true if object can be accurately modified with "squishy" transformations like projections, shears, and non-uniform scaling.
Gets a value indicating whether or not the Brep is manifold. Non-Manifold breps have at least one edge that is shared among three or more faces.
Determines whether this brep is a solid, or a closed oriented manifold.
Returns true if the Brep has a single face and that face is geometrically the same as the underlying surface. I.e., the face has trivial trimming. In this case, the surface is the first face surface. The flag Brep.Faces[0].OrientationIsReversed records the correspondence between the surface's natural parametric orientation and the orientation of the Brep.trivial trimming here means that there is only one loop curve in the brep and that loop curve is the same as the underlying surface boundary.
Tests an object to see if it is valid.
Useful for switch statements that need to differentiate between basic object types like points, curves, surfaces, and so on.
Gets the amount of user strings.
An object of the same type as this, with the same properties and behavior.
Constructs a deep (full) copy of this object.
Gets the brep edges list accessor.
Gets the brep faces list accessor.
If true, a physically accurate bounding box will be computed. If not, a bounding box estimate will be computed. For some geometry types there is no difference between the estimate and the accurate bounding box. Estimated bounding boxes can be computed much (much) faster than accurate (or "tight") bounding boxes. Estimated bounding boxes are always similar to or larger than accurate bounding boxes.
The bounding box of the geometry in world coordinates or BoundingBox.Empty if not bounding box could be found.
Bounding box solver. Gets the world axis aligned bounding box for the geometry.
false if object cannot be converted to a deformable object. true if object was already deformable or was converted into a deformable object.
If possible, converts the object into a form that can be accurately modified with "squishy" transformations like projections, shears, an non-uniform scaling.
Angle of rotation in radians.
Direction of the axis of rotation.
Point on the axis of rotation.
true if geometry successfully rotated.
Rotates the object about the specified axis. A positive rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation about the axis (right hand rule).
Parametric surfaces used by faces
Transformation to apply to geometry.
true if geometry successfully transformed.
Transforms the geometry. If the input Transform has a SimilarityType of OrientationReversing, you may want to consider flipping the transformed geometry after calling this function when it makes sense. For example, you may want to call Flip() on a Brep after transforming it.
Gets the brep vertices list accessor.
createConstructs new brep that matches a bounding box.
A bounding box to use for creation.
A new brep; or null on failure.
createA cone value.
if true the base of the cone should be capped.
A Brep if successful, null on error.
Constructs a Brep representation of the cone with a single face for the cone, an edge along the cone seam, and vertices at the base and apex ends of this seam edge. The optional cap is a single face with one circular edge starting and ending at the base vertex.
createcylinder.IsFinite() must be true.
if true end at cylinder.m_height[0] should be capped.
if true end at cylinder.m_height[1] should be capped.
A Brep representation of the cylinder with a single face for the cylinder, an edge along the cylinder seam, and vertices at the bottom and top ends of this seam edge. The optional bottom/top caps are single faces with one circular edge starting and ending at the bottom/top vertex.
Constructs a Brep definition of a cylinder.
createif true, triangles in the mesh will be represented by trimmed planes in the brep. If false, triangles in the mesh will be represented by untrimmed singular bilinear NURBS surfaces in the brep.
Create a brep representation of a mesh
createThe surface of revolution.
if true, the start of the revolute is not on the axis of revolution, and the surface of revolution is closed, then a circular cap will be added to close of the hole at the start of the revolute.
if true, the end of the revolute is not on the axis of revolution, and the surface of revolution is closed, then a circular cap will be added to close of the hole at the end of the revolute.
A Brep if successful, null on error.
Constructs a brep form of a surface of revolution.
createA surface to convert.
Resulting brep or null on failure.
Constructs a Brep from a surface. The resulting Brep has an outer boundary made from four trims. The trims are ordered so that they run along the south, east, north, and then west side of the surface's parameter space.
decodeA json formatted object in the following format (values are orientative):
version: 10000,
archive3dm: 60,
opennurbs: -1877964208,
data: 'encoded 3dm object data'
Decodes a Rhino Object
tryGeometry to convert, not all types of GeometryBase can be represented by BReps.
Brep if a brep form could be created or null if this is not possible. If geometry was of type Brep to begin with, the same object is returned, i.e. it is not duplicated.
Attempts to convert a generic Geometry object into a Brep.
Generated using TypeDoc
Returns true if the Brep.TryConvertBrep function will be successful for this object