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RhinoViewportGetPickTransform Method

Overload List
Public methodGetPickTransform(Point)
Takes a rectangle in screen coordinates and returns a transformation that maps the 3d frustum defined by the rectangle to a -1/+1 clipping coordinate box. This takes a single point and inflates it by Rhino.ApplicationSettings.ModelAidSettings.MousePickBoxRadius to define the screen rectangle.
Public methodGetPickTransform(Rectangle)
Takes a rectangle in screen coordinates and returns a transformation that maps the 3d frustum defined by the rectangle to a -1/+1 clipping coordinate box.
Public methodGetPickTransform(Int32, Int32)
Takes a rectangle in screen coordinates and returns a transformation that maps the 3d frustum defined by the rectangle to a -1/+1 clipping coordinate box. This takes a single point and inflates it by Rhino.ApplicationSettings.ModelAidSettings.MousePickBoxRadius to define the screen rectangle.
See Also