Structural Plan Contains a collection of Revit structural plan views
Section Contains a collection of Revit section views
Elevation Contains a collection of Revit elevation views
Detail Contains a collection of Revit detail views
Sheet Contains a collection of Revit sheet views
Workset Contains a collection of Revit workset elements

Revit Elements Components

Annotation Contains a collection of Revit annotative elements
Dimension Contains a collection of Revit dimension elements
Dimension Type Contains a collection of Revit dimension types
Revision Contains a collection of Revit revision elements
Text Note Contains a collection of Revit text note elements
Component Contains a collection of Revit component elements
Component Type Contains a collection of Revit component types
Mullion Contains a collection of Revit curtain grid mullion elements
Panel Contains a collection of Revit curtain grid panel elements
Host Contains a collection of Revit host elements
Host Type Contains a collection of Revit host types
Curtain Grid Line Contains a collection of Revit curtain grid line elements
Curtain System Contains a collection of Revit curtain system elements
Ceiling Contains a collection of Revit ceiling elements
Floor Contains a collection of Revit floor elements
Roof Contains a collection of Revit roof elements
Wall Contains a collection of Revit wall elements
Appearance Asset Contains a collection of Revit appearance asset elements
Asset Property Double 1D Map Contains a collection of Revit 1D appearance asset properties
Asset Property Double 4D Map Contains a collection of Revit 4D appearance asset properties
Material Contains a collection of Revit material elements
Physical Asset Contains a collection of Revit structural asset elements
Texture Data Wraps TypesTextureData
Thermal Asset Contains a collection of Revit thermal assets elements
Line Style Contains a collection of Revit line styles
Fill Pattern Contains a collection of Revit fill pattern elements
Line Pattern Contains a collection of Revit line pattern elements
Opening Contains a collection of Revit opening elements
Building Pad Contains a collection of Revit building pad elements
Analytical Element Contains a collection of Revit analytical elements
Analytical Member Contains a collection of Revit analytical members
Analytical Opening Contains a collection of Revit analytical openings
Analytical Panel Contains a collection of Revit analytical panels
Beam System Contains a collection of Revit Beam System elements
Boundary Conditions Contains a collection of Revit Boundary Conditions
Structural Component Contains a collection of Revit Structural Component elements
Truss Contains a collection of Revit Truss elements
Wall Foundation Contains a collection of Revit wall foundation elements
Area Contains a collection of Revit area elements
Area Scheme Contains a collection of Revit area scheme elements
Room Contains a collection of Revit room elements
Space Contains a collection of Revit space elements
Spatial Element Contains a collection of Revit spatial elements

Site Components

Add BuildingPad Given a set of contour Curves, it adds a BuildingPad element to the active Revit document
Add Topography Region Given a list of curves, it adds a topography region to the active Revit document
Add Topography (Mesh) Given a Mesh, it adds a topography surface to the active Revit document
Add Topography (Points) Given a set of Points, it adds a topography surface to the active Revit document
Add Toposolid Given its outline curve, it adds a Toposolid element to the active Revit document
Add Toposolid Sub-Division Given its outline curve, it adds a Toposolid subdivision element to the active Revit document
Project Location Project location
Query Shared Sites Get all document shared sites
Query Site Locations Get all document site locations
Site Location Identity Site location identity Data
Project Elevation Constructs a project elevation
Query Cloud Points Query Point Cloud points and colours

Structure Components

Add Analytical Element Given a model element, it adds an analytical element representation to the active Revit document
Add Analytical Member Given its location curve, it adds an analytical member to the active Revit document
Add Analytical Panel (Boundary) Given its boundary, it adds an analytical panel to the active Revit document
Add Analytical Panel (Extrusion) Given a curve, it adds an analytical panel perpendicular to the provided work plane to the active Revit document
Add Beam System Given its profile curves, it adds a beam system to the active Revit document
Add Boundary Conditions (Area) Given a referenced face, this component adds area boundary conditions to the analytical model
Add Boundary Conditions (Line) Given a referenced curve, this component adds line boundary conditions to the analytical model
Add Boundary Conditions (Point) Given a reference point, this component adds a point boundary conditions to the analytical model
Add Foundation (Isolated) Given its Location, it adds a structural foundation element to the active Revit document
Add Foundation (Slab) Given its outline curve, it adds a foundation slab element to the active Revit document
Add Foundation (Wall) Given its host element, it adds a structural wall foundation element to the active Revit document
Add Model Element Given an analytical element, it adds a model element representation to the active Revit document
Add Structural Beam Given its Axis, it adds a beam element to the active Revit document
Add Structural Brace Given its Axis, it adds a brace element to the active Revit document
Add Structural Column Given its Axis, it adds a structural column element to the active Revit document
Add Truss Given its location curve, it adds a truss to the active Revit document
Analytical Element Identity Analytical Element Data
Boundary Conditions Settings Boundary conditions settings associated with a Revit document
Cluster Analytical Elements (Role) Split a list of analytical elements into separate clusters by their structural role
Query Analytical Elements Get all document analytical elements
Query Boundary Conditions Get all document boundary conditions

Topology Components

Add Area Given an internal point, it adds an Area to the given Area Plan
Add Area Boundary Given a Curve, it adds an Area boundary line to the given Area Plan
Add Room Given a point, it adds a Room to the given Revit view
Add Room Separation Given the curve, it adds a Room separation line to the given Revit view
Add Space Given a point, it adds a Space to the given Revit view
Add Space Separation Given the curve, it adds a Space separatoion line to the given Revit view
Component Neighbours Query spatial elements surrounding the given component
Query Areas Get document area elements list
Query Area Schemes Get document area shemes list
Query Rooms Get document room elements list
Query Spaces Get document space elements list
Spatial Element Geometry Get the geometry of the specified spatial element
Spatial Element Boundary Get the boundary of the specified spatial element
Spatial Element Identity Query spatial element identity information

Type Components

Create Group Type Given a collection of elements, it adds a Group type to the active Revit document
Group Members Get group members list
Query Group Types Get document group types list
Family Identity Queries family identity information
Query Families Get document families list
Family Types Obtains a set of types that are owned by Family
Add Assembly Create a new assembly instance at given location
Assemble Elements Create a new assembly instance
Assembly Members Get-Set accessor for assembly members
Assembly Origin Get-Set access component for assembly origin
Disassemble Assembly Disassemble given assembly and release the members
Query Assemblies Get all document assemblies
Default Type Query default type
Duplicate Type Create a Revit type by name
Export Type Image Exports a ElementType preview into an image file
Type Identity Query type identity information
Type Instances Obtains all elements of the specified Type
Query Types Get document element types list
Similar Types Obtains a set of types that are similar to Type

View Components

Add Revision Adds a revision at the end of the sequence of existing revisions into the active Revit document
Revision Issue Get-Set revision issue status
Add Schedule Graphics Given a point and a view, it adds a schedule on a sheet
Add Title Block Create a Revit Title Block on a sheet view
Add Viewport Given a point and a view, it adds a viewport on a sheet
Query Revisions Get all document revisions
Query Sheets Get all document sheets
Query Title Blocks Get all title blocks placed in a sheet
Query Viewports Get all viewports placed in a sheet
Add Sheet Create a new sheet in Revit with given number and name
Add Sheet (Placeholder) Create a new placeholder sheet in Revit with given number and name
Sheet Identity Sheet Identity Data
Sheet Revisions Sheet Revisions
Add Image Given the point, it adds an image to the given View
Add Image Type Given the path, it adds an image type to the given View
Image Type Path Get-Set accessor for image type file path
Add Rule-based Filter Create a parameter rule-based filter
Rule-based Filter Definiton Get-Set accessor for Rule-based Filter definition
Query Filters Get document filters list
Add Selection Filter Create a selection filter
Selection Filter Definition Get-Set accessor for Selection Filter elements
Element View Geometry Get the geometry of the given Element on a view
Query View Types Get document view types list
Active View Gets the active view
Add Dependent View Add a dependent Revit View
Add Detail View Given a name, it adds a section view to the active Revit document
Add Drafting View Given a name, it adds a drafting view to the active Revit document
Add Elevation Marker Given a name, it adds a elevation marker to the active Revit document
Add Section View Given a name, it adds a section view to the active Revit document
Add 3D View Given a camera frame, it adds a 3D View to the active Revit document
Add Floor Plan Given a level, it adds a floor plan to the active Revit document
Add Ceiling Plan Given a level, it adds a ceiling plan to the active Revit document
Add Structural Plan Given a level, it adds a structural plan to the active Revit document
Cluster Views (Family) Split a list of views into separate clusters by their family
View Crop Region View Get-Set crop region
Default 3D View Gets the default 3D view
Export View Image Exports a view into a raster image file
View Extents View Get-Set crop extents
View Filters View Get-Set Filters
View Identity Query view identity information
Open View Open-Close a Revit view
Query View Elements Get elements visible in a view
Query View Owned Elements Get elements owned by a view
Query Views Get all document views
View Section Box View Get-Set section Box
View Range Get-Set view range
View Work Plane View Get-Set work plane
Element Visibility Check element visibility on a given View
Category Graphic Overrides Get-Set category graphics overrides on the specified View
Element Graphic Overrides Get-Set element graphics overrides on the specified View
Filter Graphic Overrides Get-Set filter graphics overrides on the specified View
Graphic Overrides Get-Set element graphics overrides on the specified View
Workset Visibility Overrides Get-Set workset visibility overrides on the specified View