A simple dot with text that doesn't rotate witn the world axes. More...

#include <opennurbs_annotationbase.h>

Inheritance diagram for ON_TextDot:
ON_Geometry ON_Object

Public Member Functions

 ON_TextDot ()
 ON_TextDot (const ON_TextDot &)=default
 ON_TextDot (ON_3dPoint center_point, const wchar_t *primary_text, const wchar_t *secondary_text)
 ~ON_TextDot ()
bool AlwaysOnTop () const
bool Bold () const
ON_3dPoint CenterPoint () const
int Dimension () const override
 Returns the geometric dimension of the object ( usually 3) More...
void Dump (ON_TextLog &log) const override
 Description: Write data values to a text file for debugging. More...
void EmergencyDestroy ()
const wchar_t * FontFace () const
bool GetBBox (double *boxmin, double *boxmax, bool bGrowBox=false) const override
 virtual ON_Geometry GetBBox override More...
int HeightInPoints () const
bool IsDeformable () const override
 virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable() override More...
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
 Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly initialized. More...
bool Italic () const
bool MakeDeformable () override
 virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable() override More...
ON::object_type ObjectType () const override
 Returns: The Object Type of this object. More...
ON_TextDotoperator= (const ON_TextDot &)=default
const ON_3dPointPoint () const
const wchar_t * PrimaryText () const
bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &ar) override
const wchar_t * SecondaryText () const
void SetAlwaysOnTop (bool bAlwaysOnTop)
 Get or Set whether the dot is drawn "On Top" of other geometry More...
void SetBold (bool bBold)
 Get or Set whether the dot is drawn with Bold text More...
void SetCenterPoint (ON_3dPoint center_point)
void SetFontFace (const wchar_t *font_face)
void SetHeightInPoints (int height_in_points)
void SetItalic (bool bItalic)
 Get or Set whether the dot is drawn with Italic text More...
void SetPoint (const ON_3dPoint &point)
void SetPrimaryText (const wchar_t *primary_dot_text)
void SetSecondaryText (const wchar_t *secondary_dot_text)
void SetTextString (const wchar_t *string)
void SetTransparent (bool bTransparent)
 Get or Set whether the dot is drawn with a transparent background More...
const wchar_t * TextString () const
bool Transform (const ON_Xform &xform) override
 Transform the object by a 4x4 xform matrix More...
bool Transparent () const
bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &ar) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Geometry
 ON_Geometry ()=default
 ON_Geometry (const ON_Geometry &)=default
 ~ON_Geometry ()=default
ON_BoundingBox BoundingBox () const
 Get object's 3d axis aligned bounding box. More...
virtual class ON_BrepBrepForm (class ON_Brep *brep=nullptr) const
 If possible, BrepForm() creates a brep form of the ON_Geometry. More...
virtual void ClearBoundingBox ()
 Some objects cache bounding box information. If you modify an object, then call ClearBoundingBox() to inform the object that any cached bounding boxes are invalid. More...
virtual ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ComponentIndex () const
 If this piece of geometry is a component in something larger, like an ON_BrepEdge in an ON_Brep, then this function returns the component index. More...
virtual bool EvaluatePoint (const class ON_ObjRef &objref, ON_3dPoint &P) const
 Evaluate the location of a point from the object reference. More...
bool GetBoundingBox (ON_BoundingBox &bbox, bool bGrowBox=false) const
 Get object's 3d axis aligned bounding box or the union of the input box with the object's bounding box. More...
bool GetBoundingBox (ON_3dPoint &bbox_min, ON_3dPoint &bbox_max, bool bGrowBox=false) const
 Get corners of object's 3d axis aligned bounding box or the union of the input box with the object's bounding box. More...
virtual bool GetTightBoundingBox (class ON_BoundingBox &tight_bbox, bool bGrowBox=false, const class ON_Xform *xform=nullptr) const
 Get tight bounding box. More...
virtual bool HasBrepForm () const
 Query an object to see if it has an ON_Brep form. Result: Returns true if the virtual ON_Geometry::BrepForm can compute an ON_Brep representation of this object. More...
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
 Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly initialized. More...
ON_Geometryoperator= (const ON_Geometry &)=default
bool Rotate (double sin_angle, double cos_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
 Rotates the object about the specified axis. A positive rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation about the axis (right hand rule). More...
bool Rotate (double rotation_angle, const ON_3dVector &rotation_axis, const ON_3dPoint &rotation_center)
 Rotates the object about the specified axis. A positive rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation about the axis (right hand rule). More...
bool Scale (double scale_factor)
 Scales the object by the specified facotor. The scale is centered at the origin. More...
virtual bool SwapCoordinates (int i, int j)
 Swaps object coordinate values with indices i and j. More...
bool Translate (const ON_3dVector &translation_vector)
 Translates the object along the specified vector. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus AggregateComponentStatus () const
 Call whenever a component status setting is modifed by directly changing it on a component in a way that will result in any saved information about the parent object's aggretate component status becoming invalid. More...
bool AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
 Attach user data to an object. More...
unsigned int ClearAllComponentStates () const
 Set all active level component states to ON_ComponentStatus::NoneSet. More...
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
 Clear the specified states on every component. More...
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
 Clear states on an individual component. More...
unsigned int CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution)
 Expert user tool that copies user data items with positive values of ON_UserData.m_userdata_copycount from source_object to "this. More...
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
 Calls CopyUserData(source_object,ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution::source_object). More...
virtual ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const
 Returns a CRC calculated from the information that defines the object. This CRC can be used as a quick way to see if two objects are not identical. More...
virtual bool DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count)
 Delete the portions of the object identified in ci_list[]. More...
virtual void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)
 Expert user function. If you are using openNURBS in its default configuration to read and write 3dm archives, you never need to call this function. Many objects employ lazy creation of (runtime) caches that save information to help speed geometric calculations. This function will destroy all runtime information. More...
bool DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
 Remove user data from an object. More...
void EmergencyDestroy ()
 Sets m_user_data_list = 0. More...
class ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
 User data is stored as a linked list of ON_UserData classes. FirstUserData gets the first item in the linked list. This is the most recent item attached using AttachUserData(). Remark: To iterate through all the user data on an object, call FirstUserData() and then use ON_UserData::Next() to traverse the list. More...
virtual unsigned int GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const
class ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
 Get a pointer to user data. More...
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
 Get user string from the object. More...
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
 Get a list of all user string keys on the object. More...
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
 Get a list of all user strings on the object. More...
bool IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
 Low level tool to test if an object is derived from a specified class. More...
virtual void MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const
 Call whenever a component status setting is modifed by directly changing it on a component in a way that will result in any saved information about the parent object's aggretate component status becoming invalid. More...
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
 The MemoryRelocate() function is called when an object's location in memory is changed. For example, if an object resides in a chunk of memory that is grown by calling a realloc that has to allocate a new chunk and copy the contents of the old chunk to the new chunk, then the location of the object's memory changes. In practice this happens when classes derived from ON_Object are stored in dynamic arrays, like the default implementation of ON_ObjectArray<>'s that use realloc to grow the dynamic array. More...
virtual ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const
 All objects in an opennurbs model have an id ( ON_Layer.m_layer_id, ON_Font.m_font_id, ON_Material.m_material_id, ON_3dmObjectAttributes.m_uuid ). More...
unsigned int MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems)
 Expert user tool that moves user data items from source_object to "this. More...
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
 Calls MoveUserData(source_object,ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution::source_object,true). More...
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
void PurgeUserData ()
 PurgeUserData() removes all user data from object. More...
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const
 Set states on an individual component. More...
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const
 Copy status settings to an individual component. More...
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
 Attach a user string to the object. This information will perisist through copy construction, operator=, and file IO. More...
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
 Append entries to the user string list More...
virtual unsigned int SizeOf () const
void TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform)
 Objects derived from ON_Geometry must call TransformUserData() in their Transform() member function. More...
virtual bool UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map)
 Uses the destination_manifest to update references to other components. This is typically done when a component's references came from a "source" context and are being updated to the "destination" context. For example, inserting one model into another when index, id, and name conflicts need to be resolved at the time of insertion. More...
int UserStringCount () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ON_TextDotCreateFromV2AnnotationTextDot (const class ON_OBSOLETE_V2_TextDot &V2_text_dot, const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext *annotation_context, ON_TextDot *destination)

Static Public Attributes

static const wchar_t * DefaultFontFace
static const int DefaultHeightInPoints
static const int MinimumHeightInPoints
static const ON_TextDot Unset
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ON_Geometry
static const ON_Geometry Unset

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ON_Object
enum  UserDataConflictResolution : unsigned char {
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_object = 0, UserDataConflictResolution::source_object = 1, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_gt = 2, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_ge = 3,
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_gt = 4, UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_ge = 5, UserDataConflictResolution::delete_item = 6
 When a userdata item is copied or moved from a source object to a destination object, the ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution enum values specify how conficts are resolved. Remark: A userdata item "conflict" occurs when both the destination and source object have a user data item with the same value of ON_UserData::m_userdata_uuid. More...

Detailed Description

A simple dot with text that doesn't rotate witn the world axes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_TextDot() [1/3]

ON_TextDot::ON_TextDot ( )

◆ ~ON_TextDot()

ON_TextDot::~ON_TextDot ( )

◆ ON_TextDot() [2/3]

ON_TextDot::ON_TextDot ( const ON_TextDot )

◆ ON_TextDot() [3/3]

ON_TextDot::ON_TextDot ( ON_3dPoint  center_point,
const wchar_t *  primary_text,
const wchar_t *  secondary_text 

Member Function Documentation

◆ AlwaysOnTop()

bool ON_TextDot::AlwaysOnTop ( ) const

◆ Bold()

bool ON_TextDot::Bold ( ) const

◆ CenterPoint()

ON_3dPoint ON_TextDot::CenterPoint ( ) const

◆ CreateFromV2AnnotationTextDot()

static ON_TextDot* ON_TextDot::CreateFromV2AnnotationTextDot ( const class ON_OBSOLETE_V2_TextDot &  V2_text_dot,
const class ON_3dmAnnotationContext annotation_context,
ON_TextDot destination 

◆ Dimension()

int ON_TextDot::Dimension ( ) const

Returns the geometric dimension of the object ( usually 3)

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ Dump()

void ON_TextDot::Dump ( ON_TextLog log) const

Description: Write data values to a text file for debugging.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ EmergencyDestroy()

void ON_TextDot::EmergencyDestroy ( )

◆ FontFace()

const wchar_t* ON_TextDot::FontFace ( ) const
Primary text font face. Default = "Arial Bold";

Never save the pointer value for future use. Save a copy in ON_wString if the text is needed beyond the scope of the call to FontFace().

◆ GetBBox()

bool ON_TextDot::GetBBox ( double *  boxmin,
double *  boxmax,
bool  bGrowBox = false 
) const

virtual ON_Geometry GetBBox override

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ HeightInPoints()

int ON_TextDot::HeightInPoints ( ) const
Text height in "points".

Default height = 14;

◆ IsDeformable()

bool ON_TextDot::IsDeformable ( ) const

virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable() override

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ IsValid()

bool ON_TextDot::IsValid ( class ON_TextLog text_log = nullptr) const

Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly initialized.

text_log[in] if the object is not valid and text_log is not nullptr, then a brief englis description of the reason the object is not valid is appened to the log. The information appended to text_log is suitable for
lowlevel debugging purposes by programmers and is not intended to be useful as a high level user interface tool.
table true object is valid false object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ Italic()

bool ON_TextDot::Italic ( ) const

◆ MakeDeformable()

bool ON_TextDot::MakeDeformable ( )

virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable() override

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ ObjectType()

ON::object_type ON_TextDot::ObjectType ( ) const

Returns: The Object Type of this object.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ operator=()

ON_TextDot& ON_TextDot::operator= ( const ON_TextDot )

◆ Point()

const ON_3dPoint& ON_TextDot::Point ( ) const

◆ PrimaryText()

const wchar_t* ON_TextDot::PrimaryText ( ) const
Dot's primary text displayed in the model Typically a short and terse string. Default = empty string.

Additional information can be saved as secondary text.

Never save the pointer value for future use. Save a copy in ON_wString if the text is needed beyond the scope of the call to Text().

◆ Read()

bool ON_TextDot::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive ar)
Table true Success false Failure

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ SecondaryText()

const wchar_t* ON_TextDot::SecondaryText ( ) const
Dot's secondary text displayed when a user interface event like cliking or hovering occurs. Typically longer and more detailed than the primary text. Default = empty string.

Never save the pointer value for future use. Save a copy in ON_wString if the text is needed beyond the scope of the call to Text().

◆ SetAlwaysOnTop()

void ON_TextDot::SetAlwaysOnTop ( bool  bAlwaysOnTop)

Get or Set whether the dot is drawn "On Top" of other geometry

TODODOC: [in] bTop bool - It is or isn't on top

table true - on top false - not on top

◆ SetBold()

void ON_TextDot::SetBold ( bool  bBold)

Get or Set whether the dot is drawn with Bold text

TODODOC: [in] bBold bool - It is or isn't Bold

table true - Bold false - not Bold

◆ SetCenterPoint()

void ON_TextDot::SetCenterPoint ( ON_3dPoint  center_point)

◆ SetFontFace()

void ON_TextDot::SetFontFace ( const wchar_t *  font_face)

◆ SetHeightInPoints()

void ON_TextDot::SetHeightInPoints ( int  height_in_points)

◆ SetItalic()

void ON_TextDot::SetItalic ( bool  bItalic)

Get or Set whether the dot is drawn with Italic text

TODODOC: [in] bItalic bool - It is or isn't Italic

table true - Italic false - not Italic

◆ SetPoint()

void ON_TextDot::SetPoint ( const ON_3dPoint point)

◆ SetPrimaryText()

void ON_TextDot::SetPrimaryText ( const wchar_t *  primary_dot_text)

◆ SetSecondaryText()

void ON_TextDot::SetSecondaryText ( const wchar_t *  secondary_dot_text)

◆ SetTextString()

void ON_TextDot::SetTextString ( const wchar_t *  string)

◆ SetTransparent()

void ON_TextDot::SetTransparent ( bool  bTransparent)

Get or Set whether the dot is drawn with a transparent background

TODODOC: [in] bTransparent bool - It is or isn't transparent

table true - transparent false - not transparent

◆ TextString()

const wchar_t* ON_TextDot::TextString ( ) const

◆ Transform()

bool ON_TextDot::Transform ( const ON_Xform xform)

Transform the object by a 4x4 xform matrix

TODODOC: [in] xform - An ON_Xform with the transformation information

true = Success false = Failure

The object has been transformed when the function returns

Reimplemented from ON_Geometry.

◆ Transparent()

bool ON_TextDot::Transparent ( ) const

◆ Write()

bool ON_TextDot::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive ar) const
Table true Success false Failure

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ DefaultFontFace

const wchar_t* ON_TextDot::DefaultFontFace

◆ DefaultHeightInPoints

const int ON_TextDot::DefaultHeightInPoints

◆ MinimumHeightInPoints

const int ON_TextDot::MinimumHeightInPoints

◆ Unset

const ON_TextDot ON_TextDot::Unset