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ModelEarthAnchorPoint Properties

The ModelEarthAnchorPoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyElevation
Gets a point elevation on earth, in meters.
Public propertyElevationCoordinateSystem
Gets the value indicating the zero level convention relating to a location on Earth
Public propertyId (Inherited from ModelContent.)
Public propertyIsValid (Inherited from ModelContent.)
Public propertyLatitude
Gets a point latitude on earth, in degrees. [-90, +90]
Public propertyLongitude
Gets a point longitude on earth, in degrees. [-180, +180]
Public propertyModelCompass
Gets the corresponding compass plane in model coordinates
Public propertyName (Inherited from ModelContent.)
Public propertyNotes (Inherited from ModelContent.)
Public propertyParent (Inherited from ModelContent.)
Public propertyPath (Inherited from ModelContent.)
Public propertyTags (Inherited from ModelContent.)
See Also