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PanelsIsPanelVisible Method (Type, Boolean)

Check to see if a panel is currently visible, if isSelectedTab is true then the tab must be the active tab as well.

Namespace:  Rhino.UI
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 6.0
public static bool IsPanelVisible(
	Type panelType,
	bool isSelectedTab


Type: SystemType
Type of panel to check for, this type must include a GUID attribute.
Type: SystemBoolean
This parameter is ignored on Mac. If Windows and true the panel must be visible in a container and if it is a tabbed container it must be the active tab to be true.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
On Windows: The return value is dependent on the isSelectedTab value. If isSelectedTab is true then the panel must be included in a visible tabbed container and must also be the active tab to be true. If isSelectedTab is false then the panel only has to be included in a visible tabbed container to be true. On Mac: isSelected is ignored and true is returned if the panel appears in any inspector panel.
See Also