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Environment Properties

The Environment type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackgroundColor
The background color.
Public propertyBackgroundImage
The background image texture.
Public propertyBackgroundProjection
The background projection.
Public propertyDisposed
Indicates if this object has been disposed or the document it originally belonged to has been disposed.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyHasUserData
Gets true if this class has any custom information attached to it through UserData.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyIsDocumentControlled
If true this object may not be modified. Any properties or functions that attempt to modify this object when it is set to "IsReadOnly" will throw a NotSupportedException.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyIsValid
Tests an object to see if it is valid.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyUserData
List of custom information that is attached to this class.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyUserDictionary
Dictionary of custom information attached to this class. The dictionary is actually user data provided as an easy to use shareable set of information.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
See Also