Rhino C++ API  8.12
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions


class  CArgsRhinoAnnotationLeader
class  CArgsRhinoGetArc
class  CArgsRhinoGetBox
class  CArgsRhinoGetCircle
 Input to the RhinoGetCircle() More...
class  CArgsRhinoGetCone
class  CArgsRhinoGetConeExtra
class  CArgsRhinoGetCurve
class  CArgsRhinoGetCylinder
class  CArgsRhinoGetCylinderEx
class  CArgsRhinoGetCylinderExtra
class  CArgsRhinoGetEllipse
class  CArgsRhinoGetFrame
class  CArgsRhinoGetLine
class  CArgsRhinoGetParabola
class  CArgsRhinoGetPicture
class  CArgsRhinoGetPlane
 Input to the RhinoGetPlane() and RhinoGetRectangle() functions. More...
class  CArgsRhinoGetPolygon
 SDK header stuff. More...
class  CArgsRhinoGetPolyline
class  CArgsRhinoGetSphere
class  CArgsRhinoGetSphereEx
class  CArgsRhinoGetSpiral
class  CArgsRhinoGetSubCurve
class  CArgsRhinoGetThickBox
class  CArgsRhinoGetTorus
class  CArgsRhinoGetTube
class  CArgsRhinoGetTubeExtra
class  CArgsRhinoRailRevolve
class  CArgsRhinoRevolve
class  CArgsRhinoText
class  CRhGetSubCurvePoint
class  CRhinoGet
class  CRhinoGetAngle
 CRhinoGetAngle. More...
class  CRhinoGetCancel
class  CRhinoGetColor
class  CRhinoGetDirection
class  CRhinoGetDistance
 CRhinoGetDistance. More...
class  CRhinoGetFileDialog
class  CRhinoGetFrameOnObject
class  CRhinoGetInteger
class  CRhinoGetMeshes
class  CRhinoGetNumber
class  CRhinoGetObject
class  CRhinoGetOption
class  CRhinoGetPoint
class  CRhinoGetRectangle
class  CRhinoGetRectangle3Point
class  CRhinoGetRectangleRounded
class  CRhinoGetString
class  CRhinoGetView
class  CRhinoGetXform
class  CRhinoMeshRef
class  CRhinoXformObjectList
struct  tagRH_LINE
 used by CRhinoGet::Line2d() to return 2d screen line. More...


#define POLYGON_MAX_NUMSIDES   50000


typedef struct tagRH_LINE RH_LINE
 used by CRhinoGet::Line2d() to return 2d screen line. More...


CRhinoCommand::result GetAnnotationLeader (const CRhinoDoc &doc, CArgsRhinoAnnotationLeader &dimargs, CRhinoAnnotationLeader *&output_leader, CRhinoHistory *history)
CRhinoCommand::result GetSubCurveRange (CArgsRhinoGetSubCurve &args, ON_Interval &range, bool bAdjustOrder=true)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCalculateCircleTanTan (const ON_Curve *c1, const ON_Curve *c2, double seed1, double seed2, ON_Circle &result)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCalculateCircleTanTanTan (const ON_Curve *c1, const ON_Curve *c2, const ON_Curve *c3, double seed1, double seed2, double seed3, ON_Circle &result)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int RhinoChooseOneObject (CRhinoView *view, POINT view_point, int objref_count, const CRhinoObjRef *objref_array, int *selected_object_index, int default_object_index=-1, ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoObject * > *visibility_hint=0, bool bShowAllOption=false)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCreateSpiral (CArgsRhinoGetSpiral &args, ON_NurbsCurve &curve_out)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCreateSpiral (const ON_Curve &rail, double rail_t0, double rail_t1, ON_3dPoint radius_point, double pitch, double turn_count, double radius0, double radius1, int points_per_turn, ON_NurbsCurve &curve_out)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCreateSpiral (ON_3dPoint axis_start, ON_3dVector axis_dir, ON_3dPoint radius_point, double pitch, double turn_count, double radius0, double radius1, ON_NurbsCurve &curve_out)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int RhinoCutPlane (const ON_Line &line_in, const ON_Plane &plane, const ON_BoundingBox &bbox, ON_3dPoint rect_out[4])
 four 3d corners of the output rectangle More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoViewRhinoGet2dRectangle (ON_4iRect &rect, int pen_style=PS_SOLID)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetArc (CArgsRhinoGetArc &, ON_Arc &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetBox (CArgsRhinoGetBox &args, ON_3dPoint box_corners[8], CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCCHTcone (CArgsRhinoGetTube &args, ON_Brep &Tcone)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircle (CArgsRhinoGetCircle &args, ON_Circle &output_circle)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircle2Point (CArgsRhinoGetCircle &args, ON_Circle &output_circle)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircle3Point (CArgsRhinoGetCircle &args, ON_Circle &output_circle)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircleCenterRadius (CArgsRhinoGetCircle &args, ON_Circle &output_circle)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircleFitPoints (CArgsRhinoGetCircle &args, ON_Circle &output_circle)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircleTTT (CArgsRhinoGetCircle &args, ON_Circle &output_circle)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetColor (const wchar_t *prompt, BOOL32 bAcceptNothing, BOOL32 bUseAlpha, ON_Color &output_color)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetColor (const wchar_t *prompt, BOOL32 bAcceptNothing, ON_Color &output_color)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCone (CArgsRhinoGetCone &args, ON_Cone &cone)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCone (CArgsRhinoGetConeExtra &args, ON_Cone &cone)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetControlPointCurve (CArgsRhinoGetCurve &args, ON_NurbsCurve &curve_out)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCylinder (CArgsRhinoGetCylinder &args, ON_Cylinder &cylinder)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCylinder (CArgsRhinoGetCylinderExtra &args, ON_Cylinder &cylinder)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipse (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 describe RhinoGetEllipse More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseAroundCurve (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 RhinoGetEllipseAroundCurve. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseCenter (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 RhinoGetEllipseCenter. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseCenterCorner (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 RhinoGetEllipseCenterCorner. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseCorner (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 RhinoGetEllipseCorner. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseDiameter (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 RhinoGetEllipseDiameter. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseFromFoci (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 RhinoGetEllipseFromFoci. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipsoid (CArgsRhinoGetEllipse &, ON_Ellipse &, ON_Ellipse &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
 describe RhinoGetEllipsoid More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileReaderIdFromFileName (const wchar_t *sFileName, ON_UUID &file_type_id, int &file_type_index)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileReaderIdFromFileNameExtension (const wchar_t *sFileNameExtension, ON_UUID &file_type_id, int &file_type_index)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileWriterIdFromFileName (const wchar_t *sFileName, ON_UUID &file_type_id, int &file_type_index)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileWriterIdFromFileNameExtension (const wchar_t *sFileNameExtension, ON_UUID &file_type_id, int &file_type_index)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetHelix (CArgsRhinoGetSpiral &args, ON_NurbsCurve &curve_out, CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetInteger (const wchar_t *prompt, BOOL32 bAcceptNothing, int &output_number, double lower_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE, double upper_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetInterpolatedCurve (CArgsRhinoGetCurve &args, ON_NurbsCurve &curve_out)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetInterpolatedCurveOnSurface (const ON_Surface *pS, ON_Curve **ppCout, CRhinoObjRef *pObjRefOut=0, ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > *pPointsOut=0)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetLine (CArgsRhinoGetLine &, ON_Line &, CRhinoHistory *=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetNumber (const wchar_t *prompt, BOOL32 bAcceptNothing, BOOL32 is_integer, double &output_number, double lower_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE, double upper_limit=ON_UNSET_VALUE)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetParabola (CArgsRhinoGetParabola &args, ON_BezierCurve &parabola_out, CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetParaboloid (CArgsRhinoGetParabola &args, ON_Brep *&paraboloid_out, CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPlane (CArgsRhinoGetPlane &arg, ON_Plane &plane, CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
 Gets an oriented infinite plane. More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPoint (const wchar_t *prompt, BOOL32 bAcceptNothing, ON_3dPoint &point)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPoint (const wchar_t *prompt, BOOL32 bAcceptNothing, ON_3dPoint &point, int history_value_id, CRhinoHistory *history)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPolygon (CArgsRhinoGetPolygon &args, ON_Polyline &polygon_out, CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
 interactive Polygon getter declaration More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPolyline (CArgsRhinoGetPolyline &args, ON_Polyline &output_polyline, CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetRailRevolveInput (CArgsRhinoRailRevolve &args)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetRectangle (CArgsRhinoGetPlane &args, ON_3dPoint rectangle_corners[4], CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetRevolve (CArgsRhinoRevolve &args, ON_SimpleArray< ON_RevSurface * > &srfs_out)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetSphere (CArgsRhinoGetSphere &args, ON_Sphere &output_sphere)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetSpiral (CArgsRhinoGetSpiral &args, ON_NurbsCurve &curve_out, CRhinoHistory *history=NULL)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetString (const wchar_t *prompt, BOOL32 bAcceptNothing, ON_wString &output_string)
CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetSubCurve (CArgsRhinoGetSubCurve &args, ON_Curve **pC_Out)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTcone (CArgsRhinoGetTube &args, ON_Brep &Tcone)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTcone (CArgsRhinoGetTubeExtra &args, ON_Brep &Tcone)
RHINO_SDK_CLASS CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTorus (CArgsRhinoGetTorus &args, ON_Torus &output_torus)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTube (CArgsRhinoGetTube &args, ON_Brep &Tube)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTube (CArgsRhinoGetTube &args, ON_Brep &Tube, bool bPromptForThickness, double &WallThickness)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTube (CArgsRhinoGetTubeExtra &args, ON_Brep &Tube)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoIs3dmBackupFileExtension (const wchar_t *sExtension)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoIs3dmBackupFileName (const wchar_t *sPath)
const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION wchar_t * RhinoPathFindFileExtension (const wchar_t *sPath)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_PlaneSurfaceRhinoPlaneThroughBox (const ON_Line &line_in, const ON_3dVector &vector_in, const ON_BoundingBox &bbox)
 bounding box through which to cut More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_PlaneSurfaceRhinoPlaneThroughBox (const ON_Plane &plane_in, const ON_BoundingBox &bbox)
 box through which to extend More...
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_NurbsSurfaceRhinoRailRevolve (const ON_Curve *provile_curve, const ON_Curve *rail_curve, const ON_Line &axis, bool bScaleHeight, ON_NurbsSurface *srf)
RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_SurfaceRhinoRevolve (ON_Curve *pProfile, ON_Line &axis, ON_Interval &domain, bool bDeformable=false, int pointcount=0)

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define POLYGON_MAX_NUMSIDES   50000



Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.


For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer.

Typedef Documentation


typedef struct tagRH_LINE RH_LINE

used by CRhinoGet::Line2d() to return 2d screen line.

Function Documentation

◆ GetAnnotationLeader()

CRhinoCommand::result GetAnnotationLeader ( const CRhinoDoc doc,
CArgsRhinoAnnotationLeader dimargs,
CRhinoAnnotationLeader *&  output_leader,
CRhinoHistory history 

Interactive leader drawing

◆ GetSubCurveRange()

CRhinoCommand::result GetSubCurveRange ( CArgsRhinoGetSubCurve args,
ON_Interval range,
bool  bAdjustOrder = true 
[out]range[out] - parameter range on args.curve
bAdjustOrderallow ordering of parameters to put smaller one first if this is false, return picks in the order they are made

◆ RhinoCalculateCircleTanTan()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCalculateCircleTanTan ( const ON_Curve c1,
const ON_Curve c2,
double  seed1,
double  seed2,
ON_Circle result 

Description: Calculates a circle that is tangent to 2 curves. Parameters: c1 [in] - The first curve. c2 [in] - The second curve. seed1 [in] - A seed parameter on the first curve. seed2 [in] - A seed parameter on the second curve. result [out] - The results of the calculation. Return: true or false indicating success or failure.

◆ RhinoCalculateCircleTanTanTan()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCalculateCircleTanTanTan ( const ON_Curve c1,
const ON_Curve c2,
const ON_Curve c3,
double  seed1,
double  seed2,
double  seed3,
ON_Circle result 

Description: Calculates a circle that is tangent to 3 curves. Parameters: c1 [in] - The first curve. c2 [in] - The second curve. c3 [in] - The third curve. seed1 [in] - A seed parameter on the first curve. seed2 [in] - A seed parameter on the second curve. seed3 [in] - A seed parameter on the third curve. result [out] - The results of the calculation. Return: true or false indicating success or failure.

◆ RhinoChooseOneObject()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int RhinoChooseOneObject ( CRhinoView view,
POINT  view_point,
int  objref_count,
const CRhinoObjRef objref_array,
int *  selected_object_index,
int  default_object_index = -1,
ON_SimpleArray< CRhinoObject * > *  visibility_hint = 0,
bool  bShowAllOption = false 

Description: Visual user interface tool to choose one object from a list. Parameters: view - [in] view where ambiguous pick occurred view_point - [in] window coordinates where ambiguous pick occurred. objref_count - [in] number of object references in objref_array[] objref_array - [in] selected_object_index - [out] index of selected object default_object_index - [in] if >= 0 and < objref_count, then this object is the default. visibility_hint - [in] By default, in a shaded view point pick, RhinoChooseOneObject() will ask the user show only visible candidates. If objects are were visible when the pick occurred but are no longer visible, then pass them in here. For example, if a wire frame object was selected when the pick occurred but was deselected before the call to RhinoChooseOneObject(), then pass its point in this array. bShowAllOption - [in] When true, "All" option is added to the list and when selected the return code is 4.

Returns: @untitle table 0 none selected 1 one selected 2 user canceled 3 one object selected - selection was automatically reduced to one by culling 4 "All" option selected

◆ RhinoCreateSpiral() [1/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCreateSpiral ( CArgsRhinoGetSpiral args,
ON_NurbsCurve curve_out 

Description: Calculates a spiral or helical curve based on set of input arguments. Note, RhinoGetHelix and RhinoCreateSpiral call this function to perform the actual curve calculation. Parameters: args - [in] The creation arguments. curve_out - [out] The resulting spiral or helical curve. Returns: True is successful, false otherwise. See Also: RhinoGetHelix RhinoGetSpiral

◆ RhinoCreateSpiral() [2/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCreateSpiral ( const ON_Curve rail,
double  rail_t0,
double  rail_t1,
ON_3dPoint  radius_point,
double  pitch,
double  turn_count,
double  radius0,
double  radius1,
int  points_per_turn,
ON_NurbsCurve curve_out 

Description: Low-level function to calculate the C2 non-rational uniform cubic NURBS approximation of a swept helix or spiral Parameters: rail - [in] The rail curve. rail_t0 - [in] Starting portion of rail curve's domain to sweep along. rail_t1 - [in] Ending portion of rail curve's domain to sweep along. radius_point - [in] Point used only to get a vector that is perpedicular to rail'(rail_t0). So (start_point-rail(rail_t0) must not be parallel to rail'(rail_t0). pitch - [in] The pitch (see Remarks). turn_count - [in] The turn count (see Remarks). radius0 - [in] Starting radius (see Remarks).
radius1 - [in] Ending radius (see Remarks). points_per_turn - [in] Number of points to interpolate per turn. Value must be >= 4. 12 seems to work well. curve_out - [out] The output NURBS curve Returns: True if successful, false otherwise. Remarks: If turn_count != 0, then the resulting helix will have this many turns. If turn_count == 0, then pitch must be != 0 and the approximate distance between turn will be set to pitch. Use positive turn_count/pitch for right handed helices and negative turn_count/pitch for left handed helices. At least radii one must be nonzero. Negative values are allowed.

◆ RhinoCreateSpiral() [3/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoCreateSpiral ( ON_3dPoint  axis_start,
ON_3dVector  axis_dir,
ON_3dPoint  radius_point,
double  pitch,
double  turn_count,
double  radius0,
double  radius1,
ON_NurbsCurve curve_out 

Description: Low-level function to calculate the C1 cubic NURBS approximation of a helix or spiral. Parameters: axis_start - [in] Helix's axis starting point or center of spiral. axis_dir - [in] Helix's axis vector or normal to spiral's plane. radius_point - [in] Point used only to get a vector that is perpedicular to the axis. In particular, this vector must not be (anti)parallel to the axis vector. pitch - [in] = 0 : Spiral > 0 : Distance between helix's "threads" turn_count - [in] != 0: Number of turns in spiral or helix. > 0 : Right handed or counter-clockwise orientation. < 0 : Left handed or clockwise orientation. Note, for a helix, turn_count * pitch = length of the helix's axis. radius0 - [in] Starting radius.
radius1 - [in] Ending radius. curve_out - [out] The output NURBS curve. Returns: True if successful, false otherwise. Remarks: For a helix, you may have r0 == r1. For a spiral r0 == r1 produces a circle. Zero and negative radii are permissible.

◆ RhinoCutPlane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION int RhinoCutPlane ( const ON_Line line_in,
const ON_Plane plane,
const ON_BoundingBox bbox,
ON_3dPoint  rect_out[4] 

four 3d corners of the output rectangle

Gets a bounded plane that cuts through a boundingbox The output rectangle is perpendicular to the input plane and parallel to the input line

line_inline included in the output rectangle
planeplane perpendicular to the output rectangle
bboxbounding box through which to cut

◆ RhinoGet2dRectangle()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoView* RhinoGet2dRectangle ( ON_4iRect rect,
int  pen_style = PS_SOLID 

Description: Get a rectangle in view window coordinates. Parameters: rect - [out] rectangle 0 <= left < right <= view width 0 <= top < bottom <= view height pen_style - [in] (default = PS_SOLID) style of pen to use for drawing the dynamic 2d rectangle. Returns: Pointer to the view the rectangle is in or NULL if the user canceled. Remarks: The user can either click_down-drag-release or click_down-release-drag-click_down to draw the rectangle. See Also: CRhinoGetPoint::Get2dRectangle

◆ RhinoGetArc()

◆ RhinoGetBox()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetBox ( CArgsRhinoGetBox args,
ON_3dPoint  box_corners[8],
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Description: Get a 3d box Parameters: args - [in] controls how the box is picked, prompts, etc. box_corners - [out] corners of the box.

     |\             |\
     | \            | \
     |  \ _____________\
     |   4          |   5
     |   |          |   |
     |   |          |   |
     3---|----------2   |
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      \  |           \  |
       \ |            \ |

◆ RhinoGetCCHTcone()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCCHTcone ( CArgsRhinoGetTube args,
ON_Brep Tcone 

Description: UI tool to get a tcone. Old style. Circle, circle, height. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. tcone - [out] tcone returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetCircle()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircle ( CArgsRhinoGetCircle args,
ON_Circle output_circle 

Global Utility function to interactively get a Circle Starts in Center/Radius mode. If an option is chosen for another construction method, switches to that method Used by the circle command

◆ RhinoGetCircle2Point()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircle2Point ( CArgsRhinoGetCircle args,
ON_Circle output_circle 

◆ RhinoGetCircle3Point()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircle3Point ( CArgsRhinoGetCircle args,
ON_Circle output_circle 

◆ RhinoGetCircleCenterRadius()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircleCenterRadius ( CArgsRhinoGetCircle args,
ON_Circle output_circle 

◆ RhinoGetCircleFitPoints()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircleFitPoints ( CArgsRhinoGetCircle args,
ON_Circle output_circle 

◆ RhinoGetCircleTTT()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircleTTT ( CArgsRhinoGetCircle args,
ON_Circle output_circle 

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCircleTTR( CArgsRhinoGetCircle& args, ON_Circle& output_circle, CRhinoHistory* history = NULL );

◆ RhinoGetColor() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetColor ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
BOOL32  bAcceptNothing,
BOOL32  bUseAlpha,
ON_Color output_color 

◆ RhinoGetColor() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetColor ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
BOOL32  bAcceptNothing,
ON_Color output_color 

Description: Easy to use color getter. Parameters: prompt - [in] command prompt bAcceptNothing - [in] if true, the user can press enter output_color - [out] color value returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - got color CRhinoCommand::nothing - user pressed enter CRhinoCommand::cancel - user cancel color getting Remarks: If you need options or more advanced user interface, then use CRhinoGetColor. See Also: CRhinoGetColor CRhinoGet::AddCommandOptionColor

◆ RhinoGetCone() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCone ( CArgsRhinoGetCone args,
ON_Cone cone 

Description: UI tool to get a cone. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. cone - [out] cone returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetCone() [2/2]

Description: New and improved UI tool to get a cone. Prompts for and maintains height. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. cone - [out] cone returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetControlPointCurve()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetControlPointCurve ( CArgsRhinoGetCurve args,
ON_NurbsCurve curve_out 

Description: Interactively get a control point curve. Parameters: args - [in/out] controls prompts and options available when getting the curve. curve_out - [out] curve returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - successfully got curve CRhinoCommand::cancel - user canceled CRhinoCommand::failure - unable to get valid curve Remarks: The Rhino "Curve" command uses RhinoGetControlPointCurve.

◆ RhinoGetCylinder() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCylinder ( CArgsRhinoGetCylinder args,
ON_Cylinder cylinder 

Description: UI tool to get a cylinder. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. cylinder - [out] cylinder returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetCylinder() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetCylinder ( CArgsRhinoGetCylinderExtra args,
ON_Cylinder cylinder 

Description: New and improved UI tool to get a cylinder. Prompts for and maintains height and also has a BothSides option. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. cylinder - [out] cylinder returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetEllipse()

describe RhinoGetEllipse

◆ RhinoGetEllipseAroundCurve()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseAroundCurve ( CArgsRhinoGetEllipse ,
ON_Ellipse ,
CRhinoHistory = NULL 


◆ RhinoGetEllipseCenter()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseCenter ( CArgsRhinoGetEllipse ,
ON_Ellipse ,
CRhinoHistory = NULL 


◆ RhinoGetEllipseCenterCorner()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseCenterCorner ( CArgsRhinoGetEllipse ,
ON_Ellipse ,
CRhinoHistory = NULL 


◆ RhinoGetEllipseCorner()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseCorner ( CArgsRhinoGetEllipse ,
ON_Ellipse ,
CRhinoHistory = NULL 


◆ RhinoGetEllipseDiameter()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseDiameter ( CArgsRhinoGetEllipse ,
ON_Ellipse ,
CRhinoHistory = NULL 


◆ RhinoGetEllipseFromFoci()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetEllipseFromFoci ( CArgsRhinoGetEllipse ,
ON_Ellipse ,
CRhinoHistory = NULL 


◆ RhinoGetEllipsoid()

describe RhinoGetEllipsoid

◆ RhinoGetFileReaderIdFromFileName()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileReaderIdFromFileName ( const wchar_t *  sFileName,
ON_UUID file_type_id,
int &  file_type_index 

Description: Determine if core Rhino or a file import plug-in can write files with the specified extension. Parameters: sFileName - [in] Full file path or file name. file_type_id - [out] nil: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. RhinoApp().RhinoCurrent_UUID(): The file extension is .3dm, .3dmbak or .3dm.bak. Otherwise: Id of a file import plug-in that reads files with the specified extension. file_type_index - [out] -1: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. >=0: File type index for this file.

◆ RhinoGetFileReaderIdFromFileNameExtension()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileReaderIdFromFileNameExtension ( const wchar_t *  sFileNameExtension,
ON_UUID file_type_id,
int &  file_type_index 

Description: Determine if core Rhino or a file import plug-in can write files with the specified extension. Parameters: sFileNameExtension - [in] FIle extension (leading "." is optional). file_type_id - [out] nil: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. RhinoApp().RhinoCurrent_UUID(): The file extension is .3dm, .3dmbak or .3dm.bak. Otherwise: Id of a file import plug-in that reads files with the specified extension. file_type_index - [out] -1: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. >=0: File type index for this file.

◆ RhinoGetFileWriterIdFromFileName()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileWriterIdFromFileName ( const wchar_t *  sFileName,
ON_UUID file_type_id,
int &  file_type_index 

Description: Determine if core Rhino or a file import plug-in can write files with the specified extension. Parameters: sFileName - [in] Full file path or file name. file_type_id - [out] nil: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. RhinoApp().RhinoCurrent_UUID(): The file extension is .3dm, .3dmbak or .3dm.bak. Otherwise: Id of a file import plug-in that reads files with the specified extension. file_type_index - [out] -1: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. >=0: File type index for this file.

◆ RhinoGetFileWriterIdFromFileNameExtension()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoGetFileWriterIdFromFileNameExtension ( const wchar_t *  sFileNameExtension,
ON_UUID file_type_id,
int &  file_type_index 

Description: Determine if core Rhino or a file import plug-in can write files with the specified extension. Parameters: sFileNameExtension - [in] FIle extension (leading "." is optional). file_type_id - [out] nil: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. RhinoApp().RhinoCurrent_UUID(): The file extension is .3dm, .3dmbak or .3dm.bak. Otherwise: Id of a file import plug-in that reads files with the specified extension. file_type_index - [out] -1: Nothing in Rhino can read files with this extension. >=0: File type index for this file.

◆ RhinoGetHelix()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetHelix ( CArgsRhinoGetSpiral args,
ON_NurbsCurve curve_out,
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Description: Interactively creates a helical curve. Parameters: args - [in/out] The creation arguments. curve_out - [out] The resulting helical curve. history - [out] Optional history. Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful. See Also: RhinoGetSpiral RhinoCreateSpiral

◆ RhinoGetInteger()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetInteger ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
BOOL32  bAcceptNothing,
int &  output_number,
double  lower_limit = ON_UNSET_VALUE,
double  upper_limit = ON_UNSET_VALUE 

Description: Easy to use integer getter. Parameters: prompt - [in] command prompt bAcceptNothing - [in] if true, the user can press enter output_integer - [in/out] default integer to this value and integer value returned here lower_limit - [in] Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - got integer CRhinoCommand::nothing - user pressed enter CRhinoCommand::cancel - user cancel integer getting Remarks: If you need options or more advanced user interface, then use CRhinoGetinteger. See Also: CRhinoGetInteger CRhinoGet::AddCommandOptioninteger

◆ RhinoGetInterpolatedCurve()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetInterpolatedCurve ( CArgsRhinoGetCurve args,
ON_NurbsCurve curve_out 

Description: Interactively get an interpolated curve. Parameters: args - [in/out] controls prompts and options available when getting the curve. curve_out - [out] curve returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - successfully got curve CRhinoCommand::cancel - user canceled CRhinoCommand::failure - unable to get valid curve Remarks: The Rhino "InterpCrv" command uses RhinoGetInterpolatedCurve.

◆ RhinoGetInterpolatedCurveOnSurface()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetInterpolatedCurveOnSurface ( const ON_Surface pS,
ON_Curve **  ppCout,
CRhinoObjRef pObjRefOut = 0,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_2dPoint > *  pPointsOut = 0 

Description: Interactively get an interpolated curve on surface. Parameters: pS - [in] surface on which to draw curve, or NULL to prompt user ppCout - [out] curve returned here pObjRefOut - [out] optionally the picked face is returned here if pS = NULL pPointsOut - [out] optionally the picked 2d points are returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - successfully got curve CRhinoCommand::cancel - user canceled CRhinoCommand::failure - unable to get valid curve Remarks: The Rhino "InterpCrvOnSrf" command uses RhinoGetInterpolatedCurveOnSurface.

◆ RhinoGetLine()

Description: Use RhinoGetLine() to interactively get an ON_Line. The Rhino "Line" command uses RhinoGetLine. Use the CArgsRhinoGetLine argument to specify input options like prompts, fixed starting points, and so on. See CArgsRhinoGetLine for complete details. The line is returned as the second argument. If you are getting a line in a command and want to provide history support, then pass a pointer to a CRhinoHistory class as the third argument.

◆ RhinoGetNumber()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetNumber ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
BOOL32  bAcceptNothing,
BOOL32  is_integer,
double &  output_number,
double  lower_limit = ON_UNSET_VALUE,
double  upper_limit = ON_UNSET_VALUE 

Description: Easy to use number getter. Parameters: prompt - [in] command prompt bAcceptNothing - [in] if true, the user can press enter is_integer - [in] if true then value constrainded to integer value output_number - [in/out] default number to this value and number value returned here lower_limit - [in] Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - got number CRhinoCommand::nothing - user pressed enter CRhinoCommand::cancel - user cancel number getting Remarks: If you need options or more advanced user interface, then use CRhinoGetNumber. See Also: CRhinoGetInteger CRhinoGet::AddCommandOptionNumber

◆ RhinoGetParabola()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetParabola ( CArgsRhinoGetParabola args,
ON_BezierCurve parabola_out,
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Description: UI tool to get a parabola curve. Parameters: args - [in/out] used to specify ui elements and return user choices, focus, and vertex. parabola_out - [out] parabola returned here history - [out] optional history information returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetParaboloid()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetParaboloid ( CArgsRhinoGetParabola args,
ON_Brep *&  paraboloid_out,
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Description: UI tool to get a paraboloid surface or solid. Parameters: args - [in/out] used to specify ui elements and return user choices, focus, and vertex. paraboloid_out - [out] paraboloid returned here history - [out] optional history information returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetPlane()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPlane ( CArgsRhinoGetPlane arg,
ON_Plane plane,
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Gets an oriented infinite plane.

◆ RhinoGetPoint() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPoint ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
BOOL32  bAcceptNothing,
ON_3dPoint point 

Copyright (c) 1993-2021 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.


For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer. Description: Easy to use point getter. Parameters: prompt - [in] command prompt bAcceptNothing - [in] if true, the user can press enter point - [out] point value returned here history_value_id - [in] optional history value id. If history_value_id > 0 and history != NULL, and a snap is used to create the point, then a PointOnObject value is added. history - [in/out] optional history record Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - got point CRhinoCommand::nothing - user pressed enter CRhinoCommand::cancel - user cancel point getting Remarks: If you need options or more advanced user interface, then use CRhinoGetPoint.

◆ RhinoGetPoint() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPoint ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
BOOL32  bAcceptNothing,
ON_3dPoint point,
int  history_value_id,
CRhinoHistory history 

◆ RhinoGetPolygon()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPolygon ( CArgsRhinoGetPolygon args,
ON_Polyline polygon_out,
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

interactive Polygon getter declaration

[out]polygon_out[out] Polygon returned here
[out]history[out] optional history returned here

◆ RhinoGetPolyline()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetPolyline ( CArgsRhinoGetPolyline args,
ON_Polyline output_polyline,
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Description: Interactively get a polyline. Parameters: args - [in/out] controls prompts and options available when getting the polyline. output_polyline - [out] polyline returned here history - [out] optional history record. Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - successfully go polyline CRhinoCommand::cancel - user canceled CRhinoCommand::failure - unable to get valid polyline Remarks: The Rhino "Polyline" command uses RhinoGetPolyline.

◆ RhinoGetRailRevolveInput()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetRailRevolveInput ( CArgsRhinoRailRevolve args)

Description: Interactively get input for RhinoRailRevolve. Parameters: CArgsRhinoRailRevolve& args - [in/out] Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if valid input was specified. See Also: RhinoRailRevolve

◆ RhinoGetRectangle()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetRectangle ( CArgsRhinoGetPlane args,
ON_3dPoint  rectangle_corners[4],
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Description: Get a 3d rectangle. Parameters: args - [in] rectangle_corners - [out] corners of rectangle in counter clockwise order history - [in/out] Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful. See Also: RhinoGetScreenRectangle

rectangle_cornersoutput ordered counter clockwise
historyoptional history recorder

◆ RhinoGetRevolve()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetRevolve ( CArgsRhinoRevolve args,
ON_SimpleArray< ON_RevSurface * > &  srfs_out 
Obsolete - do not use.

◆ RhinoGetSphere()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetSphere ( CArgsRhinoGetSphere args,
ON_Sphere output_sphere 

◆ RhinoGetSpiral()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetSpiral ( CArgsRhinoGetSpiral args,
ON_NurbsCurve curve_out,
CRhinoHistory history = NULL 

Description: Interactively creates a spiral curve. Parameters: args - [in/out] The creation arguments. curve_out - [out] The resulting spiral curve. history - [out] Optional history. Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful. See Also: RhinoGetHelix RhinoCreateSpiral

◆ RhinoGetString()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetString ( const wchar_t *  prompt,
BOOL32  bAcceptNothing,
ON_wString output_string 

Description: Easy to use string getter. Parameters: prompt - [in] command prompt bAcceptNothing - [in] if true, the user can press enter output_string - [in/out] default string set to this value and string value returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success - got string CRhinoCommand::nothing - user pressed enter CRhinoCommand::cancel - user cancel string getting Remarks: If you need options or more advanced user interface, then use CRhinoGetString. See Also: CRhinoGetString CRhinoGet::AddCommandOption

◆ RhinoGetSubCurve()

CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetSubCurve ( CArgsRhinoGetSubCurve args,
ON_Curve **  pC_Out 
[out]pC_Out[out] curve returned here

◆ RhinoGetTcone() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTcone ( CArgsRhinoGetTube args,
ON_Brep Tcone 

Description: UI tool to get a tcone. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. tcone - [out] tcone returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetTcone() [2/2]

Description: UI tool to get a tcone. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. tcone - [out] tcone returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetTorus()

RHINO_SDK_CLASS CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTorus ( CArgsRhinoGetTorus args,
ON_Torus output_torus 

◆ RhinoGetTube() [1/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTube ( CArgsRhinoGetTube args,
ON_Brep Tube 

Description: UI tool to get a tube. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. tube - [out] tube returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetTube() [2/3]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION CRhinoCommand::result RhinoGetTube ( CArgsRhinoGetTube args,
ON_Brep Tube,
bool  bPromptForThickness,
double &  WallThickness 

Description: UI tool to get a tube. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. tube - [out] tube returned here bPromptForThickness - [in] determines whether to prompt for WallThickness WallThickness - [in] initial value for WallThickness, used if bPromptForThickness is true Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoGetTube() [3/3]

Description: New and improved UI tool to get a tube. Wraps Thickness stuff into the args class and also has a BothSides option. Parameters: args - [in] controls get point prompts, options, etc. tube - [out] tube returned here Returns: CRhinoCommand::success if successful.

◆ RhinoIs3dmBackupFileExtension()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoIs3dmBackupFileExtension ( const wchar_t *  sExtension)

Parameters: sExtension - [in] file extension beginning with a "." Returns: True if sExtension is ".3dmbak" or ".3dm.bak".

◆ RhinoIs3dmBackupFileName()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION bool RhinoIs3dmBackupFileName ( const wchar_t *  sPath)

Parameters: sPath - [in] name of file. Returns: True if the file name ends in ".3dmbak" or ".3dm.bak".

◆ RhinoPathFindFileExtension()

const RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION wchar_t* RhinoPathFindFileExtension ( const wchar_t *  sPath)

Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.


For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer. Description: Find the extension of the filename passed in as sPath. This function is required to properly handle the name.ext.bak files Rhino 4 and early beta versions of Rhino 5 created. Parameters: sPath - [in] A null terminated string that contains the path to search. Returns If the sPath parameter is null, then a null is returned. If no extension is found, then a null is returned (this is different than Windows' PathFindExtension() which returns a pointer to the null terminator in sPath. If the sPath parameter is not a null and a valid extension exists, then the address of the "." that precedes the extension is returned. Remarks: The RhinoPathFindFileExtension() function works like the as Windows' PathFindExtension(), with three exceptions: 1) RhinoPathFindFileExtension() will return ".ext.bak" when sPath is "filename.ext.back" while Windows' PathFindExtension() will return ".bak". 2) RhinoPathFindFileExtension() returns null in all other cases. 3) RhinoPathFindFileExtension() dow not limit path names to MAX_PATH characters.

Note: Valid Windows extensions cannot contain spaces.

◆ RhinoPlaneThroughBox() [1/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_PlaneSurface* RhinoPlaneThroughBox ( const ON_Line line_in,
const ON_3dVector vector_in,
const ON_BoundingBox bbox 

bounding box through which to cut

Description Make a plane that includes a line and a vector and goes through a bounding box Parameters: [in] line_in - line in the plane [in] vector_in - vector in the plane [in] bbox - box to cut through Returns: ON_PlaneSurface - a plane that goes thriugh the box NULL for error Remarks: Makes a plane from the line and vector and projects the corners of the box to it

line_inline contained it returned plane
vector_invector contained in returned plane

◆ RhinoPlaneThroughBox() [2/2]

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_PlaneSurface* RhinoPlaneThroughBox ( const ON_Plane plane_in,
const ON_BoundingBox bbox 

box through which to extend

Description Extend a plane so that it goes through a bounding box Parameters: [in] line_in - line in the plane [in] vector_in - vector in the plane [in] bbox - box to cut through Returns: ON_PlaneSurface - a plane that goes through the box NULL for error Remarks: Projects the corners of the box to the plane and sets the domain to include the projections

plane_inplane to extend through box

◆ RhinoRailRevolve()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_NurbsSurface* RhinoRailRevolve ( const ON_Curve provile_curve,
const ON_Curve rail_curve,
const ON_Line axis,
bool  bScaleHeight,
ON_NurbsSurface srf 

Description: Create a rail revolve surface. Parameters: profile_curve - [in] rail_curve - [in] axis - [in] bScaleHeight - [in] srf - [in] Example:

      CArgsRhinoRailRevolve args;
      CRhinoCommand::result cmdrc = RhinoGetRailRevolveInput(args);
      if ( CRhinoCommand::success == cmdrc )
        ON_NurbsSurface* srf = RhinoRailRevolve( 


Returns: If successful, a pointer to the surface is returned. If the input srf pointer was not NULL, then the returned point = srf. If the input srf point was NULL, then the returned surface was allocated with ON_NurbsCurve::New(). See Also: RhinoGetRailRevolveInput

◆ RhinoRevolve()

RHINO_SDK_FUNCTION ON_Surface* RhinoRevolve ( ON_Curve pProfile,
ON_Line axis,
ON_Interval domain,
bool  bDeformable = false,
int  pointcount = 0 

Description: Non-interactive Rotated Surface maker Make 1 Revolved Surface from 1 profile, axis, and angle domain Parameters: pProfile [in] - The curve to revolve axis [in] - Revolve around this line domain [in] - starting and ending angles for the revolve Returns: Pointer to the Revolved surface or NULL on error