Class PointCloudItem



color: object

Gets or sets the color of this point cloud item in js object format: {r:number, g:number, b:number)} where number is from 0 - 255 If this point cloud item does not have a color, System.Drawing.Color.Black is returned.

hidden: boolean

Gets or sets the hidden flag of this point cloud item. If this point cloud item does not have a hidden flag, false is returned.

index: number

Gets the index of this point cloud item.

location: number[]

Gets or sets the location of this point cloud item.

normal: number[]

Gets or sets the normal vector for this point cloud item. If this point cloud item does not have a normal vector, Vector3d.Unset is returned.

value: number
x: number

Gets or sets the X component of this point cloud item location.

y: number

Gets or sets the Y component of this point cloud item location.

z: number

Gets or sets the Z component of this point cloud item location.

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