Specifies the number of steps for the fairing process. Fairing straightens rough feature edges.
Specifies whether or not to perform a fairing step. Fairing straightens rough feature edges.
Specifies how many faces the reduction post process should target.
Specifies whether to perform a mesh reduction as a post process to simplify the result of displacement.
Specifies how densely the object is initially subdivided. The lower the value, the higher the resolution of the displaced mesh.
Specifies which texture mapping channel is used for the displacement texture.
Specifies in megabytes how much memory can be allocated for use by the displacement mesh.
Specifies whether the displacement feature is enabled or not.
Specifies the maximum angle between face normals of adjacent faces that will get welded together.
Specifies how sensitive the divider for contrasts is on the displacement texture- Specify 1 to split all mesh edges on each refine step. Specify 0.99 to make even slight contrasts on the displacement texture cause edges to be split. Specifying 0.01 only splits edges where heavy contrast exists.
Specifies the number of refinement passes
Specifies which formula is used to calculate sweep resolution from initial quality.
Specifies whether the displacement feature is enabled or not.
Specifies the amount of displacement for the white color in the texture.
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Specifies the amount of displacement for the black color in the texture.