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PanelsRegisterPanel Method (PlugIn, Type, String, Icon, PanelType)

Call once to register a panel type which will get dynamically created and embedded in a Rhino docking/floating location.

Namespace:  Rhino.UI
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 6.1
public static void RegisterPanel(
	PlugIn plugIn,
	Type type,
	string caption,
	Icon icon,
	PanelType panelType


Type: Rhino.PlugInsPlugIn
Plug-in restringing the panel
Type: SystemType
Type of the control object to be displayed in the panel
Type: SystemString
Panel caption also used as a tool-tip. On Windows the panel may be displayed using the icon, caption or both. On Mac the icon will be used and the caption will be the tool-tip.
Type: System.DrawingIcon
The panel icon. On Windows the panel may be displayed using the icon, caption or both. On Mac the icon will be used and the caption will be the tool-tip.
Type: Rhino.UIPanelType
See PanelType
See Also