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CurveOffset Method

Overload List
Public methodOffset(Plane, Double, Double, CurveOffsetCornerStyle)
Offsets this curve. If you have a nice offset, then there will be one entry in the array. If the original curve had kinks or the offset curve had self intersections, you will get multiple segments in the output array.
Public methodOffset(Point3d, Vector3d, Double, Double, CurveOffsetCornerStyle)
Offsets this curve. If you have a nice offset, then there will be one entry in the array. If the original curve had kinks or the offset curve had self intersections, you will get multiple segments in the output array.
Public methodOffset(Point3d, Vector3d, Double, Double, Double, Boolean, CurveOffsetCornerStyle, CurveOffsetEndStyle)
Offsets this curve. If you have a nice offset, then there will be one entry in the array. If the original curve had kinks or the offset curve had self intersections, you will get multiple segments in the output array.
See Also