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SweepTwoRail Properties

The SweepTwoRail type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAngleToleranceRadians
Gets or sets the angle tolerance in radians.
Public propertyAutoAdjust
Set to true to have shape curves adjusted, sorted, and matched automatically. This will produce results comparable to Rhino's Sweep2 command. Set to false to not have shape curves adjusted, sorted, and matched automatically.
Public propertyClosedSweep
If the input rails are closed, ClosedSweep determines if the swept Breps will also be closed.
Public propertyMaintainHeight
Removes the association between the height scaling from the width scaling.
Public propertySweepTolerance
Gets or sets the sweeping tolerance.
Public propertyUseLegacySweeper
Set to true if you want to use the legacy, low-level sweeper found in earlier versions of Rhino.
See Also