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RenderPlugIn Properties

The RenderPlugIn type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddToHelpMenu
Called by Rhino to determine if the plug-in name should be added to the Rhino Help/Plug-ins menu.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyAssembly
Source assembly for this plug-in.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyDescription
Returns the description of the plug-in, as found in the plug-in's assembly attributes.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyId
Returns the Guid, or unique Id, of the plug-in.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected propertyInitialChannelToDisplay
Public propertyLicenseId (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyLoadAtStartup Obsolete. (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyLoadTime
Plug-ins are typically loaded on demand when they are first needed. You can change this behavior to load the plug-in at during different stages in time by overriding this property.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected propertyLocalPlugInName
Optionally override this to provide a localized plug-in name
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyName
Returns the name of the plug-in, as found in the plug-in's assembly attributes.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyPerferBasicContent
Set to true if you would like Rhino to quickly create a basic render content in response to 'Create New' commands. Set to false if you would prefer Rhino to display the render content chooser dialog.
Public propertySettings
Persistent plug-in settings.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertySettingsDirectory
Get the plug-in's settings directory. This is the directory where the plug-in's persistent settings files are saved. This directory will be located in the user's profile folder. Note, this does not verify the directory exists.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertySettingsDirectoryAllUsers
Get the plug-in's "all users" settings directory. This directory will be located in the system's program data folder. Note, this does not verify the directory exists.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected propertySupportedChannels
Override to communicate that the renderer supports more channels beside the default channels RGBA, Depth, Normal, Albedo. See RenderWindow.StandardChannels. RenderWindow.ChannelId can be used to get the GUIDs for the channels to support
Protected propertySupportsEditProperties
Public propertyVersion
Returns the version of the plug-in, as found in the plug-in's assembly attributes.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyWindowPositionSettings (Inherited from PlugIn.)
See Also