Rhino C++ API  8.11
Public Member Functions | Friends | List of all members
CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment Class Reference

#include <rhinoSdkPolyEdge.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment:
ON_CurveProxy ON_Curve ON_Geometry ON_Object

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment ()
 construction More...
 CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment (const CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment &)
 ~CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment ()
void AddSegmentObjRef (const CRhinoObjRef &ref)
const ON_BrepBrep () const
ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex () const override
 virtual ON_Geometry::ComponentIndex override More...
bool Create (const CRhinoObjRef &ref)
bool Create (const ON_BrepTrim *trim, const CRhinoObject *rhino_object=0)
bool Create (const ON_Curve *curve, const CRhinoObject *rhino_object=0)
bool Create (const ON_Curve *curve, const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX &component_index, const CRhinoObject *rhino_object=0)
bool Create (CRhinoDoc &doc, const ON_CurveProxyHistory &curveproxy_history)
void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true) override
 default copy constructor and operator= are fine. More...
ON_CurveDuplicateCurve () const override
const ON_BrepEdgeEdge () const
ON_Interval EdgeDomain () const
double EdgeParameter (double t) const
const ON_BrepFaceFace () const
bool GetHistoryValue (CRhinoDoc &doc, ON_CurveProxyHistory &curveproxy_history) const
void Highlight (bool bHighlight=true) const
bool IsClosed () const override
 virtual ON_Curve::IsClosed override More...
bool IsHighlighted () const
ON_Surface::ISO IsoType () const
bool IsSelected () const
CRhinoPolyEdgeSegmentoperator= (const CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment &)
bool ReversedEdgeDir () const
bool ReversedTrimDir () const
const CRhinoObjectRhinoObject () const
const CRhinoObjRefSegmentObjRef (int segment_objref_index) const
int SegmentObjRefCount () const
void Select (bool bSelect=true, bool bSynchHighlight=true) const
bool Split (double t, ON_Curve *&left_side, ON_Curve *&right_side) const override
 override of virtual ON_Curve::Split More...
const ON_SurfaceSurface () const
ON_2dPoint SurfaceParameter (double t) const
const ON_BrepTrimTrim () const
bool Trim (const ON_Interval &domain) override
 override of virtual ON_Curve::Trim More...
ON_Interval TrimDomain () const
double TrimParameter (double t) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_CurveProxy
 ON_CurveProxy () ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_CurveProxy (const ON_Curve *)
 ON_CurveProxy (const ON_Curve *, ON_Interval)
 ON_CurveProxy (const ON_CurveProxy &)
virtual ~ON_CurveProxy ()
ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const override
 virtual ON_Object::DataCRC override More...
int Degree () const override
int Dimension () const override
 ON_Geometry overrides. More...
ON_Interval Domain () const override
 ON_Curve overrides. More...
void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const override
 for debugging More...
bool Evaluate (double, int, int, double *, int=0, int *=0) const override
 Domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]. More...
bool GetBBox (double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override
 virtual ON_Geometry GetBBox override
bool GetClosestPoint (const ON_3dPoint &, double *, double=0.0, const ON_Interval *=nullptr) const override
bool GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter (double, double *) const override
 virtual ON_Curve::GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter override More...
bool GetLength (double *, double=1.0e-8, const ON_Interval *=nullptr) const override
bool GetLocalClosestPoint (const ON_3dPoint &, double, double *, const ON_Interval *=nullptr) const override
bool GetNextDiscontinuity (ON::continuity c, double t0, double t1, double *t, int *hint=nullptr, int *dtype=nullptr, double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE, double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON) const override
bool GetNormalizedArcLengthPoint (double s, double *t, double fractional_tolerance=1.0e-8, const ON_Interval *sub_domain=nullptr) const override
bool GetNormalizedArcLengthPoints (int count, const double *s, double *t, double absolute_tolerance=0.0, double fractional_tolerance=1.0e-8, const ON_Interval *sub_domain=nullptr) const override
int GetNurbForm (ON_NurbsCurve &, double=0.0, const ON_Interval *=nullptr) const override
bool GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter (double, double *) const override
 virtual ON_Curve::GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter override More...
bool GetParameterTolerance (double, double *, double *) const override
 (optional - override if curve is piecewise smooth) More...
bool GetSpanVector (double *) const override
int HasNurbForm () const override
bool IsArc (const ON_Plane *=nullptr, ON_Arc *=nullptr, double=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const override
bool IsContinuous (ON::continuity c, double t, int *hint=nullptr, double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE, double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON) const override
bool IsInPlane (const ON_Plane &, double=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const override
bool IsLinear (double=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const override
bool IsPeriodic (void) const override
 periodic.) More...
bool IsPlanar (ON_Plane *=nullptr, double=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const override
int IsPolyline (ON_SimpleArray< ON_3dPoint > *pline_points=nullptr, ON_SimpleArray< double > *pline_t=nullptr) const override
 virtual override of ON_Curve::IsPolyline More...
bool IsShort (double tolerance, const ON_Interval *sub_domain=0, double *length_estimate=0) const override
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
 ON_Object overrides. More...
ON_CurveProxyoperator= (const ON_CurveProxy &)
const ON_CurveProxyCurve () const
ON_Interval ProxyCurveDomain () const
bool ProxyCurveIsReversed () const
bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &) override
double RealCurveParameter (double t) const
bool Reverse () override
bool SetDomain (double t0, double t1) override
bool SetDomain (ON_Interval domain)
void SetProxyCurve (const ON_Curve *real_curve)
void SetProxyCurve (const ON_Curve *real_curve, ON_Interval real_curve_subdomain)
bool SetProxyCurveDomain (ON_Interval proxy_curve_subdomain)
unsigned int SizeOf () const override
 virtual ON_Object::SizeOf override More...
int SpanCount () const override
 number of smooth spans in curve More...
double ThisCurveParameter (double real_curve_parameter) const
bool Transform (const ON_Xform &) override
bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Curve
 ON_Curve (const ON_Curve &)
virtual ~ON_Curve ()
bool AreaMassProperties (ON_3dPoint base_point, ON_3dVector plane_normal, ON_MassProperties &mp, bool bArea=true, bool bFirstMoments=true, bool bSecondMoments=true, bool bProductMoments=true, double rel_tol=1.0e-6, double abs_tol=1.0e-6) const
virtual bool ChangeClosedCurveSeam (double t)
bool ChangeClosedCurveSeam (double t, double min_dist)
virtual bool ChangeDimension (int desired_dimension)
virtual class ON_CurveTreeCreateCurveTree () const
ON_3dVector CurvatureAt (double t) const
const class ON_CurveTreeCurveTree () const
ON_3dVector DerivativeAt (double t) const
void DestroyCurveTree ()
bool Ev1Der (double t, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &first_derivative, int side=0, int *hint=0) const
bool Ev2Der (double t, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &first_derivative, ON_3dVector &second_derivative, int side=0, int *hint=0) const
bool EvaluatePoint (const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const override
 virtual ON_Geometry override More...
bool EvCurvature (double t, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &tangent, ON_3dVector &kappa, int side=0, int *hint=0) const
bool EvPoint (double t, ON_3dPoint &point, int side=0, int *hint=0) const
bool EvSignedCurvature (double t, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &tangent, double &kappa, const ON_3dVector *normal=nullptr, int side=0, int *hint=0) const
bool EvTangent (double t, ON_3dPoint &point, ON_3dVector &tangent, int side=0, int *hint=0) const
virtual bool Extend (const ON_Interval &domain)
bool FirstSpanIsLinear (double min_length, double tolerance) const
bool FirstSpanIsLinear (double min_length, double tolerance, ON_Line *span_line) const
bool FrameAt (double t, ON_Plane &plane) const
bool GetDomain (double *t0, double *t1) const
 curve interface More...
virtual bool GetSpanVectorIndex (double t, int side, int *span_vector_index, ON_Interval *span_domain) const
bool GetTightBoundingBox (class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const override
 virtual ON_Geometry GetTightBoundingBox override
int IntersectCurve (const ON_Curve *curveB, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curveA_domain=0, const ON_Interval *curveB_domain=0) const
int IntersectPlane (ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curve_domain=0) const
virtual int IntersectSelf (ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curve_domain=0) const
int IntersectSurface (const ON_Surface *surfaceB, ON_SimpleArray< ON_X_EVENT > &x, double intersection_tolerance=0.0, double overlap_tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *curveA_domain=0, const ON_Interval *surfaceB_udomain=0, const ON_Interval *surfaceB_vdomain=0) const
bool IsArcAt (double t, const ON_Plane *plane=0, ON_Arc *arc=0, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE, double *t0=0, double *t1=0) const
bool IsClosable (double tolerance, double min_abs_size=0.0, double min_rel_size=10.0) const
virtual bool IsEllipse (const ON_Plane *plane=nullptr, ON_Ellipse *ellipse=nullptr, double tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) const
bool LastSpanIsLinear (double min_length, double tolerance) const
bool LastSpanIsLinear (double min_length, double tolerance, ON_Line *span_line) const
bool LengthMassProperties (class ON_MassProperties &mp, bool bLength=true, bool bFirstMoments=true, bool bSecondMoments=true, bool bProductMoments=true, double rel_tol=1.0e-6, double abs_tol=1.0e-6) const
class ON_PolylineCurveMeshCurve (ON_MeshCurveParameters &mp, ON_PolylineCurve *polyline, bool bSkipFirstPoint, const ON_Interval *domain) const
ON_NurbsCurveNurbsCurve (ON_NurbsCurve *pNurbsCurve=nullptr, double tolerance=0.0, const ON_Interval *subdomain=nullptr) const
ON::object_type ObjectType () const override
ON_Curveoperator= (const ON_Curve &)
ON_3dPoint PointAt (double t) const
ON_3dPoint PointAtEnd () const
ON_3dPoint PointAtStart () const
virtual bool RemoveShortSegments (double tolerance, bool bRemoveShortSegments=true)
bool SetDomain (ON_Interval domain)
virtual bool SetEndPoint (ON_3dPoint end_point)
virtual bool SetStartPoint (ON_3dPoint start_point)
double SignedCurvatureAt (double t, const ON_3dVector *plane_normal=nullptr) const
const ON_SimpleArray< double > SpanVector () const
 The curve's span vector is a stricltly monotone increasing list of doubles that are the intervals on which the curve is C-infinity. More...
ON_3dVector TangentAt (double t) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Geometry
 ON_Geometry ()=default
 ON_Geometry (const ON_Geometry &)=default
 ~ON_Geometry ()=default
ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox () const
virtual class ON_BrepBrepForm (class ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const
virtual void ClearBoundingBox ()
bool GetBoundingBox (ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const
bool GetBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const
virtual bool HasBrepForm () const
virtual bool IsDeformable () const
virtual bool IsMorphable () const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
virtual bool MakeDeformable ()
virtual bool Morph (const class ON_SpaceMorph &morph)
ON_Geometryoperator= (const ON_Geometry &)=default
bool Rotate (double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
bool Rotate (double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
bool Scale (double scale_factor)
virtual bool SwapCoordinates (int i, int j)
const ON_BoundingBox TightBoundingBox () const
bool Translate (const ON_3dVector &translation_vector)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus AggregateComponentStatus () const
bool AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
unsigned int ClearAllComponentStates () const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution)
virtual bool DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count)
bool DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
void EmergencyDestroy ()
class ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
virtual unsigned int GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const
class ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
bool IsCorrupt (bool bRepair, bool bSilentError, class ON_TextLog *text_log) const
bool IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
virtual void MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
virtual ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
unsigned int MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems)
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
void PurgeUserData ()
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
bool ThisIsNullptr (bool bSilentError) const
void TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform)
virtual bool UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map)
int UserStringCount () const


class CRhinoPolyEdge

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ON_Object
enum  UserDataConflictResolution : unsigned char {
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_object = 0, UserDataConflictResolution::source_object = 1, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_gt = 2, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_ge = 3,
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_gt = 4, UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_ge = 5, UserDataConflictResolution::delete_item = 6
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Curve
static class ON_NurbsCurveCreateCubicLoft (int point_count, int point_dim, int point_stride, const double *point_list, double k, int is_closed=0, ON::cubic_loft_end_condition start_shape=ON::cubic_loft_ec_quadratic, ON::cubic_loft_end_condition end_shape=ON::cubic_loft_ec_quadratic, class ON_NurbsCurve *nurbs_curve=0)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ON_Geometry
const static ON_Geometry Unset
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_CurveProxy
void SetProxyCurveIsReversed (bool bReversed)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_Curve
bool ParameterSearch (double t, int &index, bool bEnableSnap, const ON_SimpleArray< double > &m_t, double RelTol=ON_SQRT_EPSILON) const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment() [1/2]

CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment ( )


◆ ~CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment()

CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::~CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment ( )

◆ CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment() [2/2]

CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment ( const CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment )

The custom copy constructor and operator= are required to manage m_or_copy.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSegmentObjRef()

void CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::AddSegmentObjRef ( const CRhinoObjRef ref)

Description: Store a copy of a CRhinoObjRef on this polysegment class. The copy will be deleted when this polysegment is deleted. Parameters: ref - [in] Returns: True if it was possible to save a copy of ref. False if it was not possible to save a copy of ref because the internal storage facility was full.

◆ Brep()

const ON_Brep* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Brep ( ) const

◆ ComponentIndex()

ON_COMPONENT_INDEX CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::ComponentIndex ( ) const

virtual ON_Geometry::ComponentIndex override

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ Create() [1/5]

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Create ( const CRhinoObjRef ref)

Description: Creates a polyedge segment that uses the entire curve and has the same domain as the curve. Parameters: ref - [in] ref.Curve() and ref.Object() are used to create a segment. This function does NOT store a copy of the ref on the segment. Use SetSegmentObjRef() if you need to save a copy of a particular CRhinoObjRef. Remarks: Use ON_Curve::SetDomain, ON_Curve::Trim, ON_Curve::Reverse, etc., to tweak the domain, support, direction etc.

◆ Create() [2/5]

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Create ( const ON_BrepTrim trim,
const CRhinoObject rhino_object = 0 

Description: Creates a polyedge segment that uses the entire edge and has the same domain as the edge. Parameters: trim - [in] Returns: true if successful (edge was valid and trim_index was valid) Remarks: Use ON_Curve::SetDomain, ON_Curve::Trim, ON_Curve::Reverse, etc., to tweak the domain, support, direction etc.

◆ Create() [3/5]

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Create ( const ON_Curve curve,
const CRhinoObject rhino_object = 0 

Description: Creates a polyedge segment that uses the entire curve and has the same domain as the curve. Parameters: curve - [in] Remarks: Use ON_Curve::SetDomain, ON_Curve::Trim, ON_Curve::Reverse, etc., to tweak the domain, support, direction etc.

◆ Create() [4/5]

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Create ( const ON_Curve curve,
const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index,
const CRhinoObject rhino_object = 0 

Description: Creates a polyedge segment from a curve and component index. This is needed for mesh objects, because the curve is a proxy and does not carry the component index of the mesh edge. Parameters: curve - [in] component_index - [in]

◆ Create() [5/5]

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Create ( CRhinoDoc doc,
const ON_CurveProxyHistory curveproxy_history 

◆ DestroyRuntimeCache()

void CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::DestroyRuntimeCache ( bool  bDelete = true)

default copy constructor and operator= are fine.

virtual ON_Object::DestroyRuntimeCache override

Reimplemented from ON_CurveProxy.

◆ DuplicateCurve()

ON_Curve* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::DuplicateCurve ( ) const

virtual ON_Curve::DuplicateCurve override This insures that the duplicate is a CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment class rather than a duplicate of the "real" curve the the ON_CurveProxy base class referse to.

Reimplemented from ON_CurveProxy.

◆ Edge()

const ON_BrepEdge* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Edge ( ) const

◆ EdgeDomain()

ON_Interval CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::EdgeDomain ( ) const

Returns: subdomain of the edge that this segment uses. This can be different than the domain returned by this->Domain().

◆ EdgeParameter()

double CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::EdgeParameter ( double  t) const

◆ Face()

const ON_BrepFace* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Face ( ) const

◆ GetHistoryValue()

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::GetHistoryValue ( CRhinoDoc doc,
ON_CurveProxyHistory curveproxy_history 
) const

◆ Highlight()

void CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Highlight ( bool  bHighlight = true) const

◆ IsClosed()

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::IsClosed ( ) const

virtual ON_Curve::IsClosed override

Reimplemented from ON_CurveProxy.

◆ IsHighlighted()

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::IsHighlighted ( ) const

◆ IsoType()

ON_Surface::ISO CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::IsoType ( ) const

◆ IsSelected()

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::IsSelected ( ) const

◆ operator=()

CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment& CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::operator= ( const CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment )

◆ ReversedEdgeDir()

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::ReversedEdgeDir ( ) const

Returns: True if this segment has an ON_BrepEdge and the direction of the ON_BrepEdge is the reverse of the direction of the segment.

◆ ReversedTrimDir()

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::ReversedTrimDir ( ) const

Returns: True if this segment has an ON_BrepTrim and the direction of the ON_BrepTrime is the reverse of the direction of the segment.

◆ RhinoObject()

const CRhinoObject* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::RhinoObject ( ) const

◆ SegmentObjRef()

const CRhinoObjRef* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::SegmentObjRef ( int  segment_objref_index) const

Returns: A pointer to any objref being stored by SetSegmentObjRef().

◆ SegmentObjRefCount()

int CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::SegmentObjRefCount ( ) const

Returns: Number of segment obj refs added by AddSegmentObjRef().

◆ Select()

void CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Select ( bool  bSelect = true,
bool  bSynchHighlight = true 
) const

◆ Split()

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Split ( double  t,
ON_Curve *&  left_side,
ON_Curve *&  right_side 
) const

override of virtual ON_Curve::Split

Reimplemented from ON_CurveProxy.

◆ Surface()

const ON_Surface* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Surface ( ) const

◆ SurfaceParameter()

ON_2dPoint CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::SurfaceParameter ( double  t) const

◆ Trim() [1/2]

const ON_BrepTrim* CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Trim ( ) const

◆ Trim() [2/2]

bool CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::Trim ( const ON_Interval domain)

override of virtual ON_Curve::Trim

Reimplemented from ON_CurveProxy.

◆ TrimDomain()

ON_Interval CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::TrimDomain ( ) const

Returns: subdomain of the trim that this segment uses. This can be different than the domain returned by this->Domain().

◆ TrimParameter()

double CRhinoPolyEdgeSegment::TrimParameter ( double  t) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CRhinoPolyEdge

friend class CRhinoPolyEdge