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UtilitiesShowContentChooser Method (RhinoDoc, Guid, Guid, RenderContentKind, UtilitiesContentChooserFlags, String, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableGuid, Guid)

Shows the content chooser to allow the user to select a new or existing content, or multiple contents.

Namespace:  Rhino.Render
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 7.9
public static UtilitiesShowContentChooserResults ShowContentChooser(
	RhinoDoc doc,
	Guid defaultType,
	Guid defaultInstanceId,
	RenderContentKind kinds,
	UtilitiesContentChooserFlags flags,
	string presetCategory,
	IEnumerable<string> categories,
	IEnumerable<Guid> types,
	out Guid[] instanceIdsOut


Type: RhinoRhinoDoc
A Rhino document.
Type: SystemGuid
The content type that will be initially selected in the 'New' tab.
Type: SystemGuid
The content instance that will be initially selected in the 'Existing' tab.
Type: Rhino.RenderRenderContentKind
Semicolon-delimited string specifying which content kinds will be displayed.
Type: Rhino.RenderUtilitiesContentChooserFlags
Flags controlling the chooser (tabs to hide, type of selection).
Type: SystemString
Specifies the category to preset in the drop-down list on the 'New' tab. If this string is empty, the preset category will be 'All'.
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableString
Specifies the categories to display. Render contents that do not belong to one of these categories will not be listed. If this array is empty, all render contents from all categories will be listed.
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableGuid
Specifies content types to display. Contents that are not one of these types will not be listed. If this array is empty, all content types will be listed.
Type: SystemGuid
Array of UUID(s) of the chosen item(s). Depending on eRhRdkSccResult, this can accept type id(s) of content type(s) or instance id(s) of existing content(s).

Return Value

Type: UtilitiesShowContentChooserResults
The result of displaying the chooser.
See Also