Rhino C++ API  8.12
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CArgsRhinoGetPlane Class Reference

Input to the RhinoGetPlane() and RhinoGetRectangle() functions. More...

#include <rhinoSdkGetPlane.h>

Inheritance diagram for CArgsRhinoGetPlane:
CArgsRhinoGetBox CArgsRhinoGetPicture CArgsRhinoGetThickBox

Public Types

enum  {
  mode_corners, mode_3point, mode_vertical, mode_center,
  mode_3point_mid, mode_3point_center
enum  { corner_arc = 0, corner_conic = 1, corner_chamfer = 2 }
enum  { plane_type = 0, box_type = 1, plane_type_ex = 2, detail_type = 3 }

Public Member Functions

 CArgsRhinoGetPlane ()
 CArgsRhinoGetPlane (const CArgsRhinoGetPlane &src)
virtual ~CArgsRhinoGetPlane ()
void AcceptNothing (bool bAcceptNothing=true)
 Like CRhinoGet::AcceptNothing(). More...
virtual void AddExtraOptions (CRhinoGetPoint &gp)
 Allows for adding extra command options during RhinoGetRectangle. More...
BOOL32 Allow3Point ()
BOOL32 AllowCenter ()
BOOL32 AllowCorners ()
BOOL32 AllowDeformable () const
BOOL32 AllowForceAspectRatio ()
BOOL32 AllowRounded ()
BOOL32 AllowVertical ()
int ArgsType () const
 return type of args class plane or derived box More...
int CornerMode ()
double CornerRadius ()
double CornerRho ()
int CurrentMode ()
BOOL32 Deformable () const
bool DrawPicture ()
std::function< void(const ON_3dPoint[4])> DynamicRectangleCallback () const
virtual bool ExtraOptionsAtStart () const
ON_Color FeedbackColor () const
 color used to draw feedback line More...
int FirstDirectionCount () const
 number of faces in first direction More...
int FirstDirectionMinCount () const
const CRhinoCommandOptionNameFirstMeshDensityDirectionPrompt () const
 prompt for number of faces in first direction More...
const ON_3dPointFirstPoint () const
const wchar_t * FirstPointPrompt3Point () const
 prompt when getting first corner More...
const wchar_t * FirstPointPromptCenter () const
 prompt when getting center in center mode More...
const wchar_t * FirstPointPromptCorners () const
 prompt when getting first corner More...
const wchar_t * FirstPointPromptVertical () const
 prompt when getting first corner More...
double ForcedAspectRatio ()
virtual void HandleExtraOptions (const CRhinoGetPoint &gp)
BOOL32 HaveFirstPoint () const
BOOL32 HavePlane () const
BOOL32 HaveSecondPoint () const
BOOL32 HaveThirdPoint () const
double Length ()
CArgsRhinoGetPlaneoperator= (const CArgsRhinoGetPlane &src)
const wchar_t * PictureFileName () const
const ON_PlanePlane () const
bool PromptForMeshDensity () const
BOOL32 Rounded ()
int SecondDirectionCount () const
 number of faces in second direction More...
int SecondDirectionMinCount () const
const CRhinoCommandOptionNameSecondMeshDensityDirectionPrompt () const
 prompt for number of faces in second direction More...
const ON_3dPointSecondPoint () const
const wchar_t * SecondPointPrompt3Point () const
 prompt when getting second point in 3 point mode More...
const wchar_t * SecondPointPromptCenter () const
 prompt when getting corner in center mode More...
const wchar_t * SecondPointPromptCorners () const
 prompt when getting opposite corner More...
const wchar_t * SecondPointPromptVertical () const
 prompt when getting second point in vertical mode More...
void SetAllow3Point (BOOL32 allow=TRUE)
void SetAllowCenter (BOOL32 allow=TRUE)
void SetAllowCorners (BOOL32 allow=TRUE)
void SetAllowDeformable (BOOL32 b=TRUE)
void SetAllowForceAspectRatio (BOOL32 allow=TRUE)
void SetAllowRounded (BOOL32 allow=FALSE)
void SetAllowVertical (BOOL32 allow=TRUE)
void SetCornerMode (int mode=corner_arc)
void SetCornerRadius (double radius)
void SetCornerRho (double rho)
void SetCurrentMode (int mode=mode_corners)
void SetDeformable (BOOL32 bDeformable=TRUE)
void SetDynamicRectangleCallback (std::function< void(const ON_3dPoint[4])> callback)
void SetFeedbackColor (COLORREF color)
void SetFirstDirectionCount (int count)
void SetFirstDirectionMinCount (int count)
void SetFirstMeshDensityDirectionPrompt (const CRhinoCommandOptionName &)
void SetFirstPoint (const ON_3dPoint &base)
void SetFirstPointPrompt3Point (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetFirstPointPromptCenter (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetFirstPointPromptCorners (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetFirstPointPromptVertical (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetForcedAspectRatio (double forced_aspect_ratio)
void SetHaveFirstPoint (BOOL32 b=TRUE)
void SetHavePlane (BOOL32 b=TRUE)
void SetHaveSecondPoint (BOOL32 b=TRUE)
void SetHaveThirdPoint (BOOL32 b=TRUE)
void SetLength (double length)
void SetPictureFileNameAndSize (const wchar_t *filename, int width, int height)
void SetPlane (const ON_Plane &plane)
void SetPromptForMeshDensity (bool bMeshDensity=true)
void SetRounded (BOOL32 allow=FALSE)
void SetSecondDirectionCount (int count)
void SetSecondDirectionMinCount (int count)
void SetSecondMeshDensityDirectionPrompt (const CRhinoCommandOptionName &)
void SetSecondPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point)
void SetSecondPointPrompt3Point (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetSecondPointPromptCenter (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetSecondPointPromptCorners (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetSecondPointPromptVertical (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetThirdDirectionCount (int count)
void SetThirdDirectionMinCount (int count)
void SetThirdMeshDensityDirectionPrompt (const CRhinoCommandOptionName &)
void SetThirdPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point)
void SetThirdPointPrompt3Point (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetThirdPointPromptVertical (const wchar_t *prompt)
void SetUDegree (int degree)
void SetUPointCount (int count)
void SetUseActiveLayerLinetype (bool on)
 When true the linetype of the active layer is used for dynamic drawing. More...
void SetVDegree (int degree)
void SetVPointCount (int count)
void SetWidth (double width)
int ThirdDirectionCount () const
 number of faces in third direction More...
int ThirdDirectionMinCount () const
const CRhinoCommandOptionNameThirdMeshDensityDirectionPrompt () const
 prompt for number of faces in third direction More...
const ON_3dPointThirdPoint () const
const wchar_t * ThirdPointPrompt3Point () const
 prompt when getting opposite side in 3point mode More...
const wchar_t * ThirdPointPromptVertical () const
 prompt when getting opposite side in vertical mode More...
int UDegree () const
int UPointCount () const
bool UseActiveLayerLinetype () const
int VDegree () const
int VPointCount () const
double Width ()

Public Attributes

bool m_bAcceptNothing
int m_simple_option_index
ON_ClassArray< CRhinoCommandOptionNamem_simple_options
 input - simple options to add to the first prompt; More...

Protected Attributes

BOOL32 m_allow_3point
BOOL32 m_allow_center
BOOL32 m_allow_corners
 allow switching to respective modes for interactive input More...
BOOL32 m_allow_deformable
BOOL32 m_allow_rounded
BOOL32 m_allow_vertical
int m_ArgsType
int m_corner_mode
double m_corner_radius
double m_corner_rho
int m_current_mode
 starting mode - corners, 3pt, vertical More...
BOOL32 m_deformable
ON_Color m_dynamic_line_color
 color to use when drawing dynamic line while getting second corner More...
std::function< void(const ON_3dPoint[4])> m_dynamicRectangleCallback
ON_3dPoint m_firstpoint
 called-supplied first corner ot the rectangle More...
BOOL32 m_force_aspect_ratio
double m_forced_aspect_ratio
BOOL32 m_havefirstpoint
BOOL32 m_haveplane
BOOL32 m_havesecondpoint
BOOL32 m_havethirdpoint
double m_length
int m_mesh_density_1stDirection
int m_mesh_density_2ndDirection
int m_mesh_density_3rdDirection
CRhinoCommandOptionName m_mesh_density_first_direction
int m_mesh_density_Min1stDirection
int m_mesh_density_Min2ndDirection
int m_mesh_density_Min3rdDirection
CRhinoCommandOptionName m_mesh_density_second_direction
CRhinoCommandOptionName m_mesh_density_third_direction
ON_wString m_picture_filename
 file used to draw picture or bitmap image dynamically More...
ON_Plane m_plane
 plane on which the rectangle will lie More...
ON_wString m_prompt_first_point_3point
 prompt when getting first corner in 3 point mode More...
ON_wString m_prompt_first_point_center
 prompt when getting center in center mode More...
ON_wString m_prompt_first_point_corners
 prompt when getting first corner in corners mode More...
ON_wString m_prompt_first_point_vertical
 prompt when getting first corner in vertical mode More...
ON_wString m_prompt_second_point_3point
 prompt when getting opposite corner or second end of first edge More...
ON_wString m_prompt_second_point_center
 prompt when getting corner in center mode More...
ON_wString m_prompt_second_point_corners
 prompt when getting opposite corner or second end of first edge More...
ON_wString m_prompt_second_point_vertical
 prompt when getting the second point in vertical mode More...
ON_wString m_prompt_third_point_3point
 prompt when getting point on opposite side in 3 point mode More...
ON_wString m_prompt_third_point_vertical
 prompt when getting point on opposite side in 3 point mode More...
bool m_PromptForMeshDensity
BOOL32 m_rounded
ON_3dPoint m_secondpoint
 called-supplied second end of first edge More...
ON_3dPoint m_thirdpoint
 called-supplied third point in rect3pt mode More...
int m_ucount
int m_udegree
int m_vcount
int m_vdegree
double m_width

Detailed Description

Input to the RhinoGetPlane() and RhinoGetRectangle() functions.

Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates.


For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CArgsRhinoGetPlane() [1/2]

CArgsRhinoGetPlane::CArgsRhinoGetPlane ( )

◆ ~CArgsRhinoGetPlane()

virtual CArgsRhinoGetPlane::~CArgsRhinoGetPlane ( )

◆ CArgsRhinoGetPlane() [2/2]

CArgsRhinoGetPlane::CArgsRhinoGetPlane ( const CArgsRhinoGetPlane src)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptNothing()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AcceptNothing ( bool  bAcceptNothing = true)

◆ AddExtraOptions()

virtual void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AddExtraOptions ( CRhinoGetPoint gp)

Allows for adding extra command options during RhinoGetRectangle.

Reimplemented in CArgsRhinoGetPicture.

◆ Allow3Point()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::Allow3Point ( )

◆ AllowCenter()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AllowCenter ( )

◆ AllowCorners()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AllowCorners ( )

◆ AllowDeformable()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AllowDeformable ( ) const

◆ AllowForceAspectRatio()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AllowForceAspectRatio ( )

◆ AllowRounded()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AllowRounded ( )

◆ AllowVertical()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::AllowVertical ( )

◆ ArgsType()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ArgsType ( ) const

return type of args class plane or derived box

◆ CornerMode()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::CornerMode ( )

◆ CornerRadius()

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::CornerRadius ( )

◆ CornerRho()

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::CornerRho ( )

◆ CurrentMode()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::CurrentMode ( )

◆ Deformable()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::Deformable ( ) const

◆ DrawPicture()

bool CArgsRhinoGetPlane::DrawPicture ( )

◆ DynamicRectangleCallback()

std::function<void(const ON_3dPoint[4])> CArgsRhinoGetPlane::DynamicRectangleCallback ( ) const

Description: Get callback function for doing custom dynamic drawing Returns: Callback function Remarks: Good for custom drawing when calling RhinoGetRectangle

◆ ExtraOptionsAtStart()

virtual bool CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ExtraOptionsAtStart ( ) const

Interface for subclasses adding extra options. Return true if you want to add extra options to the start of the command option list false for options at the end Default is false

◆ FeedbackColor()

ON_Color CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FeedbackColor ( ) const

color used to draw feedback line

◆ FirstDirectionCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstDirectionCount ( ) const

number of faces in first direction

◆ FirstDirectionMinCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstDirectionMinCount ( ) const

◆ FirstMeshDensityDirectionPrompt()

const CRhinoCommandOptionName& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstMeshDensityDirectionPrompt ( ) const

prompt for number of faces in first direction

◆ FirstPoint()

const ON_3dPoint& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstPoint ( ) const

◆ FirstPointPrompt3Point()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstPointPrompt3Point ( ) const

prompt when getting first corner

◆ FirstPointPromptCenter()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstPointPromptCenter ( ) const

prompt when getting center in center mode

◆ FirstPointPromptCorners()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstPointPromptCorners ( ) const

prompt when getting first corner

◆ FirstPointPromptVertical()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::FirstPointPromptVertical ( ) const

prompt when getting first corner

◆ ForcedAspectRatio()

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ForcedAspectRatio ( )

◆ HandleExtraOptions()

virtual void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::HandleExtraOptions ( const CRhinoGetPoint gp)

Reimplemented in CArgsRhinoGetPicture.

◆ HaveFirstPoint()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::HaveFirstPoint ( ) const

◆ HavePlane()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::HavePlane ( ) const

◆ HaveSecondPoint()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::HaveSecondPoint ( ) const

◆ HaveThirdPoint()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::HaveThirdPoint ( ) const

◆ Length()

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::Length ( )

◆ operator=()

CArgsRhinoGetPlane& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::operator= ( const CArgsRhinoGetPlane src)

◆ PictureFileName()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::PictureFileName ( ) const

◆ Plane()

const ON_Plane& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::Plane ( ) const

Set or get a plane to which the rectangle is constrained If none is set, the construction plane of the current viewport is used The base point is snapped to this plane

◆ PromptForMeshDensity()

bool CArgsRhinoGetPlane::PromptForMeshDensity ( ) const

◆ Rounded()

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::Rounded ( )

◆ SecondDirectionCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondDirectionCount ( ) const

number of faces in second direction

◆ SecondDirectionMinCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondDirectionMinCount ( ) const

◆ SecondMeshDensityDirectionPrompt()

const CRhinoCommandOptionName& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondMeshDensityDirectionPrompt ( ) const

prompt for number of faces in second direction

◆ SecondPoint()

const ON_3dPoint& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondPoint ( ) const

◆ SecondPointPrompt3Point()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondPointPrompt3Point ( ) const

prompt when getting second point in 3 point mode

◆ SecondPointPromptCenter()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondPointPromptCenter ( ) const

prompt when getting corner in center mode

◆ SecondPointPromptCorners()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondPointPromptCorners ( ) const

prompt when getting opposite corner

◆ SecondPointPromptVertical()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SecondPointPromptVertical ( ) const

prompt when getting second point in vertical mode

◆ SetAllow3Point()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllow3Point ( BOOL32  allow = TRUE)

◆ SetAllowCenter()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllowCenter ( BOOL32  allow = TRUE)

◆ SetAllowCorners()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllowCorners ( BOOL32  allow = TRUE)

Set or Get whether to allow the respective interactive modes Default is to allow them all

◆ SetAllowDeformable()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllowDeformable ( BOOL32  b = TRUE)

◆ SetAllowForceAspectRatio()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllowForceAspectRatio ( BOOL32  allow = TRUE)

◆ SetAllowRounded()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllowRounded ( BOOL32  allow = FALSE)

◆ SetAllowVertical()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllowVertical ( BOOL32  allow = TRUE)

◆ SetCornerMode()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetCornerMode ( int  mode = corner_arc)

◆ SetCornerRadius()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetCornerRadius ( double  radius)

◆ SetCornerRho()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetCornerRho ( double  rho)

◆ SetCurrentMode()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetCurrentMode ( int  mode = mode_corners)

Set or get the starting mode for getting input Default is start_corners

◆ SetDeformable()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetDeformable ( BOOL32  bDeformable = TRUE)

◆ SetDynamicRectangleCallback()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetDynamicRectangleCallback ( std::function< void(const ON_3dPoint[4])>  callback)

Description: Set callback function for doing custom dynamic drawing Parameters: callback [in] Callback function for dynamic drawing Remarks: Good for custom drawing when calling RhinoGetRectangle

◆ SetFeedbackColor()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFeedbackColor ( COLORREF  color)

◆ SetFirstDirectionCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstDirectionCount ( int  count)

◆ SetFirstDirectionMinCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstDirectionMinCount ( int  count)

◆ SetFirstMeshDensityDirectionPrompt()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstMeshDensityDirectionPrompt ( const CRhinoCommandOptionName )

◆ SetFirstPoint()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstPoint ( const ON_3dPoint base)

Set or get the basepoint used for the first corner of the rectangle If one isn't supplied, the user is prompted for one

◆ SetFirstPointPrompt3Point()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstPointPrompt3Point ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetFirstPointPromptCenter()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstPointPromptCenter ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetFirstPointPromptCorners()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstPointPromptCorners ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetFirstPointPromptVertical()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetFirstPointPromptVertical ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetForcedAspectRatio()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetForcedAspectRatio ( double  forced_aspect_ratio)

◆ SetHaveFirstPoint()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetHaveFirstPoint ( BOOL32  b = TRUE)

◆ SetHavePlane()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetHavePlane ( BOOL32  b = TRUE)

◆ SetHaveSecondPoint()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetHaveSecondPoint ( BOOL32  b = TRUE)

◆ SetHaveThirdPoint()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetHaveThirdPoint ( BOOL32  b = TRUE)

◆ SetLength()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetLength ( double  length)

◆ SetPictureFileNameAndSize()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetPictureFileNameAndSize ( const wchar_t *  filename,
int  width,
int  height 

Description: Dynamically draws a picture or bitmap image. Parameters: filename [in] - Path to the picture or bitmap image file (e.g. png, jpg, bmp, etc.) width [in] - Width of the bitmap image in pixels. height [in] - Height of the bitmap image in pixels. Remarks: Picture drawing only works in 2Point (Default), 3Point, Center, and Vertical modes. The width and height arguments will be used to set the forced aspect ratio. See Also: CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetAllowForceAspectRatio CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetForcedAspectRatio

◆ SetPlane()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetPlane ( const ON_Plane plane)

◆ SetPromptForMeshDensity()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetPromptForMeshDensity ( bool  bMeshDensity = true)

Interface to allow primitive mesh creation to use RhinoGetPlane, RhinoGetBox, etc.

◆ SetRounded()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetRounded ( BOOL32  allow = FALSE)

◆ SetSecondDirectionCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondDirectionCount ( int  count)

◆ SetSecondDirectionMinCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondDirectionMinCount ( int  count)

◆ SetSecondMeshDensityDirectionPrompt()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondMeshDensityDirectionPrompt ( const CRhinoCommandOptionName )

◆ SetSecondPoint()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondPoint ( const ON_3dPoint point)

Set or get the second end of the first edge If one isn't supplied, the user is prompted for one

◆ SetSecondPointPrompt3Point()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondPointPrompt3Point ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetSecondPointPromptCenter()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondPointPromptCenter ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetSecondPointPromptCorners()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondPointPromptCorners ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetSecondPointPromptVertical()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetSecondPointPromptVertical ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetThirdDirectionCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetThirdDirectionCount ( int  count)

◆ SetThirdDirectionMinCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetThirdDirectionMinCount ( int  count)

◆ SetThirdMeshDensityDirectionPrompt()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetThirdMeshDensityDirectionPrompt ( const CRhinoCommandOptionName )

◆ SetThirdPoint()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetThirdPoint ( const ON_3dPoint point)

Set or get the third point in rect3pt mode If one isn't supplied, the user is prompted for one

◆ SetThirdPointPrompt3Point()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetThirdPointPrompt3Point ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetThirdPointPromptVertical()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetThirdPointPromptVertical ( const wchar_t *  prompt)

◆ SetUDegree()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetUDegree ( int  degree)

◆ SetUPointCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetUPointCount ( int  count)

◆ SetUseActiveLayerLinetype()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetUseActiveLayerLinetype ( bool  on)

When true the linetype of the active layer is used for dynamic drawing.

◆ SetVDegree()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetVDegree ( int  degree)

◆ SetVPointCount()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetVPointCount ( int  count)

◆ SetWidth()

void CArgsRhinoGetPlane::SetWidth ( double  width)

◆ ThirdDirectionCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ThirdDirectionCount ( ) const

number of faces in third direction

◆ ThirdDirectionMinCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ThirdDirectionMinCount ( ) const

◆ ThirdMeshDensityDirectionPrompt()

const CRhinoCommandOptionName& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ThirdMeshDensityDirectionPrompt ( ) const

prompt for number of faces in third direction

◆ ThirdPoint()

const ON_3dPoint& CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ThirdPoint ( ) const

◆ ThirdPointPrompt3Point()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ThirdPointPrompt3Point ( ) const

prompt when getting opposite side in 3point mode

◆ ThirdPointPromptVertical()

const wchar_t* CArgsRhinoGetPlane::ThirdPointPromptVertical ( ) const

prompt when getting opposite side in vertical mode

◆ UDegree()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::UDegree ( ) const

◆ UPointCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::UPointCount ( ) const

◆ UseActiveLayerLinetype()

bool CArgsRhinoGetPlane::UseActiveLayerLinetype ( ) const

◆ VDegree()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::VDegree ( ) const

◆ VPointCount()

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::VPointCount ( ) const

◆ Width()

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::Width ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_allow_3point

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_allow_3point

◆ m_allow_center

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_allow_center

◆ m_allow_corners

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_allow_corners

allow switching to respective modes for interactive input

◆ m_allow_deformable

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_allow_deformable

◆ m_allow_rounded

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_allow_rounded

◆ m_allow_vertical

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_allow_vertical

◆ m_ArgsType

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_ArgsType

This variable is to distinguish whether this class is really a CArgsRhinoGetPlane or the derived class CArgsRhinoGetBox. It is set to plane_type in the constructor for the plane, which is called first, and box_type in the constructor for the box. ArgsType() returns the value of m_ArgsType

◆ m_bAcceptNothing

bool CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_bAcceptNothing

◆ m_corner_mode

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_corner_mode

◆ m_corner_radius

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_corner_radius

◆ m_corner_rho

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_corner_rho

◆ m_current_mode

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_current_mode

starting mode - corners, 3pt, vertical

◆ m_deformable

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_deformable

◆ m_dynamic_line_color

ON_Color CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_dynamic_line_color

color to use when drawing dynamic line while getting second corner

◆ m_dynamicRectangleCallback

std::function<void(const ON_3dPoint[4])> CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_dynamicRectangleCallback

◆ m_firstpoint

ON_3dPoint CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_firstpoint

called-supplied first corner ot the rectangle

◆ m_force_aspect_ratio

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_force_aspect_ratio

◆ m_forced_aspect_ratio

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_forced_aspect_ratio

◆ m_havefirstpoint

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_havefirstpoint

◆ m_haveplane

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_haveplane

◆ m_havesecondpoint

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_havesecondpoint

◆ m_havethirdpoint

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_havethirdpoint

◆ m_length

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_length

◆ m_mesh_density_1stDirection

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_1stDirection

◆ m_mesh_density_2ndDirection

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_2ndDirection

◆ m_mesh_density_3rdDirection

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_3rdDirection

◆ m_mesh_density_first_direction

CRhinoCommandOptionName CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_first_direction

◆ m_mesh_density_Min1stDirection

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_Min1stDirection

◆ m_mesh_density_Min2ndDirection

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_Min2ndDirection

◆ m_mesh_density_Min3rdDirection

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_Min3rdDirection

◆ m_mesh_density_second_direction

CRhinoCommandOptionName CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_second_direction

◆ m_mesh_density_third_direction

CRhinoCommandOptionName CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_mesh_density_third_direction

◆ m_picture_filename

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_picture_filename

file used to draw picture or bitmap image dynamically

◆ m_plane

ON_Plane CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_plane

plane on which the rectangle will lie

◆ m_prompt_first_point_3point

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_first_point_3point

prompt when getting first corner in 3 point mode

◆ m_prompt_first_point_center

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_first_point_center

prompt when getting center in center mode

◆ m_prompt_first_point_corners

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_first_point_corners

prompt when getting first corner in corners mode

◆ m_prompt_first_point_vertical

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_first_point_vertical

prompt when getting first corner in vertical mode

◆ m_prompt_second_point_3point

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_second_point_3point

prompt when getting opposite corner or second end of first edge

◆ m_prompt_second_point_center

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_second_point_center

prompt when getting corner in center mode

◆ m_prompt_second_point_corners

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_second_point_corners

prompt when getting opposite corner or second end of first edge

◆ m_prompt_second_point_vertical

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_second_point_vertical

prompt when getting the second point in vertical mode

◆ m_prompt_third_point_3point

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_third_point_3point

prompt when getting point on opposite side in 3 point mode

◆ m_prompt_third_point_vertical

ON_wString CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_prompt_third_point_vertical

prompt when getting point on opposite side in 3 point mode

◆ m_PromptForMeshDensity

bool CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_PromptForMeshDensity

Interface to allow primitive mesh creation to use RhinoGetPlane, RhinoGetBox, etc.

◆ m_rounded

BOOL32 CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_rounded

◆ m_secondpoint

ON_3dPoint CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_secondpoint

called-supplied second end of first edge

◆ m_simple_option_index

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_simple_option_index

output - if >= 0, one of the simpple options above was picked.

◆ m_simple_options

ON_ClassArray<CRhinoCommandOptionName> CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_simple_options

input - simple options to add to the first prompt;

◆ m_thirdpoint

ON_3dPoint CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_thirdpoint

called-supplied third point in rect3pt mode

◆ m_ucount

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_ucount

◆ m_udegree

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_udegree

◆ m_vcount

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_vcount

◆ m_vdegree

int CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_vdegree

◆ m_width

double CArgsRhinoGetPlane::m_width