Rhino C++ API  8.10
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CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox Class Reference

#include <RhinoSdkUiOptionsListCtrlItem.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox:
CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox CRhinoUiEdit CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox (LPCTSTR lpsLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lpsText=NULL, int iIndentLevel=0)
virtual ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox ()
bool BeginEditItem (CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrl &list_ctrl, const CRect rEdit, begin_edit_item_reason eir)
bool ClearTextOnDeleteKey () const
bool DisplayFileDialogNow ()
CFileDialog * FileDialog ()
CRhinoGetFileDialogFileDialogCtrl ()
CRhinoGetFileDialog::file_dialog_type FileDialogCtrlType () const
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
void OnDrawItem (CDC &dc, const CRect &rItem, const CRect &rDeflate) const
afx_msg void OnEnKillfocus ()
bool SetClearTextOnDeleteKey (bool b)
void SetFileDialog (CFileDialog *pFD)
CRhinoGetFileDialog::file_dialog_type SetFileDialogCtrlType (CRhinoGetFileDialog::file_dialog_type type)
void SetText (LPCTSTR lps)
bool SetWarnOnDeleteKey (bool b)
bool WarnOnDeleteKey () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox
 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox (LPCTSTR lpsLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lpsText=NULL, int iIndentLevel=0)
virtual ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox ()
void MoveItemWindow (CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrl &list_ctrl, const CRect rEdit)
afx_msg void OnEnChange ()
virtual bool OnEndEdit (LPCTSTR lps) const
afx_msg void OnEnKillfocus ()
afx_msg BOOL32 OnEraseBkgnd (CDC *pDC)
afx_msg BOOL32 OnMouseWheel (UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
void SetNumber (double d)
void SetNumber (int i)
virtual LRESULT WindowProc (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiEdit
 CRhinoUiEdit ()
virtual ~CRhinoUiEdit ()
void DDX_Text (CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, double &nValue)
void DDX_Text (CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, int &nValue)
void DDX_Text (CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, ON_wString &wValue)
int DisplayPrecision () const
void Format ()
const CString & FormatKeyword () const
int GetEditType () const
void GetNumericValue (double &d)
void GetNumericValue (int &n)
CSpinButtonCtrl * GetSpinButtonCtrl () const
void GetStringValue (ON_wString &w)
bool IncludeSpinner () const
void LinkToSliderCtrl (CRhinoUiSliderCtrl *)
afx_msg void OnChar (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
afx_msg void OnDestroy ()
afx_msg void OnKillFocus (CWnd *pNewWnd)
on_number_error OnNumberErrorMode () const
afx_msg void OnSetFocus (CWnd *pOldWnd)
afx_msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
void SetAllowEmpty (bool bSet=true)
void SetDisplayPrecision (int precision)
int SetEditType (edit_type et)
void SetFormatKeyword (const char *lps)
void SetFormatKeyword (const wchar_t *lps)
bool SetIncludeSpinner (bool b)
void SetMax (bool bSet, double nMax=0.0)
void SetMax (bool bSet, int nMax=0)
void SetMin (bool bSet, double nMin=0.0)
void SetMin (bool bSet, int nMin=0)
void SetNonZero (bool bSet=TRUE)
void SetNumber (double d)
void SetNumber (int i)
void SetOnNumberErrorMode (on_number_error mode)
void SetStringValue (const char *s, bool bAppend=false)
void SetStringValue (const wchar_t *w, bool bAppend=false)
void SetValue (double nValue)
void SetValue (int nValue)
ON_wString StringValue ()
void SynchSlider ()
void VerifyValue (double &nValue)
void VerifyValue (int &nValue)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem (const CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem &)
 CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem (control_type ct=ct_invalid, LPCTSTR lpsLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lpsText=NULL, int iIndentLevel=0)
virtual ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem ()
bool AutoDelete () const
control_type ControlType () const
void DrawItemText (CDC &dc, const CString &s, const CRect &rItem, const CRect &rDeflate) const
bool GetItemProperty (item_property iprop) const
bool GetItemState (item_state istate) const
CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlGetListCtrl () const
int IndentLevel () const
bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsFullRowItem () const
bool IsItemExpandable () const
bool IsItemHidden () const
bool IsReadOnly () const
virtual int ItemHeight () const
unsigned int ItemID () const
LPCTSTR Label () const
COLORREF LabelBackGroundColor () const
COLORREF LabelTextColor () const
const CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItemoperator= (const CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem &)
int ParentIndex () const
bool SetAutoDelete (bool b)
int SetIndentLevel (int iIndentLevel)
bool SetIsEnabled (bool b)
bool SetIsFullRowItem (bool b)
bool SetIsReadOnly (bool b)
bool SetItemProperty (item_property iprop, bool bEnabled)
bool SetItemState (item_state istate, bool bEnabled)
bool SetLabel (LPCTSTR lpsLabel)
COLORREF SetLabelBackGroundColor (COLORREF cr)
COLORREF SetLabelTextColor (COLORREF cr)
bool SetParentIndex (int iItem)
bool SetUseLabelColors (bool b)
virtual LPCTSTR Text () const
bool UseLabelColors () const


class CRhUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBoxButton

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CRhinoUiEdit
enum  edit_type {
  et_text = 0, et_int, et_double, et_ip,
  et_invalid, force_32bit_edit_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  on_number_error { one_use_last_good_number = 0, one_clamp_to_min_max_value, force_32bit_number_error = 0xFFFFFFFF }
- Public Types inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
enum  control_type {
  ct_static_text = 0, ct_edit_box, ct_check_box, ct_combo_box,
  ct_push_button, ct_ip_address, ct_radio_buttons, ct_color_combo_box,
  ct_color_button, ct_file, ct_font_combo, ct_layer_combo_box,
  ct_linetype_combo_box, ct_print_width_combo_box, ct_separator, ct_folder,
  ct_hyperlink, ct_custom_control, ct_invalid, force_32bit_control_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  item_property {
  full_row_item_property = 1, use_label_colors_property = 2, is_group_combo_item_property = 4, property0 = 8,
  property1 = 0x10, property2 = 0x20, property3 = 0x40, property4 = 0x80,
  property5 = 0x100, property6 = 0x200, property7 = 0x400, property8 = 0x800,
  property9 = 0x1000, force_32bit_item_property = 0xFFFFFFFF
enum  item_state {
  expanded_state = 1, hidden_state = 2, enabled_state = 4, readonly_state = 8,
  hidden_group_state = 0x10, state0 = 0x20, state1 = 0x40, state2 = 0x80,
  state3 = 0x100, state4 = 0x200, state5 = 0x400, state6 = 0x800,
  state7 = 0x1000, state8 = 0x2000, state9 = 0x4000, force_32bit_item_state = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Protected Types inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
enum  begin_edit_item_reason {
  eir_label_left_clicked = 0, eir_value_left_clicked, eir_f2_pressed, eir_navigation_key,
  force_32bit_begin_edit_item_reason = 0xFFFFFFFF
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiEdit
bool CreateBuddy ()
void FormatInt ()
void FormatReal ()
void OnCharInt (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
void OnCharReal (UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
virtual BOOL32 PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT &cs)
virtual void PreSubclassWindow ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
bool ForwardOnMouseWheel (CWnd &wnd, UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
bool SetControlType (control_type ct)
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox
bool m_bCancel
int m_edit_state = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiEdit
bool m_allowemtpy
int m_displayprecision
int m_edit_type
bool m_hasmax
bool m_hasmin
bool m_include_buddy
CString m_key_word
CString m_last_good_string
double m_lastgoodnumber
double m_max
double m_min
bool m_nonzero
on_number_error m_on_number_error
- Protected Attributes inherited from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem
CPoint m_ptEndTrackSelect

Detailed Description


Description: Display a read only edit box containing file name and a "..." button used to browse for file name.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox()

CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox ( LPCTSTR  lpsLabel = NULL,
LPCTSTR  lpsText = NULL,
int  iIndentLevel = 0 

Description: Constructor

Parameters: lpsLabel [in] Label for this item, appears in left column of options list lpsText [in] Text associated with this item, appears in right column of options list

◆ ~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox()

virtual CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::~CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox ( )

Description: Destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ BeginEditItem()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::BeginEditItem ( CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrl list_ctrl,
const CRect  rEdit,
begin_edit_item_reason  eir 

Description: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem virtual override

Create read only edit control and browse button.

Parameters: See CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem::BeginEditItem()

Returns: Returns true if edit control and browse button are created; otherwise false.

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox::BeginEditItem()

Reimplemented from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox.

◆ ClearTextOnDeleteKey()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::ClearTextOnDeleteKey ( ) const

Description: Call this method to determine if file name should be cleared when the delete key is pressed. The default value is true.

Returns: Returns true if file name will be cleared when the delete key is pressed.

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetWarnOnDeleteKey() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetWarnOnDeleteKey() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::ClearTextOnDeleteKey() Defaults to true

◆ DisplayFileDialogNow()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::DisplayFileDialogNow ( )

Description: Call this method to display the file dialog in the same manner as when the "..." file button is clicked. This will only work if the file window has been created.

Returns: Returns true if the control windows exists and button click was simulated otherwise; returns false.

◆ FileDialog()

CFileDialog* CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialog ( )

Description: Call this method to get the CFileDialog object which will be used by the file button if the FileDialogCtrlType() is equal to CRhinoGetFileDialog::custom

Returns: Returns the CFileDialog object which will be used by the file button if the FileDialogCtrlType() is equal to CRhinoGetFileDialog::custom

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrl() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrlType() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialogCtrlType() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialog()

◆ FileDialogCtrl()

CRhinoGetFileDialog& CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrl ( )

Description: Call this method to get the control object for the file button. When the file button is pressed it will use this object to display a standard Rhino file dialog. This will only get used if SetFileDialogCtrlType() is set to custom.

Returns: Rhino file dialog control object used by the file button associated with this item.

See Also: CRhinoGetFileDialog CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrlType() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialogCtrlType()

◆ FileDialogCtrlType()

CRhinoGetFileDialog::file_dialog_type CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrlType ( ) const

Description: Call this method to get Rhino file dialog mode which will be used when the file button is pressed. If this returns CRhinoGetFileDialog::custom FileDialog() will be used instead.

Returns: Rhino file dialog control type to be used by the FileDialogCtrl()

See Also: CRhinoGetFileDialog CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrlType() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialogCtrlType()

◆ OnDestroy()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::OnDestroy ( )

◆ OnDrawItem()

void CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::OnDrawItem ( CDC &  dc,
const CRect &  rItem,
const CRect &  rDeflate 
) const

Description: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem override

Reimplemented from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox.

◆ OnEnKillfocus()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::OnEnKillfocus ( )

◆ SetClearTextOnDeleteKey()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetClearTextOnDeleteKey ( bool  b)

Description: Call this method to tell the control if the file name should be cleared when the delete key is pressed. The default value is true.

Parameters: b [in] New value for this mode.

Returns: Returns previous value

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::WarnOnDeleteKey() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetWarnOnDeleteKey() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::ClearTextOnDeleteKey() Defaults to true

◆ SetFileDialog()

void CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialog ( CFileDialog *  pFD)

Description: Call this method to set the CFileDialog object which will be used by the file button if the FileDialogCtrlType() is equal to CRhinoGetFileDialog::custom

Parameters: pFD [in] Pointer to CFileDialog control object to be used by the file button.

Returns: Returns the CFileDialog object which will be used by the file button if the FileDialogCtrlType() is equal to CRhinoGetFileDialog::custom

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrl() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrlType() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialogCtrlType() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialog()

◆ SetFileDialogCtrlType()

CRhinoGetFileDialog::file_dialog_type CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialogCtrlType ( CRhinoGetFileDialog::file_dialog_type  type)

Description: Call this method to set the Rhino file dialog mode which will be used when the file button is pressed. If this returns CRhinoGetFileDialog::custom FileDialog() will be used instead.

Parameters: type [in] New Rhino file dialog mode.

Returns: Returns previous value.

See Also: CRhinoGetFileDialog CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::FileDialogCtrlType() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetFileDialogCtrlType()

◆ SetText()

void CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetText ( LPCTSTR  lps)

Description: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlItem override

Reimplemented from CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlEditBox.

◆ SetWarnOnDeleteKey()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetWarnOnDeleteKey ( bool  b)

Description: Call this method to tell the control to display or suppress a warning message when the delete key is pressed which will clear the file name. The warning message will include Yes and No buttons to give the user the opportunity to change there mind.

Parameters: b [in] New value for this mode.

Returns: Returns previous value

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::WarnOnDeleteKey() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::ClearTextOnDeleteKey() CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetClearTextOnDeleteKey()

◆ WarnOnDeleteKey()

bool CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::WarnOnDeleteKey ( ) const

Description: Call this method to determine if a warning message should be displayed when the delete key is pressed which will clear the file name. The warning message will include Yes and No buttons to give the user the opportunity to change there mind. The default value is false.

Returns: Returns true if a warning will be displayed otherwise false

See Also: CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBox::SetWarnOnDeleteKey() Defaults to false

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CRhUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBoxButton

friend class CRhUiOptionsListCtrlFileNameEditBoxButton