Click or drag to resize

StatusBar Methods

The StatusBar type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberClearMessagePane
Removes the message from the message pane.
Public methodStatic memberHideProgressMeter
Ends, or hides, Rhino's status bar progress meter.
Public methodStatic memberHideProgressMeter(UInt32)
Ends, or hides, Rhino's status bar progress meter.
Public methodStatic memberSetDistancePane
Sets the distance pane to a distance value.
Public methodStatic memberSetMessagePane
Sets the message pane to a message.
Public methodStatic memberSetNumberPane
Sets the number pane to a number value
Public methodStatic memberSetPointPane
Sets the point pane to a point value.
Public methodStatic memberShowProgressMeter(Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Starts, or shows, Rhino's status bar progress meter.
Public methodStatic memberShowProgressMeter(UInt32, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Starts, or shows, Rhino's status bar progress meter.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateProgressMeter(Int32, Boolean)
Sets the current position of Rhino's status bar progress meter.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateProgressMeter(String, Int32, Boolean)
Sets the label and current position of Rhino's status bar progress meter.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateProgressMeter(UInt32, Int32, Boolean)
Sets the current position of Rhino's status bar progress meter.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateProgressMeter(UInt32, String, Int32, Boolean)
Sets the label and current position of Rhino's status bar progress meter.
See Also