Rhino C++ API  8.11
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
ON_X_EVENT Class Reference

#include <opennurbs_plus_x.h>

Public Types

  no_x_dir = 0, at_end_dir = 1, from_above_dir = 2, from_below_dir = 3,
  from_on_dir = 4, to_above_dir = 5, to_below_dir = 6, to_on_dir = 7
enum  TYPE {
  no_x_event = 0, ccx_point = 1, ccx_overlap = 2, csx_point = 3,
  csx_overlap = 4

Public Member Functions

void Dump (ON_TextLog &text_log) const
bool IsCCXEvent () const
bool IsCSXEvent () const
bool IsOverlapEvent () const
bool IsPointEvent () const
bool IsValid (ON_TextLog *text_log, double intersection_tolerance, double overlap_tolerance, const class ON_Curve *curveA, const class ON_Interval *curveA_domain, const class ON_Curve *curveB, const class ON_Interval *curveB_domain, const class ON_Surface *surfaceB, const class ON_Interval *surfaceB_domain0, const class ON_Interval *surfaceB_domain1) const
bool Local_Min (int ei) const
void Set_Local_Min (int ei, bool newvalue)

Static Public Member Functions

static int CleanList (double event_tolerance, double overlap_tolerance, int xevent_count, ON_X_EVENT *xevent, ON_Interval *domain=nullptr)
static int Compare (const ON_X_EVENT *a, const ON_X_EVENT *b)
 This class must use default copy constructor, operator=, and destructor. More...
static bool CompareEquivalent (const ON_X_EVENT &XA, const ON_X_EVENT &XB, double RelativePointTol, ON_TextLog *log)
static void CopyEventPart (const ON_X_EVENT &src, int src_end, ON_X_EVENT &dst, int dst_end)
static double IntersectionTolerance (double intersection_tolerance)
static bool IsValidCurveCurveOverlap (ON_Interval curveA_domain, int sample_count, double overlap_tolerance, const class ON_CurveTreeNode *cnodeA, const class ON_CurveTreeNode *cnodeB, const ON_Interval *curveB_domain=0)
static bool IsValidCurvePlaneOverlap (ON_Interval curveA_domain, int sample_count, double endpoint_tolerance, double overlap_tolerance, const class ON_CurveTreeNode *cnodeA, const ON_PlaneEquation *plane_equation)
static bool IsValidCurveSurfaceOverlap (ON_Interval curveA_domain, int sample_count, double overlap_tolerance, const class ON_CurveTreeNode *cnodeA, const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode *snodeB, const ON_Interval *surfaceB_udomain=0, const ON_Interval *surfaceB_vdomain=0)
static bool IsValidList (int xevent_count, const ON_X_EVENT *xevent, ON_TextLog *text_log, double intersection_tolerance, double overlap_tolerance, const class ON_Curve *curveA, const class ON_Interval *curveA_domain, const class ON_Curve *curveB, const class ON_Interval *curveB_domain, const class ON_Surface *surfaceB, const class ON_Interval *surfaceB_domain0, const class ON_Interval *surfaceB_domain1)
static double OverlapTolerance (double intersection_tolerance, double overlap_tolerance)

Public Attributes

ON_3dPoint m_A [2]
 intersection points on first curve More...
double m_a [2]
 intersection parameters on first curve More...
ON_3dPoint m_B [2]
 intersection points on second curve or surface More...
double m_b [4]
 intersection parameters on second curve or surface More...
const class ON_CurveTreeNodem_cnodeA [2]
 tree nodes where the intersection events occurred. More...
const class ON_CurveTreeNodem_cnodeB [2]
DIRECTION m_dirA [2]
DIRECTION m_dirB [2]
double m_nodeA_t [2]
 nodeA bezier parameters corresponding to a[] values More...
double m_nodeB_t [4]
 nodeB bezier parameters corresponding to b[] values. More...
const class ON_SurfaceTreeNodem_snodeB [2]
TYPE m_type
ON_U m_user
unsigned int m_x_eventsn
 Each intersection event is assigned a runtime serial number. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 1993-2022 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.


For complete openNURBS copyright information see http://www.opennurbs.org. The ON_X_EVENT class is used to report curve-curve and curve-surface intersection events.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Event directions for use in the m_dirA[] and m_dirB[] fields. The "x_from_*" values are used to report the behavior of the curve as it enters the intersection event. The "x_to_*" values are used to report the behavior of the curve as it leaves the intersection event.


event is at the start/end/side of object's parameter space


curve enters x-event from above surface/other curve


curve enters x-event from below surface/other curve


curve enters x-event tangent surface/other curve


curve leaves x-event above surface/other curve


curve leaves x-event below surface/other curve


curve leaves x-event tangent to surface/other curve



Two valid event types for curve-curve intersections.

curve-curve transverse intersection point


curve-curve intersection overlap


Two valid event types for curve-surface intersections.

curve-surface transverse intersection point


curve-surface intersection overlap

Constructor & Destructor Documentation




Default construction sets everything to zero.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CleanList()

static int ON_X_EVENT::CleanList ( double  event_tolerance,
double  overlap_tolerance,
int  xevent_count,
ON_X_EVENT xevent,
ON_Interval domain = nullptr 

Description: Expert user tool to cleanup a list of intersection events. Parameters: event_tolerance - [in] If the distance between events is <= event_tolerance, they will be considered to be the same event. Typically, event_tolerance is "small" and event_tolerance <= intersection_tolerance.

overlap_tolerance - [in] minimum length for an intersection overlap segment. Typically, overlap_tolerance is "large" and overlap_tolerance > intersection_tolerance

xevent_count - [in] xevent - [in/out] domain - [in] domain of the intersection problem. domain[0] is curve domain and either domain[1] is domain of second curve or domain[1] x domain[2] is surface domain domain = nullptr means no special handling of domain boundaries Returns: Length of cleaned list.

◆ Compare()

static int ON_X_EVENT::Compare ( const ON_X_EVENT a,
const ON_X_EVENT b 

This class must use default copy constructor, operator=, and destructor.

Description: Compares intersection events and sorts them in the canonical order. Returns: @untitled table -1 this < other 0 this == other +1 this > other Remarks: ON_CX_EVENT::Compare is used to sort intersection events into canonical order.

◆ CompareEquivalent()

static bool ON_X_EVENT::CompareEquivalent ( const ON_X_EVENT XA,
const ON_X_EVENT XB,
double  RelativePointTol,
ON_TextLog log 

Description: Compare intersection events Parameters: XA, XB are a pair of events to compare for equivalence RelativePointTol - 3d points are compared by || Pa - Pb || < ( 1 + ||Pa||) * RelativePointTol log [in] if not null and false is returned then a description of the error is appended to log. Returns: @untitled table true if the XA and XB represent the same intersections Remarks: use RelativePointTol=ON_UNSET_VALUE to use the default value of ON_SQRT_EPSILON

◆ CopyEventPart()

static void ON_X_EVENT::CopyEventPart ( const ON_X_EVENT src,
int  src_end,
int  dst_end 

Description: Expert user tool to copy portions of the intersection event information from one event to another.
If src.m_type is ON_X_EVENT::csx_*, then the m_b[] and m_nodeB_t[] values are treated as surface parameters, otherwise the values are treated as curve parameters. The m_type field is not copied. Parameters: src - [in] src_end - [in] 0 or 1 (m_A[] source index) dst - [out] dst_end - [in] 0 or 1 (m_A[] destination index)

◆ Dump()

void ON_X_EVENT::Dump ( ON_TextLog text_log) const

◆ IntersectionTolerance()

static double ON_X_EVENT::IntersectionTolerance ( double  intersection_tolerance)

Description: Convert input intersection tolerance to value used in calculations. Parameters: intersection_tolerance - [in] Returns: Value use in intersection calculations.

◆ IsCCXEvent()

bool ON_X_EVENT::IsCCXEvent ( ) const

Returns: True if m_type is ccx_point or ccx_overlap

◆ IsCSXEvent()

bool ON_X_EVENT::IsCSXEvent ( ) const

Returns: True if m_type is csx_point or csx_overlap

◆ IsOverlapEvent()

bool ON_X_EVENT::IsOverlapEvent ( ) const

Returns: True if m_type is ccx_overlap or csx_overlap.

◆ IsPointEvent()

bool ON_X_EVENT::IsPointEvent ( ) const

Returns: True if m_type is ccx_point or csx_point.

◆ IsValid()

bool ON_X_EVENT::IsValid ( ON_TextLog text_log,
double  intersection_tolerance,
double  overlap_tolerance,
const class ON_Curve curveA,
const class ON_Interval curveA_domain,
const class ON_Curve curveB,
const class ON_Interval curveB_domain,
const class ON_Surface surfaceB,
const class ON_Interval surfaceB_domain0,
const class ON_Interval surfaceB_domain1 
) const

Description: Check intersection event values to make sure they are valid. Parameters: text_log - [in] If not null and an error is found, then a description of the error is printed to text_log. intersection_tolerance - [in] 0.0 or value used in intersection calculation. overlap_tolerance - [in] 0.0 or value used in intersection calculation. curveA - [in] nullptr or curveA passed to intersection calculation. curveA_domain - [in] nullptr or curveA domain used in intersection calculation. curveB - [in] nullptr or curveB passed to intersection calculation. curveB_domain - [in] nullptr or curveB domain used in intersection calculation. surfaceB - [in] nullptr or surfaceB passed to intersection calculation. surfaceB_domain0 - [in] nullptr or surfaceB "u" domain used in intersection calculation. surfaceB_domain1 - [in] nullptr or surfaceB "v" domain used in intersection calculation. Returns: True if event is valid.

◆ IsValidCurveCurveOverlap()

static bool ON_X_EVENT::IsValidCurveCurveOverlap ( ON_Interval  curveA_domain,
int  sample_count,
double  overlap_tolerance,
const class ON_CurveTreeNode cnodeA,
const class ON_CurveTreeNode cnodeB,
const ON_Interval curveB_domain = 0 

Description: Do a quick and simple test to see if this curve lies on some portion of curveB. Parameters: curveA_domain - [in] non empty interval sample_count - [in] minimum number of test points overlap_tolerance - [in] cnodeA - [in] cnodeB - [in] curveB_domain - [in] optional domain restriction Returns: True if sections overlap.

◆ IsValidCurvePlaneOverlap()

static bool ON_X_EVENT::IsValidCurvePlaneOverlap ( ON_Interval  curveA_domain,
int  sample_count,
double  endpoint_tolerance,
double  overlap_tolerance,
const class ON_CurveTreeNode cnodeA,
const ON_PlaneEquation plane_equation 

Description: Do a quick and simple test to see if this curve lies on the plane. Parameters: curveA_domain - [in] non empty interval sample_count - [in] minimum number of test points endpont_tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when checking ends overlap_tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when checking interior cnodeA - [in] plane_equation - [in] Returns: True if curve lies on the plane

◆ IsValidCurveSurfaceOverlap()

static bool ON_X_EVENT::IsValidCurveSurfaceOverlap ( ON_Interval  curveA_domain,
int  sample_count,
double  overlap_tolerance,
const class ON_CurveTreeNode cnodeA,
const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode snodeB,
const ON_Interval surfaceB_udomain = 0,
const ON_Interval surfaceB_vdomain = 0 

Description: Do a quick and simple test to see if this curve lies on the surface. Parameters: curveA_domain - [in] non empty interval sample_count - [in] minimum number of test points overlap_tolerance - [in] cnodeA - [in] snodeB - [in] surfaceB_udomain - [in] optional domain restriction surfaceB_vdomain - [in] optional domain restriction Returns: True if sections overlap.

◆ IsValidList()

static bool ON_X_EVENT::IsValidList ( int  xevent_count,
const ON_X_EVENT xevent,
ON_TextLog text_log,
double  intersection_tolerance,
double  overlap_tolerance,
const class ON_Curve curveA,
const class ON_Interval curveA_domain,
const class ON_Curve curveB,
const class ON_Interval curveB_domain,
const class ON_Surface surfaceB,
const class ON_Interval surfaceB_domain0,
const class ON_Interval surfaceB_domain1 

Description: Expert user tool to check a list of intersection events. Parameters: xevent_count - [in] xevent - [in] text_log - [in] nullptr or place to describe errors. intersection_tolerance - [in] overlap_tolerance - [in] curveA - [in] curveA_domain - [in] (can be nullptr) curveB - [in] (nullptr for curve-surface intersection events) curveB_domain - [in] (can be nullptr) surfaceB - [in] (nullptr for curve-curve intersection events) surfaceB_domain0 - [in] (can be nullptr) surfaceB_domain1 - [in] (can be nullptr) Returns: True if list is valid.

◆ Local_Min()

bool ON_X_EVENT::Local_Min ( int  ei) const

An overlap start or end can be a local minimum of the function dist( C(t), S(u,v) ) for a curve surface intersection Local_Min(i) is true if (m_a[i], m_b[2*i], m_b[2*i+1]) is a local minimum of the function dist( C(t), S(u,v) ).

◆ OverlapTolerance()

static double ON_X_EVENT::OverlapTolerance ( double  intersection_tolerance,
double  overlap_tolerance 

Description: Convert input intersection tolerance to value used in calculations. Parameters: intersection_tolerance - [in] Returns: Value use in intersection calculations.

◆ Set_Local_Min()

void ON_X_EVENT::Set_Local_Min ( int  ei,
bool  newvalue 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_A

ON_3dPoint ON_X_EVENT::m_A[2]

intersection points on first curve

◆ m_a

double ON_X_EVENT::m_a[2]

intersection parameters on first curve

◆ m_B

ON_3dPoint ON_X_EVENT::m_B[2]

intersection points on second curve or surface

◆ m_b

double ON_X_EVENT::m_b[4]

intersection parameters on second curve or surface

◆ m_cnodeA

const class ON_CurveTreeNode* ON_X_EVENT::m_cnodeA[2]

tree nodes where the intersection events occurred.

◆ m_cnodeB

const class ON_CurveTreeNode* ON_X_EVENT::m_cnodeB[2]

◆ m_dirA


There are cases when it is valuable to have direction flags on intersection events. The m_dirA[] and m_dirB[] fields provide a place to store these flags. Because this information is rarely used, it is not computed by the intersection routines. You can use ON_SetCurveCurveIntersectionDir or ON_SetCurveSurfaceIntersectionDir to fill in these fields.

◆ m_dirB


◆ m_nodeA_t

double ON_X_EVENT::m_nodeA_t[2]

nodeA bezier parameters corresponding to a[] values

◆ m_nodeB_t

double ON_X_EVENT::m_nodeB_t[4]

nodeB bezier parameters corresponding to b[] values.

◆ m_snodeB

const class ON_SurfaceTreeNode* ON_X_EVENT::m_snodeB[2]

◆ m_type


The m_type field determines how the values in the other fields are interpreted. See the detailed comment below for complete information

◆ m_user

ON_U ON_X_EVENT::m_user

This field is a scratch field for users. The constructor sets it to zero and the intersectors never use it.

◆ m_x_eventsn

unsigned int ON_X_EVENT::m_x_eventsn

Each intersection event is assigned a runtime serial number.