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AnnotationDateTimeFormat Methods

The AnnotationDateTimeFormat type exposes the following members.

Public methodCastFrom (Overrides GH_StringCastFrom(Object).)
Public methodCastToQ(Q)
Attempt a cast to type Q.
(Inherited from GH_GooT.)
Public methodCastToT(T) (Inherited from GH_String.)
Public methodDuplicate (Overrides GH_StringDuplicate.)
Public methodDuplicateString (Inherited from GH_String.)
Public methodEmitProxy (Inherited from GH_String.)
Public methodEquals(AnnotationDateTimeFormat)
Public methodEquals(Object) (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodRead (Inherited from GH_String.)
Public methodScriptVariable
This function will be called when the local IGH_Goo instance disappears into a user Script. This would be an excellent place to cast your IGH_Goo type to a simple data type.
(Inherited from GH_GooT.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from GH_String.)
Public methodWrite (Inherited from GH_String.)
See Also