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RhinoView Properties

The RhinoView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleActiveViewport
The ActiveViewport is the same as the MainViewport for standard RhinoViews. In a RhinoPageView, the active viewport may be the RhinoViewport of a child detail object. Most of the time, you will use ActiveViewport unless you explicitly need to work with the main viewport.
Public propertyActiveViewportID
Returns viewport ID for the active viewport. Faster than ActiveViewport function when working with page views.
Public propertyBounds
Gets the size and location of the view including its non-client elements, in pixels, relative to the parent control.
Public propertyClientRectangle
Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the view.
Public propertyDisplayPipeline
Gets the display pipeline used for this view.
Public propertyDocument
Public propertyStatic memberEnableDrawing
Gets or sets the 'drawing enabled' flag. By default, drawing is enabled.

There are some rare situations where scripts want to disable drawing for a while.

Public propertyFloating
Floating state of RhinoView. if true, then the view will be in a floating frame window. Otherwise the view will be embedded in the main frame.
Public propertyHandle
Gets the window handle that this view is bound to.
Public propertyInDynamicViewChange
true if the view is being dynamically changed by mouse moves, arrow keys, trackballs, etc.
Public propertyMainViewport
A RhinoView contains a "main viewport" that fills the entire view client window. RhinoPageViews may also contain nested child RhinoViewports for implementing detail viewports. The MainViewport will always return this RhinoView's m_vp.
Public propertyMaximized
Public propertyRealtimeDisplayMode
Gets the RealtimeDisplayMode active for this view. null if the view doesn't have a RealtimeDisplayMode set.
Public propertyRuntimeSerialNumber
Public propertyScreenRectangle
Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the view in screen coordinates.
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the size of the view
Public propertyTitleVisible
Visibility of the viewport title window.
See Also