Rhino C++ API  8.12
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Friends | List of all members
CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData Class Reference

#include <RhinoSdkUiComboBox.h>

Public Types

enum  class_type {
  ct_font = 0, ct_color, ct_layer, ct_linetype,
  ct_print_width, ct_strings, ct_uuid, ct_invalid,
  force_32bit_class_type = 0xFFFFFFFF

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData (class_type ct)
virtual ~CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData ()
class_type ClassType () const
RhinoUiColorComboBoxItemDataColorData ()
RhinoUiFontComboBoxItemDataFontData ()
RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemDataLayerData ()
RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemDataLinetypeData ()
RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemDataPrintWidthData ()
void SetText (LPCTSTR lps)
void SetUuidData (ON_UUID uuid)
LPCTSTR Text () const
ON_UUID UuidData () const

Public Attributes

LONG m_lUserData
void * m_pUserData
RhinoUiColorComboBoxItemData m_color
RhinoUiFontComboBoxItemData m_font
RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemData m_layer
RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemData m_linetype
RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemData m_print_width
ON_UUID m_uuid


class CRhinoUiComboBox

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ class_type

Valid CRhinoUiComboBox item data types


Font item, m_data.m_font property will be valid.


Color item, m_data.m_color property will be valid.


Uses m_data.m_color for drawing layer color swatch.


Generic item, neither font nor color items will be valid.




For internal use, should always be last item in list


for internal use only, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData()

CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData ( class_type  ct)

Description: Constructor

Parameters: ct [in] Type of data this object will contain. Tells constructor which property to initialize

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type

◆ ~CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData()

virtual CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::~CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData ( )

Description: Destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClassType()

class_type CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::ClassType ( ) const

Description: Identifies what type of data this object contains.

Returns: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type which identifies type of data this object contains.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type

◆ ColorData()

RhinoUiColorComboBoxItemData* CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::ColorData ( )

Description: Get color data associated with this object. This will only be valid if ClassType() returns ct_color.

Returns: Pointer to RhinoUiColorComboBoxItemData struct if ClassType() returns ct_color otherwise NULL.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type RhinoUiColorComboBoxItemData

◆ FontData()

RhinoUiFontComboBoxItemData* CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::FontData ( )

Description: Get font data associated with this object. This will only be valid if ClassType() returns ct_font.

Returns: Pointer to RhinoUiFontComboBoxItemData struct if ClassType() returns ct_font otherwise NULL.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type RhinoUiFontComboBoxItemData

◆ LayerData()

RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemData* CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::LayerData ( )

Description: Get layer data associated with this object. This will only be valid if ClassType() returns ct_layer.

Returns: Pointer to RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemData struct if ClassType() returns ct_layer otherwise NULL.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemData

◆ LinetypeData()

RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemData* CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::LinetypeData ( )

Description: Get linetype data associated with this object. This will only be valid if ClassType() returns ct_linetype.

Returns: Pointer to RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemData struct if ClassType() returns ct_linetype otherwise NULL.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemData

◆ PrintWidthData()

RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemData* CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::PrintWidthData ( )

Description: Get print width data associated with this object. This will only be valid if ClassType() returns ct_print_width.

Returns: Pointer to RhinoUiPrintWithComboBoxItemData struct if ClassType() returns ct_print_width otherwise NULL.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemData

◆ SetText()

void CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::SetText ( LPCTSTR  lps)

Description: Set text associated with this item. This text will be used when owner drawing items when the combo box does not include CBS_HASSTRINGS style.

Parameters: lps [in] New text value.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::Text()

◆ SetUuidData()

void CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::SetUuidData ( ON_UUID  uuid)

Description: Store uuid on this item data.0 Sets class type to ct_uuid.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type

◆ Text()

LPCTSTR CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::Text ( ) const

Description: Display text associated with this item. This text will be used when owner drawing items when the combo box does not include CBS_HASSTRINGS style.

Returns: Text to owner draw.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::SetText()

◆ UuidData()

ON_UUID CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::UuidData ( ) const

Description: Get UUID associated with this object. This will only be valid if ClassType() returns ct_uuid.

Returns: The stored uuid if ClassType() returns ct_uuid otherwise NULL.

See Also: CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::class_type

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CRhinoUiComboBox

friend class CRhinoUiComboBox

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_color

RhinoUiColorComboBoxItemData CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_color

◆ m_font

RhinoUiFontComboBoxItemData CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_font

◆ m_layer

RhinoUiLayerComboBoxItemData CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_layer

◆ m_linetype

RhinoUiLinetypeComboBoxItemData CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_linetype

◆ m_lUserData

LONG CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_lUserData

◆ m_print_width

RhinoUiPrintWidthComboBoxItemData CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_print_width

◆ m_pUserData

void* CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_pUserData

Since this object is attached to combo box items using CComboBox::SetItemDataPtr() the next to properties can be used to attach additional data to item.

◆ m_uuid

ON_UUID CRhinoUiComboBoxItemData::m_uuid