Class Circle


  • Parameters

    • radius: number

    Returns Circle


    Initializes a circle with center (0,0,0) in the world XY plane.

  • Parameters

    • center: number[]

      Center of circle.

    • radius: number

      Radius of circle (should be a positive value).

    Returns Circle


    Initializes a circle parallel to the world XY plane with given center and radius.


boundingBox: BoundingBox

Gets the circle's 3d axis aligned bounding box.

center: number[]

Gets or sets the center point of this circle.

circumference: number

Gets or sets the circumference of this circle.

diameter: number

Gets or sets the diameter (radius * 2.0) of this circle. Diameters should be positive values.

isValid: boolean

A valid circle has radius larger than 0.0 and a base plane which is must also be valid.

normal: number[]

Gets the normal vector for this circle.

plane: Plane

Gets or sets the plane of the circle.

radius: number

Gets or sets the radius of this circle. Radii should be positive values.


  • Parameters

    • testPoint: number[]

      Point to project onto the circle.

    Returns object

    [boolean, number] (boolean) true on success, false on failure. (number) Parameter on circle closes to testPoint.


    Gets the parameter on the circle which is closest to a test point.

  • Parameters

    • testPoint: number[]

      Point to project onto the circle.

    Returns number[]

    The point on the circle that is closest to testPoint or Point3d.Unset on failure.


    Gets the point on the circle which is closest to a test point.

  • Parameters

    • derivative: number

      Which order of derivative is wanted.

    • t: number

      Parameter to evaluate derivative. Valid values are 0, 1, 2 and 3.

    Returns number[]

    The derivative of the circle at the given parameter.


    Determines the value of the Nth derivative at a parameter.

  • Parameters

    • plane: Plane


    • tolerance: number

      Tolerance to use.

    Returns boolean

    true if the circle plane is co-planar with the given plane within tolerance.


    Evaluates whether or not this circle is co-planar with a given plane.

  • Parameters

    • t: number

      Parameter of point to evaluate.

    Returns number[]

    The point on the circle at the given parameter.


    Circles use trigonometric parameterization: t -> center + cos(t)radiusxaxis + sin(t)radiusyaxis.

  • Returns void


    Reverse the orientation of the circle. Changes the domain from [a,b] to [-b,-a].

  • Parameters

    • t: number

      Parameter of tangent to evaluate.

    Returns number[]

    The tangent at the circle at the given parameter.


    Circles use trigonometric parameterization: t -> center + cos(t)radiusxaxis + sin(t)radiusyaxis.

  • Returns NurbsCurve

    A nurbs curve representation of this circle or null if no such representation could be made.


    Constructs a nurbs curve representation of this circle. This amounts to the same as calling NurbsCurve.CreateFromCircle().

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

    true on success, false on failure.


    Transforms this circle using an transformation matrix.

  • Parameters

    • delta: number[]

      Translation vector.

    Returns boolean

    true on success, false on failure.


    Moves the circle.

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