Class Intersection



  • Parameters

    • box: BoundingBox

      BoundingBox to intersect.

    • line: Line

      Line for intersection.

    • tolerance: number

      If tolerance > 0.0, then the intersection is performed against a box that has each side moved out by tolerance.

    Returns object

    [boolean, number[]] (boolean) true if the line intersects the box, false if no intersection occurs. (number[]) The chord from line.PointAt(lineParameters.T0) to line.PointAt(lineParameters.T1) is the intersection.


    Intersects an infinite line and an axis aligned bounding box.

  • Parameters

    • line: Line

      Line for intersection.

    • circle: Circle

      Circle for intersection.

    Returns object

    [LineCircleIntersection, number, number[], number, number[]] (LineCircleIntersection) If is returned, only t1 and point1 will have valid values. If is returned, t2 and point2 will also be filled out. (number) Parameter on line for first intersection. (number[]) Point on circle closest to first intersection. (number) Parameter on line for second intersection. (number[]) Point on circle closest to second intersection.


    Intersects a line with a circle using exact calculations.

  • Parameters

    • line: Line

      Line for intersection.

    • cylinder: Cylinder

      Cylinder for intersection.

    Returns object

    [LineCylinderIntersection, number[], number[]] (LineCylinderIntersection) If None is returned, the first point is the point on the line closest to the cylinder and the second point is the point on the cylinder closest to the line. If is returned, the first point is the point on the line and the second point is the same point on the cylinder. (number[]) First intersection point. (number[]) Second intersection point.


    Intersects a line with a cylinder using exact calculations.

  • Parameters

    • lineA: Line

      First line for intersection.

    • lineB: Line

      Second line for intersection.

    Returns object

    [boolean, number, number] (boolean) true if a closest point can be calculated and the result passes the tolerance parameter test; otherwise false. (number) Parameter on lineA that is closest to LineB. The shortest distance between the lines is the chord from lineA.PointAt(a) to lineB.PointAt(b) (number) Parameter on lineB that is closest to LineA. The shortest distance between the lines is the chord from lineA.PointAt(a) to lineB.PointAt(b)


    Intersects two lines.

  • Parameters

    • lineA: Line

      First line for intersection.

    • lineB: Line

      Second line for intersection.

    • tolerance: number

      If tolerance > 0.0, then an intersection is reported only if the distance between the points is <= tolerance. If tolerance <= 0.0, then the closest point between the lines is reported.

    • finiteSegments: boolean

      If true, the input lines are treated as finite segments. If false, the input lines are treated as infinite lines.

    Returns object

    [boolean, number, number] (boolean) true if a closest point can be calculated and the result passes the tolerance parameter test; otherwise false. (number) Parameter on lineA that is closest to LineB. The shortest distance between the lines is the chord from lineA.PointAt(a) to lineB.PointAt(b) (number) Parameter on lineB that is closest to LineA. The shortest distance between the lines is the chord from lineA.PointAt(a) to lineB.PointAt(b)


    Intersects two lines.

  • Parameters

    • line: Line

      Line for intersection.

    • plane: Plane

      Plane to intersect.

    Returns object

    [boolean, number] (boolean) true on success, false on failure. (number) Parameter on line where intersection occurs. If the parameter is not within the {0, 1} Interval then the finite segment does not intersect the plane.


    Intersects a line and a plane. This function only returns true if the intersection result is a single point (i.e. if the line is coincident with the plane then no intersection is assumed).

  • Parameters

    • line: Line

      Line for intersection.

    • sphere: Sphere

      Sphere for intersection.

    Returns object

    [LineSphereIntersection, number[], number[]] (LineSphereIntersection) If is returned, the first point is the point on the line closest to the sphere and the second point is the point on the sphere closest to the line. If is returned, the first point is the point on the line and the second point is the same point on the sphere. (number[]) First intersection point. (number[]) Second intersection point.


    Intersects a line with a sphere using exact calculations.

  • Parameters

    • planeA: Plane

      First plane for intersection.

    • planeB: Plane

      Second plane for intersection.

    Returns object

    [boolean, Line] (boolean) true on success, false on failure. (Line) If this function returns true, the intersectionLine parameter will return the line where the planes intersect.


    Intersects two planes and return the intersection line. If the planes are parallel or coincident, no intersection is assumed.

  • Parameters

    • planeA: Plane

      First plane for intersection.

    • planeB: Plane

      Second plane for intersection.

    • planeC: Plane

      Third plane for intersection.

    Returns object

    [boolean, number[]] (boolean) true on success, false on failure. If at least two out of the three planes are parallel or coincident, failure is assumed. (number[]) Point where all three planes converge.


    Intersects three planes to find the single point they all share.

  • Parameters

    • plane: Plane

      Plane to intersect.

    • sphere: Sphere

      Sphere to intersect.

    Returns object

    [PlaneSphereIntersection, Circle] (PlaneSphereIntersection) If is returned, the intersectionCircle has a radius of zero and the center point is the point on the plane closest to the sphere. (Circle) Intersection result.


    Intersects a plane with a sphere using exact calculations.

  • Parameters

    • sphereA: Sphere

      First sphere to intersect.

    • sphereB: Sphere

      Second sphere to intersect.

    Returns object

    [SphereSphereIntersection, Circle] (SphereSphereIntersection) The intersection type. (Circle) If intersection is a point, then that point will be the center, radius 0.


    Intersects two spheres using exact calculations.

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