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IGH_Structure Interface

Base interface for all GH_Structure types.

Namespace:  Grasshopper.Kernel.Data
Assembly:  Grasshopper (in Grasshopper.dll)
public interface IGH_Structure

The IGH_Structure type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBranchGH_Path
Gets a limited access pointer to the data list associated with a certain path.
Public propertyBranchInt32
Gets a limited access pointer to the data list at the specified index.
Public propertyDataCount
Gets the total number of data items stored in all paths.
Public propertyIsEmpty
Gets the Empty state of the structure. If the structure is Empty when it contains no paths and no branches.
Public propertyPath
Gets the data path at the specified index.
Public propertyPathCount
Gets the number of paths defined in this structure.
Public propertyPaths
Gets a list of all the paths in this structure.
Public propertyStructureProxy
Gets a proxy list of all the data-arrays in this structure
Public propertyTopologyDescription
Gets a description of the topology of the structure. Useful for debugging purposes.
Public methodAllData
Gets an enumerator for all the data items in this structure.
Public methodClear
Clears the entire structure.
Public methodClearData
Removes all data from all paths without affecting the structure topology.
Public methodDataDescription
Gets a description of the data contained in this structure.
Public methodEnsureCapacity
Ensures that all branches have a certain capacity
Public methodExpandPath
Expand a path in this structure by appending an element.
Public methodFlatten
Flattens the entire structure into a single path.
Public methodGraft(GH_GraftMode)
Grafts all paths by reallocating all data into child paths.
Public methodGraft(GH_GraftMode, GH_Path)
Grafts a specific path by reallocating all data into child paths. If a grafted path coincides with an existing path, the data item in question will be appended to the existing path.
Public methodLongestPathIndex
Finds the path in this structure with the most dimensions. In case of multiple equally long longest paths, the last one will be returned.
Public methodPathExists
Returns True if the specified path is already defined inside the structure.
Public methodPathIndex
Find the indices that delineate the given path domain.
Public methodRemovePath
Removes a path and all associated data from the structure. If the path doesn't exist, nothing will happen.
Public methodReplacePath
Replace an existing path with a different one. If the operation is successfull, then the 'find' path will be deleted. If the 'replace' path is already defined, the items in 'find' will be appended to the existing path.
Public methodShortestPathIndex
Finds the path in this structure with the least dimensions. In case of multiple equally long longest paths, the first one will be returned.
Public methodSimplify
Simplify the data structure by removing path indices shared by all branches.
Public methodTrimExcess
Trims the excess allocated memory in all branches
See Also