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DevelopableSrfRulingMinTwist Method

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Public methodStatic memberRulingMinTwist(NurbsCurve, Double, NurbsCurve, Double, Interval, Double, Double)
Find a ruling from rail0(t0) to rail1(t1_out) that has the least twist across the ruling with t1_out in domain1. max_cos_twist is cos(twist) for the returned ruling
Public methodStatic memberRulingMinTwist(NurbsCurve, Double, Interval, NurbsCurve, Double, Interval, Double, Double, Double)
Find a ruling from rail0(t0_out) to rail1(t1_out) that has the least twist across the ruling with t0_out in domain0 and t1_out in domain1. max_cos_twist is cos(twist) for the returned ruling
See Also