- class rhino3dm.Sun
- Sun()
Sun constructor
- Sun()
Sun constructor
- MinYear
- MaxYear
- Vector
- EnableAllowed
- EnableOn
- ManualControlAllowed
- ManualControlOn
bool: Manual control ‘on’ state. When true, allows the user to set the sun azimuth and altitude directly. When false, the values are computed.
- North
float: Angle in degrees on world X-Y plane that should be considered north in the model. The angle is measured starting at the x-axis and increases anti-clockwise. The y-axis corresponds to a ‘north’ angle of 90 degrees.
- Azimuth
float: The sun’s azimuth in degrees. The value increases Eastwards with North as zero. Setting this value will also set the sun to manual control mode. Note: This value is not affected by the direction of north.
- Altitude
float: The sun’s altitude above the horizon in degrees in the range -90 to +90. Setting this value will also set the sun to manual control mode.
- Latitude
float: The observer’s latitude.
- Longitude
float: The observer’s longitude.
- TimeZone
float: The observer’s time zone measured in hours relative to UTC.
- DaylightSavingOn
bool: Daylight saving time ‘on’ state
- DaylightSavingMinutes
int: Daylight saving time in minutes
- Year
- Month
- Day
- Hours
- Intensity
float: Sun intensity.
- IsValid
- Light
Geometry.Light: Get a Light which represents the sun. If manual control is in effect, no sun calculation is performed; the function uses the last known values of azimuth and altitude. If manual control is not in effect, the observer’s position, date, time, time zone and daylight saving values are used to calculate the position of the sun.
- static SunColorFromAltitude()
[todo] add documentation