#include <opennurbs_layer.h>

Inheritance diagram for ON_Layer:
ON_ModelComponent ON_Object

Public Types

enum  PER_VIEWPORT_SETTINGS : unsigned int {
  per_viewport_none = 0, per_viewport_id = 1, per_viewport_color = 2, per_viewport_plot_color = 4,
  per_viewport_plot_weight = 8, per_viewport_visible = 16, per_viewport_persistent_visibility = 32, per_viewport_all_settings = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Public Types inherited from ON_ModelComponent
enum  Attributes : unsigned int {
  NoAttributes = 0U, ComponentSerialNumberAttribute = 0x0001U, TypeAttribute = 0x0002U, ModelSerialNumberAttribute = 0x0004U,
  IdAttribute = 0x0008U, IndexAttribute = 0x0010U, NameAttribute = 0x0020U, ParentIdAttribute = 0x0040U,
  DeletedNameAttribute = 0x0080U, ComponentStatusAttribute = 0x0100U, BinaryArchiveAttributes = 0x78U, AllAttributes = 0x1FFU,
  SystemComponentAttribute = 0x8000U
enum  Type : unsigned char {
  Type::Unset = 0, Type::Image = 1, Type::TextureMapping = 2, Type::RenderMaterial = 3,
  Type::LinePattern = 4, Type::Layer = 5, Type::Group = 6, Type::TextStyle = 7,
  Type::DimStyle = 8, Type::RenderLight = 9, Type::HatchPattern = 10, Type::InstanceDefinition = 11,
  Type::ModelGeometry = 12, Type::HistoryRecord = 13, Type::Mixed = 0xFE
 The ON_ModelComponent::Type enum has a value for each explicit component type and two special values, Unset and Mixed. Use an ON_ModelComponentTypeIterator instance to iterate over the ON_ModelComponent::Type values. More...
- Public Types inherited from ON_Object
enum  UserDataConflictResolution : unsigned char {
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_object = 0, UserDataConflictResolution::source_object = 1, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_gt = 2, UserDataConflictResolution::source_copycount_ge = 3,
  UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_gt = 4, UserDataConflictResolution::destination_copycount_ge = 5, UserDataConflictResolution::delete_item = 6
 When a userdata item is copied or moved from a source object to a destination object, the ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution enum values specify how conficts are resolved. Remark: A userdata item "conflict" occurs when both the destination and source object have a user data item with the same value of ON_UserData::m_userdata_uuid. More...

Public Member Functions

 ON_Layer (const ON_Layer &)
 ~ON_Layer ()=default
ON_Color Color () const
bool CopyPerViewportSettings (ON_UUID source_viewport_id, ON_UUID destination_viewport_id)
 Copies all per viewport settings for the source_viewport_id More...
bool CopyPerViewportSettings (const ON_Layer &source_layer, ON_UUID viewport_id, unsigned int settings_mask)
 Copies specified per viewport settings from a source layer to this layer. More...
void CullPerViewportSettings (int viewport_id_count, const ON_UUID *viewport_id_list)
 Cull unused per viewport layer settings. More...
void DeletePerViewportColor (const ON_UUID &viewport_id)
 Remove any per viewport layer color setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports. More...
void DeletePerViewportPlotColor (const ON_UUID &viewport_id)
 Remove any per viewport plot color setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports. More...
void DeletePerViewportPlotWeight (const ON_UUID &viewport_id)
 Remove any per viewport plot weight setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports. More...
void DeletePerViewportSettings (const ON_UUID &viewport_id) const
 Delete per viewport layer settings. More...
void DeletePerViewportVisible (const ON_UUID &viewport_id)
 Remove any per viewport visibility setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports. More...
void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const override
 Creates a text dump of the object. More...
void GetPerViewportVisibilityViewportIds (ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &viewport_id_list) const
 Get a list of the viewport ids of viewports that that have per viewport visibility settings that override the default layer visibility setting ON_Layer::m_bVisible. More...
bool HasPerViewportSettings (ON_UUID viewport_id, unsigned int settings_mask) const
bool HasPerViewportSettings (const ON_UUID &viewport_id) const
int IgesLevel () const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
 Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly initialized. More...
bool IsVisible () const
bool IsVisibleAndLocked () const
bool IsVisibleAndNotLocked () const
int LinetypeIndex () const
ON::object_type ObjectType () const override
 Useful for switch statements that need to differentiate between basic object types like points, curves, surfaces, and so on. More...
ON_Layeroperator= (const ON_Layer &)=default
ON_UUID ParentLayerId () const
bool PersistentLocking () const
 The persistent locking setting is used for layers that can be locked by a "parent" object. A common case is when a layer is a child layer (ON_Layer.m_parent_id is not nil). In this case, when a parent layer is locked, then child layers are also locked. The persistent locking setting determines what happens when the parent is unlocked again. More...
bool PersistentVisibility () const
 The persistent visbility setting is used for layers whose visibilty can be changed by a "parent" object. A common case is when a layer is a child layer (ON_Layer.m_parent_id is not nil). In this case, when a parent layer is turned off, then child layers are also turned off. The persistent visibility setting determines what happens when the parent is turned on again. More...
ON_Color PerViewportColor (ON_UUID viewport_id) const
bool PerViewportIsVisible (ON_UUID viewport_id) const
bool PerViewportPersistentVisibility (ON_UUID viewport_id) const
ON_Color PerViewportPlotColor (ON_UUID viewport_id) const
double PerViewportPlotWeight (ON_UUID viewport_id) const
ON__UINT32 PerViewportSettingsCRC () const
 The PerViewportSettingsCRC() can be used to determine when layers have different per viewport settings. More...
ON_Color PlotColor () const
double PlotWeight () const
 Get the weight (thickness) of the plotting pen. More...
bool Read (ON_BinaryArchive &) override
 Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject(). More...
int RenderMaterialIndex () const
void SetColor (ON_Color layer_color)
 Set the color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object color set More...
bool SetIgesLevel (int)
bool SetLinetypeIndex (int linetype_index)
 Set the index of the linetype used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object lintypes More...
void SetLocked (bool bLocked)
 Controls layer locked More...
void SetParentLayerId (ON_UUID parent_layer_id)
void SetPersistentLocking (bool bPersistentLocking)
 Set the persistent locking setting for this layer. More...
void SetPersistentVisibility (bool bPersistentVisibility)
 Set the persistent visibility setting for this layer. More...
void SetPerViewportColor (ON_UUID viewport_id, ON_Color layer_color)
 Set the color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object color set More...
void SetPerViewportPersistentVisibility (ON_UUID viewport_id, bool bPersistentVisibility)
 This function allows per viewport setting the child visibility property. Parameters viewport_id - [in] bPersistentVisibility - [in] More...
void SetPerViewportPlotColor (ON_UUID viewport_id, ON_Color plot_color)
void SetPerViewportPlotWeight (ON_UUID viewport_id, double plot_weight_mm)
 Set the weight of the plotting pen. More...
void SetPerViewportVisible (ON_UUID viewport_id, bool bVisible)
 Controls layer visibility in specific viewports. More...
void SetPlotColor (ON_Color plot_color)
 Set the plotting color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object plotting color set More...
void SetPlotWeight (double plot_weight_mm)
 Set the weight of the plotting pen. More...
bool SetRenderMaterialIndex (int)
void SetVisible (bool bVisible)
 Controls layer visibility More...
void UnsetPersistentLocking ()
 Remove any explicity persistent locking settings from this layer. More...
void UnsetPersistentVisibility ()
 Remove any explicit persistent visibility setting from this layer. When persistent visibility is not explictly set, the value of ON_Layer::IsVisible() is used. More...
void UnsetPerViewportPersistentVisibility (ON_UUID viewport_id)
bool UpdateReferencedComponents (const class ON_ComponentManifest &source_manifest, const class ON_ComponentManifest &destination_manifest, const class ON_ManifestMap &manifest_map) override
 Uses the destination_manifest to update references to other components. This is typically done when a component's references came from a "source" context and are being updated to the "destination" context. For example, inserting one model into another when index, id, and name conflicts need to be resolved at the time of insertion. More...
int UpdateViewportIds (const ON_UuidPairList &viewport_id_map)
 Use UpdateViewportIds() to change viewport ids in situations like merging when a viewport id conflict requires the viewport ids in a file to be changed. More...
bool Write (ON_BinaryArchive &) const override
 Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject(). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
 ON_ModelComponent () ON_NOEXCEPT
 ON_ModelComponent (const ON_ModelComponent &source)
 ON_ModelComponent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type) ON_NOEXCEPT
 Sets and locks the component type attribute. More...
 ON_ModelComponent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type, const ON_ModelComponent &source) ON_NOEXCEPT
 Locked status of source attributes is not copied to permit copy and modify operations. More...
 ~ON_ModelComponent ()=default
bool ChangeName (const wchar_t *new_name, class ON_ComponentManifest *manifest)
 Change the name of a component and optionally update a manifest. More...
bool ClearComponentType ()
 Set the model serial number value to the ON_ModelComponent::Unset.Type() and change the state so TypeIsSet() returns false. More...
bool ClearId ()
 Set the component id value to the ON_ModelComponent::Unset.ModelComponentId() and change the state so ModelComponentIdIsSet() returns false. More...
bool ClearIndex ()
 Set the component index value to the ON_ModelComponent::Unset.ModelComponentIndex() and change the state so ModelComponentIndexIsSet() returns false. More...
unsigned int ClearModelComponentAttributes (unsigned int attributes_filter)
 Writes the attributes identified by the component_filter parameter. More...
bool ClearModelComponentStatus ()
bool ClearModelSerialNumber ()
 Sets the model serial number, reference model serial number and instance definition model serial number values to 0 and flags these values as unset. More...
bool ClearName ()
 Set the component name value to the ON_ModelComponent::Unset.Name() and change the state so NameIsSet() and DeletedNameIsSet() both return false. More...
bool ClearParentId ()
int CompareName (const ON_UUID &other_parent_id, const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareName (const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareNameExact (const ON_UUID &other_parent_id, const wchar_t *other_name) const
int CompareNameExact (const wchar_t *other_name) const
ON_ModelComponent::Type ComponentType () const
bool ComponentTypeIsLocked () const
bool ComponentTypeIsSet () const
ON__UINT64 ContentVersionNumber () const
 Whenever an attribute is changed, the content version number is incremented. The ContentVersionNumber() is commonly used by consumers of the model component attributes to trigger updates when needed. More...
unsigned int CopyFrom (const ON_ModelComponent &src, unsigned int attributes_filter)
ON__UINT32 DataCRC (ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const override
 Returns a CRC calculated from the information that defines the object. This CRC can be used as a quick way to see if two objects are not identical. More...
const ON_wString DeletedName () const
const ON_NameHashDeletedNameHash () const
bool DeletedNameIsSet () const
bool DeleteName ()
 If NameIsSet() is true, then the name is deleted in a waty that can be undone by calling UndeleteName() and the DeletedNameIsSet() property is changed to true. More...
void Dump (ON_TextLog &) const override
 Creates a text dump of the object. More...
bool EraseIdentification (bool bIgnoreLocks)
const wchar_tGetName (ON_wString &component_name) const
const ON_UUIDId () const
bool IdIsLocked () const
bool IdIsNil () const
bool IdIsNotNil () const
bool IdIsSet () const
const ON_UUIDIfIdIsNilSetId ()
 If the it is nil, call SetId(). More...
int Index () const
int Index (int unset_index_value) const
bool IndexIsLocked () const
bool IndexIsSet () const
unsigned int InstanceDefinitionModelSerialNumber () const
bool IsDeleted () const
bool IsHidden () const
bool IsLocked () const
bool IsReferenceComponent () const
bool IsSystemComponent () const
bool IsValid (class ON_TextLog *text_log=nullptr) const override
 Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly initialized. More...
void LockAllSettingsExceptName ()
void LockComponentType ()
 Calling LockType() will prhibit future changes to the Type attribute. More...
void LockId ()
 Calling LockModelComponentId() will prhibit future changes to the ModelComponentId attribute. More...
void LockIndex ()
 Calling LockModelComponentIndex() will prhibit future changes to the ModelComponentIndex attribute. More...
void LockModelComponentStatus ()
void LockModelSerialNumber ()
 Calling LockModelSerialNumber() will prohibit future changes to the ModelSerialNumber(), ReferenceModelSerialNumber(), and InstanceDefinitionModelSerialNumber() attributes. More...
void LockName ()
 Calling LockName() will prohibit future changes to the Name attribute. More...
void LockParentId ()
ON_ComponentStatus ModelComponentStatus () const
bool ModelComponentStatusIsLocked () const
bool ModelComponentStatusIsSet () const
ON_UUID ModelObjectId () const override
 All objects in an opennurbs model have an id ( ON_Layer.m_layer_id, ON_Font.m_font_id, ON_Material.m_material_id, ON_3dmObjectAttributes.m_uuid ). More...
unsigned int ModelSerialNumber () const
bool ModelSerialNumberIsLocked () const
bool ModelSerialNumberIsSet () const
const ON_wString Name () const
const wchar_tNameAsPointer () const
 Expert user function that gets a pointer to the name. More...
const ON_NameHashNameHash () const
 Get a platform independent hash of the name suitable for equality testing and binary searching. When testing for equality or doing binary searches, using ON_NameHash values is faster than using the CompareName or ON_wString::CompareAttributeName. More...
bool NameIsEmpty () const
bool NameIsLocked () const
bool NameIsNotEmpty () const
bool NameIsSet () const
const ON_NameHash NewNameHash (const wchar_t *new_name) const
ON_ModelComponentoperator= (const ON_ModelComponent &source)
const ON_UUIDParentId () const
bool ParentIdIsLocked () const
bool ParentIdIsNil () const
bool ParentIdIsNotNil () const
bool ParentIdIsSet () const
bool ReadModelComponentAttributes (class ON_BinaryArchive &archive)
unsigned int ReferenceModelSerialNumber () const
ON__UINT64 RuntimeSerialNumber () const
const ON_UUIDSetAndLockId ()
 Sets the id to a new value created by ON_CreateUuid() and locks the id attribute so it cannot be changed. More...
bool SetAsSystemComponent ()
bool SetAsUnsetSystemComponent ()
bool SetComponentType (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_component_type)
bool SetDeletedModelComponentState (bool bDeleted, class ON_ComponentManifest *manifest)
void SetHiddenModelComponentState (bool bHidden)
bool SetId (const ON_UUID &component_id)
const ON_UUIDSetId ()
 Sets the id to a new value created by ON_CreateUuid(). More...
bool SetIdentification (const class ON_ComponentManifestItem &manifest_item, const wchar_t *manifest_name, bool bSetId, bool bParentId, bool bSetName, bool bSetIndex)
 Set a component's id, name and index to the manifest_item values. More...
bool SetIndex (int component_index)
bool SetLocalizedSystemComponentName (const wchar_t *system_component_localized_name)
void SetLockedModelComponentState (bool bLocked)
bool SetModelComponentStatus (ON_ComponentStatus component_status)
bool SetModelSerialNumber (unsigned int model_serial_number)
 Specify the model that is managing this component. More...
bool SetModelSerialNumber (unsigned int model_serial_number, unsigned int reference_model_serial_number, unsigned int instance_definition_model_serial_number)
 Specify the model that is managing this component. More...
bool SetName (const wchar_t *component_name)
bool SetParentId (const ON_UUID &parent_id)
unsigned int SizeOf () const override
bool UndeleteName ()
bool WriteModelComponentAttributes (class ON_BinaryArchive &archive, unsigned int attributes_filter) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ON_Object
 ON_Object (const ON_Object &)
virtual ~ON_Object ()
virtual ON_AggregateComponentStatus AggregateComponentStatus () const
 Call whenever a component status setting is modifed by directly changing it on a component in a way that will result in any saved information about the parent object's aggretate component status becoming invalid. More...
bool AttachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
 Attach user data to an object. More...
unsigned int ClearAllComponentStates () const
 Set all active level component states to ON_ComponentStatus::NoneSet. More...
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
 Clear the specified states on every component. More...
virtual unsigned int ClearComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_clear) const
 Clear states on an individual component. More...
unsigned int CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution)
 Expert user tool that copies user data items with positive values of ON_UserData.m_userdata_copycount from source_object to "this. More...
void CopyUserData (const ON_Object &source_object)
 Calls CopyUserData(source_object,ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution::source_object). More...
virtual bool DeleteComponents (const ON_COMPONENT_INDEX *ci_list, size_t ci_count)
 Delete the portions of the object identified in ci_list[]. More...
virtual void DestroyRuntimeCache (bool bDelete=true)
 Expert user function. If you are using openNURBS in its default configuration to read and write 3dm archives, you never need to call this function. Many objects employ lazy creation of (runtime) caches that save information to help speed geometric calculations. This function will destroy all runtime information. More...
bool DetachUserData (class ON_UserData *pUserData)
 Remove user data from an object. More...
void EmergencyDestroy ()
 Sets m_user_data_list = 0. More...
class ON_UserDataFirstUserData () const
 User data is stored as a linked list of ON_UserData classes. FirstUserData gets the first item in the linked list. This is the most recent item attached using AttachUserData(). Remark: To iterate through all the user data on an object, call FirstUserData() and then use ON_UserData::Next() to traverse the list. More...
virtual unsigned int GetComponentsWithSetStates (ON_ComponentStatus states_filter, bool bAllEqualStates, ON_SimpleArray< ON_COMPONENT_INDEX > &components) const
class ON_UserDataGetUserData (const ON_UUID &userdata_uuid) const
 Get a pointer to user data. More...
bool GetUserString (const wchar_t *key, ON_wString &string_value) const
 Get user string from the object. More...
int GetUserStringKeys (ON_ClassArray< ON_wString > &user_string_keys) const
 Get a list of all user string keys on the object. More...
int GetUserStrings (ON_ClassArray< ON_UserString > &user_strings) const
 Get a list of all user strings on the object. More...
bool IsKindOf (const ON_ClassId *pClassId) const
 Low level tool to test if an object is derived from a specified class. More...
virtual void MarkAggregateComponentStatusAsNotCurrent () const
 Call whenever a component status setting is modifed by directly changing it on a component in a way that will result in any saved information about the parent object's aggretate component status becoming invalid. More...
virtual void MemoryRelocate ()
 The MemoryRelocate() function is called when an object's location in memory is changed. For example, if an object resides in a chunk of memory that is grown by calling a realloc that has to allocate a new chunk and copy the contents of the old chunk to the new chunk, then the location of the object's memory changes. In practice this happens when classes derived from ON_Object are stored in dynamic arrays, like the default implementation of ON_ObjectArray<>'s that use realloc to grow the dynamic array. More...
unsigned int MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object, ON_UUID source_userdata_item_id, ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution userdata_conflict_resolution, bool bDeleteAllSourceItems)
 Expert user tool that moves user data items from source_object to "this. More...
void MoveUserData (ON_Object &source_object)
 Calls MoveUserData(source_object,ON_Object::UserDataConflictResolution::source_object,true). More...
ON_Objectoperator= (const ON_Object &)
void PurgeUserData ()
 PurgeUserData() removes all user data from object. More...
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStates (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus states_to_set) const
 Set states on an individual component. More...
virtual unsigned int SetComponentStatus (ON_COMPONENT_INDEX component_index, ON_ComponentStatus status_to_copy) const
 Copy status settings to an individual component. More...
bool SetUserString (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *string_value)
 Attach a user string to the object. This information will perisist through copy construction, operator=, and file IO. More...
int SetUserStrings (int count, const ON_UserString *user_strings, bool bReplace)
 Append entries to the user string list More...
void TransformUserData (const class ON_Xform &xform)
 Objects derived from ON_Geometry must call TransformUserData() in their Transform() member function. More...
int UserStringCount () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const ON_LayerFromModelComponentRef (const class ON_ModelComponentReference &model_component_reference, const ON_Layer *none_return_value)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
static int CompareId (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareIdAndName (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareName (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareNameAndId (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static int CompareNameExact (const ON_ModelComponent &a, const ON_ModelComponent &b)
static ON_ModelComponent::Type ComponentTypeFromUnsigned (unsigned int component_type_as_unsigned)
static bool ComponentTypeIsValid (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool ComponentTypeIsValidAndNotMixed (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static const ON_wString ComponentTypeToString (ON_ModelComponent::Type)
static bool IndexRequired (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static unsigned int Internal_SystemComponentHelper ()
 For internal use. Never call this function. More...
static const wchar_tIsNamePathSeparator (const wchar_t *s)
 Test a string to see if its beginning matches the string returned by ON_ModelComponent::NamePathSeparator. More...
*</code > *</example > *static const wchar_tIsReferencePrefixDelimiter (const wchar_t *s)
 Test a string to see if its beginning matches the string returned by ON_ModelComponent::NameReferenceDelimiter. More...
static const wchar_tIsReferencePrefixSeparator (const wchar_t *s)
 Test a string to see if its beginning matches the string returned by ON_ModelComponent::NameReferenceSeparator. More...
static bool IsValidComponentName (const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const ON_wString &candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (size_t length, const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static bool IsValidComponentName (const class ON_ComponentManifest &model_manfest, const ON_ModelComponent &model_component, bool bPermitReferencePrefix, ON_wString &valid_name)
static bool IsValidComponentNameFirstCodePoint (ON__UINT32 unicode_code_point)
static bool IsValidComponentNameFirstCodePoint (int length, const wchar_t *candidate_component_name)
static const ON_wString NameLeaf (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString NameParent (const wchar_t *name, bool bIncludeReference)
static const ON_wString NameReferencePrefix (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveAllReferencePrefixDelimiters (const wchar_t *name)
 Remove all occurances of ON::NameReferenceDelimiter() from name. More...
static const ON_wString RemoveReferencePrefix (const wchar_t *name)
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingNamePathSeparator (const wchar_t *name)
 Remove any trailing occurance of ON_ModelComponent::NamePathSeparator from name. More...
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingReferencePrefixDelimiter (const wchar_t *name)
 Remove any trailing occurance of ON_ModelComponent::NameReferenceDelimiter from name. More...
static const ON_wString RemoveTrailingReferencePrefixSeparator (const wchar_t *name)
 Remove any trailing occurance of ON_ModelComponent::NameReferenceSeparator from name. More...
static void SplitName (const wchar_t *name, ON_wString &reference_prefix, ON_wString &name_parent, ON_wString &name_leaf)
static bool UniqueNameIgnoresCase (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool UniqueNameIncludesParent (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)
static bool UniqueNameRequired (ON_ModelComponent::Type component_type)

Public Attributes

bool m_bExpanded = true
ON_Color m_color = ON_Color::Black
ON_UUID m_display_material_id = ON_nil_uuid
int m_iges_level = -1
int m_linetype_index = -1
int m_material_index = -1
ON_Color m_plot_color = ON_Color::UnsetColor
 Layer printing (plotting) attributes. More...
double m_plot_weight_mm = 0.0
ON_RenderingAttributes m_rendering_attributes

Static Public Attributes

static const ON_Layer Default
static const ON_Layer Unset
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ON_ModelComponent
static const ON_wString NamePathSeparator
 Returns the string "::". This is the string Rhino uses in layer full path names to separate the names of individual layers. More...
static const ON_wString ReferencePrefixDelimiter
 Returns the string " : ". This is the string Rhino uses to separate the reference file names from and model component names read from those files. More...
static const ON_wString ReferencePrefixSeparator
 Returns the string ">". This is the string Rhino uses to separate the block definition name and linked file name in grandparent layers. More...
static const ON_ModelComponent Unset
*static const ON_wString WorksessionReferencePrefix *const wchar_t

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ON_ModelComponent
void IncrementContentVersionNumber () const

Member Enumeration Documentation


enum ON_Layer::PER_VIEWPORT_SETTINGS : unsigned int

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ON_Layer() [1/2]

ON_Layer::ON_Layer ( )

◆ ~ON_Layer()

ON_Layer::~ON_Layer ( )

◆ ON_Layer() [2/2]

ON_Layer::ON_Layer ( const ON_Layer )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Color()

ON_Color ON_Layer::Color ( ) const
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting to use for a specific viewport is returned.
The color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object color set.

◆ CopyPerViewportSettings() [1/2]

bool ON_Layer::CopyPerViewportSettings ( ON_UUID  source_viewport_id,
ON_UUID  destination_viewport_id 

Copies all per viewport settings for the source_viewport_id

source_viewport_id[in] viewport id to copy all per viewport settings from
destination_viewport_id[in] viewport od to copy all per viewport settings to
True if the settings could be copied, False if no per-viewport settings exist for the source viewport id

◆ CopyPerViewportSettings() [2/2]

bool ON_Layer::CopyPerViewportSettings ( const ON_Layer source_layer,
ON_UUID  viewport_id,
unsigned int  settings_mask 

Copies specified per viewport settings from a source layer to this layer.

source_layer[in] layer to copy settings from
viewport_id[in] viewport id to copy all per viewport settings from. If viewport_id is nil, then the per viewport settings for all viewports will be copied.
settings_mask[in] bits indicate which settings to copy Use the ON_Layer PER_VIEWPORT_SETTINGS enum to set the bits.
True if the settings were copied, False if no per-viewport settings exist for the specified viewport_id.

◆ CullPerViewportSettings()

void ON_Layer::CullPerViewportSettings ( int  viewport_id_count,
const ON_UUID viewport_id_list 

Cull unused per viewport layer settings.

viewport_id_list[in] Settings for any viewports NOT in the viewport_id_list[] are culled.

◆ DeletePerViewportColor()

void ON_Layer::DeletePerViewportColor ( const ON_UUID viewport_id)

Remove any per viewport layer color setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports.

viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting for this viewport will be deleted. If viewport_id is nil, the all per viewport layer color settings will be removed.

◆ DeletePerViewportPlotColor()

void ON_Layer::DeletePerViewportPlotColor ( const ON_UUID viewport_id)

Remove any per viewport plot color setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports.

viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting for this viewport will be deleted. If viewport_id is nil, the all per viewport plot color settings will be removed.

◆ DeletePerViewportPlotWeight()

void ON_Layer::DeletePerViewportPlotWeight ( const ON_UUID viewport_id)

Remove any per viewport plot weight setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports.

viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting for this viewport will be deleted. If viewport_id is nil, the all per viewport plot weight settings will be removed.

◆ DeletePerViewportSettings()

void ON_Layer::DeletePerViewportSettings ( const ON_UUID viewport_id) const

Delete per viewport layer settings.

viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the settings for that viewport are deleted. If viewport_id is nil, then all per viewport settings are deleted.

◆ DeletePerViewportVisible()

void ON_Layer::DeletePerViewportVisible ( const ON_UUID viewport_id)

Remove any per viewport visibility setting so the layer's overall setting will be used for all viewports.

viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting for this viewport will be deleted. If viewport_id is nil, the all per viewport visibility settings will be removed.

◆ Dump()

void ON_Layer::Dump ( ON_TextLog ) const

Creates a text dump of the object.

Dump() is intended for debugging and is not suitable for creating high quality text descriptions of an object.

The default implementations of this virtual function prints the class's name.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ FromModelComponentRef()

static const ON_Layer* ON_Layer::FromModelComponentRef ( const class ON_ModelComponentReference model_component_reference,
const ON_Layer none_return_value 
none_return_value[in] value to return if ON_Layer::Cast(model_component_ref.ModelComponent()) is nullptr
If ON_Layer::Cast(model_component_ref.ModelComponent()) is not nullptr, that pointer is returned. Otherwise, none_return_value is returned.

◆ GetPerViewportVisibilityViewportIds()

void ON_Layer::GetPerViewportVisibilityViewportIds ( ON_SimpleArray< ON_UUID > &  viewport_id_list) const

Get a list of the viewport ids of viewports that that have per viewport visibility settings that override the default layer visibility setting ON_Layer::m_bVisible.

viewport_id_list[out] List of viewport id's that have a per viewport visibility setting. If the returned list is empty, then there are no per viewport visibility settings.
Number of ids added to the list.

◆ HasPerViewportSettings() [1/2]

bool ON_Layer::HasPerViewportSettings ( ON_UUID  viewport_id,
unsigned int  settings_mask 
) const
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then checks for per viewport settings for that specific viewport. If viewport_id is nil, then checks for per viewport settings in any viewport.
settings_mask[in] settings_mask is a bitfield that specifies which settings to check for. The bits are defined in the ON_Layer::PER_VIEWPORT_PROPERTIES enum. If you want to determine if the layer has any per viewport settings, then pass 0xFFFFFFFF.
True if the layer has per viewport override for the specified settings.

◆ HasPerViewportSettings() [2/2]

bool ON_Layer::HasPerViewportSettings ( const ON_UUID viewport_id) const
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then checks for setting for that specific viewport. If viewport_id is nil, then checks for any viewport settings.
True if the layer has per viewport settings.

◆ IgesLevel()

int ON_Layer::IgesLevel ( ) const

◆ IsValid()

bool ON_Layer::IsValid ( class ON_TextLog text_log = nullptr) const

Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly initialized.

text_log[in] if the object is not valid and text_log is not nullptr, then a brief englis description of the reason the object is not valid is appened to the log. The information appended to text_log is suitable for
lowlevel debugging purposes by programmers and is not intended to be useful as a high level user interface tool.
table true object is valid false object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ IsVisible()

bool ON_Layer::IsVisible ( ) const
Returns true if objects on layer are visible.

Does not inspect per viewport settings.

See also

◆ IsVisibleAndLocked()

bool ON_Layer::IsVisibleAndLocked ( ) const
Value of (IsVisible() && IsLocked()).

◆ IsVisibleAndNotLocked()

bool ON_Layer::IsVisibleAndNotLocked ( ) const
Value of (IsVisible() && !IsLocked()).

◆ LinetypeIndex()

int ON_Layer::LinetypeIndex ( ) const
The index of the linetype used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object linetype set.

◆ ObjectType()

ON::object_type ON_Layer::ObjectType ( ) const

Useful for switch statements that need to differentiate between basic object types like points, curves, surfaces, and so on.


ON::object_type enum value.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns ON::unknown_object_type

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ operator=()

ON_Layer& ON_Layer::operator= ( const ON_Layer )

◆ ParentLayerId()

ON_UUID ON_Layer::ParentLayerId ( ) const

◆ PersistentLocking()

bool ON_Layer::PersistentLocking ( ) const

The persistent locking setting is used for layers that can be locked by a "parent" object. A common case is when a layer is a child layer (ON_Layer.m_parent_id is not nil). In this case, when a parent layer is locked, then child layers are also locked. The persistent locking setting determines what happens when the parent is unlocked again.

true: If this layer's locking is controlled by a parent object and the parent is unlocked (after being locked), then this layer will also be unlocked. false: If this layer's locking is controlled by a parent object and the parent layer is unlocked (after being locked), then this layer will continue to be locked.

When the persistent locking is not explicitly set, this function returns the current value of IsLocked().

See also
ON_Layer::SetPersistentLocking, ON_Layer::UnsetPersistentLocking

◆ PersistentVisibility()

bool ON_Layer::PersistentVisibility ( ) const

The persistent visbility setting is used for layers whose visibilty can be changed by a "parent" object. A common case is when a layer is a child layer (ON_Layer.m_parent_id is not nil). In this case, when a parent layer is turned off, then child layers are also turned off. The persistent visibility setting determines what happens when the parent is turned on again.

true: If this layer's visibility is controlled by a parent object and the parent is turned on (after being off), then this layer will also be turned on. false: If this layer's visibility is controlled by a parent object and the parent layer is turned on (after being off), then this layer will continue to be off.

When the persistent visbility is not explicitly set, this function returns the current value of IsVisible().

See also
ON_Layer::SetPersistentVisibility, ON_Layer::UnsetPersistentVisibility

◆ PerViewportColor()

ON_Color ON_Layer::PerViewportColor ( ON_UUID  viewport_id) const
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting to use for a specific viewport is returned.
The color used by objects in the specified viewport and on this layer that do not have a per object color set.

◆ PerViewportIsVisible()

bool ON_Layer::PerViewportIsVisible ( ON_UUID  viewport_id) const
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the visibility setting for that viewport is returned.

If viewport_id is nil, the ON_Layer::IsVisible() is returned.

Returns true if objects on layer are visible.

◆ PerViewportPersistentVisibility()

bool ON_Layer::PerViewportPersistentVisibility ( ON_UUID  viewport_id) const
viewport_id[in] id of a viewport. If viewport_id is nil, then ON_Layer::PersistentVisibility() is returned.
true: If this layer's visibility in the specified viewport is controlled by a parent object and the parent is turned on (after being off), then this layer will also be turned on in the specified viewport. false: If this layer's visibility in the specified viewport is controlled by a parent object and the parent layer is turned on (after being off), then this layer will continue to be off in the specified viewport.

See ON_Layer::SetPersistentVisibility for a description of persistent visibility.

See also

◆ PerViewportPlotColor()

ON_Color ON_Layer::PerViewportPlotColor ( ON_UUID  viewport_id) const
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting to use for a specific viewport is returned.
The plotting color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object color set.

◆ PerViewportPlotWeight()

double ON_Layer::PerViewportPlotWeight ( ON_UUID  viewport_id) const

◆ PerViewportSettingsCRC()

ON__UINT32 ON_Layer::PerViewportSettingsCRC ( ) const

The PerViewportSettingsCRC() can be used to determine when layers have different per viewport settings.

◆ PlotColor()

ON_Color ON_Layer::PlotColor ( ) const
The plotting color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object color set.

◆ PlotWeight()

double ON_Layer::PlotWeight ( ) const

Get the weight (thickness) of the plotting pen.

Thickness of the plotting pen in millimeters. A thickness of 0.0 indicates the "default" pen weight should be used. A thickness of -1.0 indicates the layer should not be printed.

◆ Read()

bool ON_Layer::Read ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive)

Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject().

binary_archivearchive to read from
Returns true if the read is successful.

Use ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject() to read objects. This Read() function should read the objects definition back into its data members.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ RenderMaterialIndex()

int ON_Layer::RenderMaterialIndex ( ) const

◆ SetColor()

void ON_Layer::SetColor ( ON_Color  layer_color)

Set the color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object color set

layer_color[in] Passing ON_UNSET_COLOR will clear the settings.
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting applies only to the viewport with the specified id.

◆ SetIgesLevel()

bool ON_Layer::SetIgesLevel ( int  )

◆ SetLinetypeIndex()

bool ON_Layer::SetLinetypeIndex ( int  linetype_index)

Set the index of the linetype used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object lintypes

Passing1 will clear the setting.

◆ SetLocked()

void ON_Layer::SetLocked ( bool  bLocked)

Controls layer locked

bLocked[in] True to lock layer False to unlock layer
See also

◆ SetParentLayerId()

void ON_Layer::SetParentLayerId ( ON_UUID  parent_layer_id)

◆ SetPersistentLocking()

void ON_Layer::SetPersistentLocking ( bool  bPersistentLocking)

Set the persistent locking setting for this layer.

bPersistentLocking[in] persistent locking for this layer.

See ON_Layer::PersistentLocking for a detailed description of persistent locking.

See also
ON_Layer::PersistentLocking, ON_Layer::UnsetPersistentLocking

◆ SetPersistentVisibility()

void ON_Layer::SetPersistentVisibility ( bool  bPersistentVisibility)

Set the persistent visibility setting for this layer.

bPersistentVisibility[in] persistent visibility setting for this layer.

See ON_Layer::PersistentVisibility for a detailed description of persistent visibility.

See also
ON_Layer::PersistentVisibility, ON_Layer::UnsetPersistentVisibility

◆ SetPerViewportColor()

void ON_Layer::SetPerViewportColor ( ON_UUID  viewport_id,
ON_Color  layer_color 

Set the color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object color set

viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting applies only to the viewport with the specified id.
layer_color[in] Passing ON_UNSET_COLOR will clear the settings.

◆ SetPerViewportPersistentVisibility()

void ON_Layer::SetPerViewportPersistentVisibility ( ON_UUID  viewport_id,
bool  bPersistentVisibility 

This function allows per viewport setting the child visibility property. Parameters viewport_id - [in] bPersistentVisibility - [in]

See ON_Layer::SetPersistentVisibility for a description of the child visibility property.

See also

◆ SetPerViewportPlotColor()

void ON_Layer::SetPerViewportPlotColor ( ON_UUID  viewport_id,
ON_Color  plot_color 

◆ SetPerViewportPlotWeight()

void ON_Layer::SetPerViewportPlotWeight ( ON_UUID  viewport_id,
double  plot_weight_mm 

Set the weight of the plotting pen.

plot_weight_mm[in] Set the thickness of the plotting pen in millimeters. 0.0 means use the default pen width which is a Rhino app setting. -1.0 means layer does not print (still displays on the screen)

◆ SetPerViewportVisible()

void ON_Layer::SetPerViewportVisible ( ON_UUID  viewport_id,
bool  bVisible 

Controls layer visibility in specific viewports.

viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting applies only to the viewport with the specified id. If viewport_id is nil, then the setting applies to all viewports with per viewport layer settings.
bVisible[in] true to make layer visible, false to make layer invisible
See also

◆ SetPlotColor()

void ON_Layer::SetPlotColor ( ON_Color  plot_color)

Set the plotting color used by objects on this layer that do not have a per object plotting color set

plot_color[in] Passing ON_UNSET_COLOR will clear the settings.
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting applies only to the viewport with the specified id.

◆ SetPlotWeight()

void ON_Layer::SetPlotWeight ( double  plot_weight_mm)

Set the weight of the plotting pen.

plot_weight_mm[in] Set the thickness of the plotting pen in millimeters. 0.0 means use the default pen width which is a Rhino app setting. -1.0 means layer does not print (still displays on the screen)

◆ SetRenderMaterialIndex()

bool ON_Layer::SetRenderMaterialIndex ( int  )

◆ SetVisible()

void ON_Layer::SetVisible ( bool  bVisible)

Controls layer visibility

bVisible[in] true to make layer visible, false to make layer invisible
viewport_id[in] If viewport_id is not nil, then the setting applies only to the viewport with the specified id.
See also

◆ UnsetPersistentLocking()

void ON_Layer::UnsetPersistentLocking ( )

Remove any explicity persistent locking settings from this layer.

See ON_Layer::PersistentLocking for a detailed description of persistent locking.

See also
ON_Layer::PersistentLocking, ON_Layer::SetPersistentLocking

◆ UnsetPersistentVisibility()

void ON_Layer::UnsetPersistentVisibility ( )

Remove any explicit persistent visibility setting from this layer. When persistent visibility is not explictly set, the value of ON_Layer::IsVisible() is used.

See ON_Layer::PersistentVisibility for a detailed description of persistent visibility.

See also
ON_Layer::PersistentVisibility, ON_Layer::SetPersistentVisibility

◆ UnsetPerViewportPersistentVisibility()

void ON_Layer::UnsetPerViewportPersistentVisibility ( ON_UUID  viewport_id)

◆ UpdateReferencedComponents()

bool ON_Layer::UpdateReferencedComponents ( const class ON_ComponentManifest source_manifest,
const class ON_ComponentManifest destination_manifest,
const class ON_ManifestMap manifest_map 

Uses the destination_manifest to update references to other components. This is typically done when a component's references came from a "source" context and are being updated to the "destination" context. For example, inserting one model into another when index, id, and name conflicts need to be resolved at the time of insertion.

source_manifest[in] A manifest of the source context with indices and ids corresponding to the current component references. If this manifest is not available, pass ON_ComponentManifest::Empty.
destination_manifest[in] A manifest of the destination context with indices and ids corresponding to the desired component references. If this manifest is not available, pass ON_ComponentManifest::Empty.
manifest_map[in] A map from the source (current) referenced component index/id values to the destination (desired) component index/id values.
True if successful. False indicates a referenced component was not found in the manifest and the reference was changed to a default value.
If this object is an ON_Layer, the line pattern and render material references
are updated.
If this object is an ON_DimStyle, the text style reference is updated.
If this object is an ON_3dmObjectAttributes, the layer,
material, line pattern, and group references are updated.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

◆ UpdateViewportIds()

int ON_Layer::UpdateViewportIds ( const ON_UuidPairList viewport_id_map)

Use UpdateViewportIds() to change viewport ids in situations like merging when a viewport id conflict requires the viewport ids in a file to be changed.

Number of viewport ids that were updated.

◆ Write()

bool ON_Layer::Write ( ON_BinaryArchive binary_archive) const

Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject().

binary_archivearchive to write to
Returns true if the write is successful.

Use ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject() to write objects. This Write() function should just write the specific definition of this object. It should not write and any chunk typecode or length information.

The default implementation of this virtual function returns false and does nothing.

Reimplemented from ON_Object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Default

const ON_Layer ON_Layer::Default

◆ m_bExpanded

bool ON_Layer::m_bExpanded = true

◆ m_color

ON_Color ON_Layer::m_color = ON_Color::Black

◆ m_display_material_id

ON_UUID ON_Layer::m_display_material_id = ON_nil_uuid

◆ m_iges_level

int ON_Layer::m_iges_level = -1

◆ m_linetype_index

int ON_Layer::m_linetype_index = -1

◆ m_material_index

int ON_Layer::m_material_index = -1

◆ m_plot_color

ON_Color ON_Layer::m_plot_color = ON_Color::UnsetColor

Layer printing (plotting) attributes.

◆ m_plot_weight_mm

double ON_Layer::m_plot_weight_mm = 0.0

◆ m_rendering_attributes

ON_RenderingAttributes ON_Layer::m_rendering_attributes

◆ Unset

const ON_Layer ON_Layer::Unset