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DisplayPen Properties

The DisplayPen type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapStyle
How caps are drawn at the ends of open curves
Public propertyColor
Color applied to stroke
Public propertyHaloColor
Halos are blended colors drawn around a curve for purposes like selection
Public propertyHaloThickness
Halos are blended colors drawn around a curve for purposes like selection
Public propertyJoinStyle
How corners of curves are joined
Public propertyPatternBySegment
Restart patterns at corners in a curve
Public propertyPatternLengthInWorldUnits
If true, lengths in pattern definition are interpreted to be in world units. If false, screen pixel distances are used.
Public propertyPatternOffset
Offset to apply to pattern. If RhinoMath.UnsetSingle, then pattern is centered to keep even dash lengths at ends
Public propertyThickness
Thickness for stroke
Public propertyThicknessSpace
Coordinate system for the pen's thickness
See Also