Center of circle.
Radius of circle (should be a positive value).
Initializes a circle parallel to the world XY plane with given center and radius.
Gets the circle's 3d axis aligned bounding box.
Gets or sets the center point of this circle.
Gets or sets the circumference of this circle.
Gets or sets the diameter (radius * 2.0) of this circle. Diameters should be positive values.
A valid circle has radius larger than 0.0 and a base plane which is must also be valid.
Gets the normal vector for this circle.
Gets or sets the plane of the circle.
Gets or sets the radius of this circle. Radii should be positive values.
Point to project onto the circle.
[boolean, number] (boolean) true on success, false on failure. (number) Parameter on circle closes to testPoint.
Gets the parameter on the circle which is closest to a test point.
Which order of derivative is wanted.
Parameter to evaluate derivative. Valid values are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
The derivative of the circle at the given parameter.
Determines the value of the Nth derivative at a parameter.
Tolerance to use.
true if the circle plane is co-planar with the given plane within tolerance.
Evaluates whether or not this circle is co-planar with a given plane.
A nurbs curve representation of this circle or null if no such representation could be made.
Constructs a nurbs curve representation of this circle. This amounts to the same as calling NurbsCurve.CreateFromCircle().
Transformation to apply.
true on success, false on failure.
Transforms this circle using an transformation matrix.
Generated using TypeDoc
Initializes a circle with center (0,0,0) in the world XY plane.