Click or drag to resize

SafeFrame Properties

The SafeFrame type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActionFrameLinked
Action Frame Linked, On = Use the same scale for X and Y. Off = use different scales for X and Y.
Public propertyActionFrameOn
Turn on the user specified action area, which shown with blue frames.
Public propertyActionFrameXScale
Action Frame X-scale. This value should be in the range 0..1 but it is not clamped. It is displayed in the UI in the range 0..100.
Public propertyActionFrameYScale
Action Frame Y-scale. This value should be in the range 0..1 but it is not clamped. It is displayed in the UI in the range 0..100.
Public propertyEnabled
Determines whether the safe-frame is enabled.
Public propertyFieldsOn
Show the 4 by 3 field grid in the safe-frame.
Public propertyLiveFrameOn
Turn on the live area, which shows the size of the rendered view as a yellow frame in the viewport.
Public propertyPerspectiveOnly
Show the safe-frame only in perspective views.
Public propertyTitleFrameLinked
Title Frame Linked, On = Use the same scale for X and Y. Off = use different scales for X and Y.
Public propertyTitleFrameOn
Show a user specified title area frame in orange.
Public propertyTitleFrameXScale
Title Frame X-scale. This value should be in the range 0..1 but it is not clamped. It is displayed in the UI in the range 0..100.
Public propertyTitleFrameYScale
Title Frame Y-scale. This value should be in the range 0..1 but it is not clamped. It is displayed in the UI in the range 0..100.
See Also