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RenderTabsRegisterTab Method (PlugIn, Type, String, Icon)

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Register custom render user interface with Rhino. This should only be done in RegisterRenderTabs(RenderTabs). Panels registered after RegisterRenderTabs(RenderTabs) is called will be ignored. If the class includes a public method "void DoHelp()" the method will get called when F1 is pressed and the custom tab is active.

Namespace:  Rhino.Render
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.11
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use RegisterTabEx(PlugIn plugin, Type tabType, Guid renderEngineId, string caption, Icon icon)")]
public void RegisterTab(
	PlugIn plugin,
	Type tabType,
	string caption,
	Icon icon


Type: Rhino.PlugInsPlugIn
The plug-in providing the custom user interface
Type: SystemType
The type of object to be created and added to the render container.
Type: SystemString
The caption for the custom user interface.
Type: System.DrawingIcon
See Also