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PanelsIsPanelVisible Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberIsPanelVisible(Guid)
Check to see if a panel is currently visible, on Windows this means you can see the tab, it does not necessarily mean it is the current tab.
Public methodStatic memberIsPanelVisible(Type)
Check to see if a panel is currently visible, on Windows this means you can see the tab, it does not necessarily mean it is the current tab.
Public methodStatic memberIsPanelVisible(Guid, Boolean)
Check to see if a panel is currently visible, if isSelectedTab is true then the tab must be the active tab as well.
Public methodStatic memberIsPanelVisible(Type, Boolean)
Check to see if a panel is currently visible, if isSelectedTab is true then the tab must be the active tab as well.
See Also