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PanelsRegisterPanel Method (PlugIn, Type, String, Assembly, String, PanelType)

You typically register your panel class in your plug-in's OnLoad function. This will register your custom call with Rhino, Rhino will create an instance of your class the first time your panel is created and embed this instance of your class in a panel container.

Namespace:  Rhino.UI
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 8.0
public static void RegisterPanel(
	PlugIn plugIn,
	Type type,
	string caption,
	Assembly iconAssembly,
	string iconResourceId,
	PanelType panelType


Type: Rhino.PlugInsPlugIn
Plug-in this panel is associated with
Type: SystemType
Class type to construct when a panel is shown. If your class is derived from Eto.Forms.Control it will work on both the Mac and Windows version of Rhino. In addition Windows Rhino will support any class types that implement the IWin32Window interface or that are derived from System.Windows.FrameworkElement. Mac Rhino will also support classes that are derived from NsView. In addition to the type requirements the class must have a public constructor with no parameters or a constructor with a single uint that represents the document serial number and have a GuidAttribute applied with a unique Id. n Windows there is only one panel created which gets recycled for each new document. On the Mac a panel will be created for each open document and destroyed when the document closes. In certain situations in Mac Rhino a a panel may get created and destroyed multiple times when opening/closing a panel while editing a document.
Type: SystemString
Displays in the panel tab on Windows or at the top of the modeless window on Mac.
Type: System.ReflectionAssembly
Assembly conataining the iconResourceId, if null it is assumed the iconResourceId is a starndard Rhino resource and the Rhino.UI assembly will be used. assembly will be used
Type: SystemString
The resource Id string used to load the panel icon from the iconAssembly. On Windows the panel may be displayed using the icon, caption or both. On Mac the icon will be used and the caption will be the tool-tip.
Type: Rhino.UIPanelType
See PanelType
See Also