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GH_RadialDimensionCastTo Method

Overload List
Public methodCastToT(T)
Local to Remote caster function. This stuff is complex, don't concern yourself with casting logic.
(Inherited from GH_AnnotationBase.)
Public methodCastToT(T)
Local to Remote caster function. This stuff is complex, don't concern yourself with casting logic.
(Inherited from GH_Dimension.)
Public methodCastToQ(Q)
Attempt a cast to type T.
(Inherited from GH_GeometricGooT.)
Public methodCastToQ(Q)
Attempt a cast to type Q.
(Inherited from GH_GooT.)
Public methodCastToT(T)
Local to Remote caster function. This stuff is complex, don't concern yourself with casting logic.
(Overrides GH_DimensionCastToT(T).)
See Also