Class EarthAnchorPoint



description: string

Gets or sets the long form of the identifying information about this location.

earthBasepointElevation: number

Gets or sets the point elevation on earth, in meters.

earthBasepointElevationZero: BasepointZero

Gets or sets a value indicating the zero level convention relating to a location on Earth.

earthBasepointLatitude: number

Gets or sets a point latitude on earth, in degrees. +90 = north pole, 0 = equator, -90 = south pole.

earthBasepointLongitude: number

Gets or sets the point longitude on earth, in degrees.

modelBasePoint: number[]

Corresponding model point in model coordinates.

modelEast: number[]

Earth directions in model coordinates.

modelNorth: number[]

Earth directions in model coordinates.

name: string

Gets or sets the short form of the identifying information about this location.


  • Returns boolean

    Boolean value, true if set else false


    Checks if the earth location is set or not.

  • Returns Plane

    A plane value. This might be invalid on error.


    Returns a plane in model coordinates whose X axis points East, Y axis points North and Z axis points Up. The origin is set to ModelBasepoint.

  • Parameters

    • modelUnitSystem: UnitSystem

      The model unit system.

    Returns Transform

    Transform on success. Invalid Transform on error.


    Gets a transformation from model coordinates to earth coordinates. This transformation assumes the model is small enough that the curvature of the earth can be ignored.

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