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RhinoDocReplaceRhinoObject Event

Called if an object is about to be replaced. If both RhinoDoc.UndoActive() and RhinoDoc.RedoActive() return false, then immediately after the ReplaceObject event, there will be a DeleteObject event followed by an AddObject event. If either RhinoDoc.UndoActive() or RhinoDoc::RedoActive() return true, then immediately after the ReplaceObject event, there will be a DeleteObject event followed by an UndeleteObject event.

Namespace:  Rhino
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public static event EventHandler<RhinoReplaceObjectEventArgs> ReplaceRhinoObject


Type: SystemEventHandlerRhinoReplaceObjectEventArgs
See Also