Rhino C++ API  8.12
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CRhinoUiButton Class Reference

CRhinoUiButton. More...

#include <RhinoSdkUiButton.h>

Inheritance diagram for CRhinoUiButton:
CRhinoUiColorButton CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlPushButton CRhinoColorButton CRhinoUiOptionsListCtrlColorButton

Public Types

enum  image_list { il_normal = 0, il_disabled, force_32bit_image_list = 0xFFFFFFFF }
enum  mouse_down_button { mdb_left = 0, mdb_right, mdb_middle }

Public Member Functions

 CRhinoUiButton ()
virtual ~CRhinoUiButton ()
COLORREF ButtonColor () const
bool ButtonIsHot () const
void DrawButtonBitmap (CDC &dc, CRect r)
bool DrawButtonFrame () const
void DrawButtonText (CDC &dc, CRect rText)
virtual void DrawItem (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)
CImageList * GetImageList (image_list il) const
CSize GetImageListImageSize (image_list il) const
int GetImageListIndex (image_list il) const
const wchar_t * GetToolTipText () const
bool IsBitmapButton () const
bool IsColorButton () const
bool IsMenuButton () const
virtual bool OnColorButtonClicked ()
afx_msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
void OnCustomMouseButtonDown ()
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
 Event handlers. More...
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnMButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnMButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnPaint ()
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnRButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
void SetButtonColor (COLORREF cr=ON_UNSET_COLOR)
CImageList * SetImageList (CImageList *pImageList, image_list il)
int SetImageListIndex (int iIndex, image_list il)
bool SetIsMenuButton (bool b)
bool SetSuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot (bool b)
void SetSuppressTextWhenEnabled (bool b)
void SetToolTipText (const wchar_t *lpsTip)
bool SuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot () const
bool SuppressTextWhenEnabled () const

Public Attributes

class CRhUiButtonExtension * m__button_sdk_extension

Static Public Attributes

static const UINT m_on_color_changed_msg_id
static const UINT m_on_menu_button_down
static const UINT m_on_mouse_button_down

Protected Types

enum  {
  tool_tip_timer = 100, tool_tip_cleanup_timer = 101, tool_tip_cleanup_delay = 500, track_mode_no_track = 0,
  track_mode_no_button_down = 1, track_mode_lbutton_down = 2, track_mode_mbutton_down = 3, track_mode_rbutton_down = 4,
  force_32bit_button = 0xFFFFFFFF

Protected Member Functions

void EndTracking ()
void EndTrackToolTip ()
bool MakeOwnerDraw ()
bool MouseOkToDisplayToolTip ()
bool MouseOverThisButton ()
virtual BOOL32 OnChildNotify (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pLResult)
bool OnMouseButtonDown (mouse_down_button mdb, UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
bool OnMouseButtonUp (mouse_down_button mdb, UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
virtual void PreSubclassWindow ()
 CWnd overrides. More...
virtual BOOL32 PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg)
bool StartTracking ()
bool ToolTipIsVisible () const
bool TrackToolTip (bool bShow, LPRECT lpR)
virtual LRESULT WindowProc (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

Protected Attributes

bool m_bIsMenuButton
bool m_bSuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot
bool m_bSuppressTextWhenEnabled
COLORREF m_crButton
 Color button properties. More...
CImageList * m_image_list_disabled
int m_image_list_disabled_index
CImageList * m_image_list_normal
 Bitmap button properties. More...
int m_image_list_normal_index
CSize m_image_size_disabled
CSize m_image_size_normal
CRect m_rToolTip
int m_track_mode
 Tooltip. More...
bool m_traking_over_button
ON_wString m_wToolTip

Static Protected Attributes

static CRhinoUiToolTip m_tooltip

Detailed Description



/ / Copyright (c) 1993-2007 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved. / Rhinoceros is a registered trademark of Robert McNeel & Associates. / / THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. / ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF / MERCHANTABILITY ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. /
/ For complete Rhino SDK copyright information see http://www.rhino3d.com/developer. / //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Tool tip timer ID.


Tool tip clean up timer ID.


Tool tip clean up delay.


Mouse capture mode.


Hot button or tool tip.


Left mouse button down.


Middle mouse button down.


Right mouse button down


for internal use only, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future

◆ image_list

Bitmap button methods


for internal use only, this allows adding additional values without breaking the SDK in the future

◆ mouse_down_button


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CRhinoUiButton()

CRhinoUiButton::CRhinoUiButton ( )

◆ ~CRhinoUiButton()

virtual CRhinoUiButton::~CRhinoUiButton ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ButtonColor()

COLORREF CRhinoUiButton::ButtonColor ( ) const

Description: Call this method to determine the current button face color.

Returns: Returns the current button face color. If the color is ON_UNSET_COLOR then this is not a color button.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetButtonColor() CRhinoUiButton::IsColorButton()

◆ ButtonIsHot()

bool CRhinoUiButton::ButtonIsHot ( ) const

Description: Call this method to determine if the mouse is currently over this button.

Returns: Returns true if the mouse is currently over this button, otherwise; returns false.

◆ DrawButtonBitmap()

void CRhinoUiButton::DrawButtonBitmap ( CDC &  dc,
CRect  r 

Description: Helper function for owner draw buttons. Transparently draw button bitmap to specified device context.

Parameters: dc [in] Device context to draw to. r [in] Bounding rectangle button image.

◆ DrawButtonFrame()

bool CRhinoUiButton::DrawButtonFrame ( ) const

Description: Helper function for owner draw buttons. Call this method to determine wether or not the button frame should be drawn.

Returns: Returns true if button frame should be drawn at this time.

◆ DrawButtonText()

void CRhinoUiButton::DrawButtonText ( CDC &  dc,
CRect  rText 

Description: Helper function for owner draw buttons. Transparently draw button text (if it has text) to specified device context.

Parameters: dc [in] Device context to draw to. rText [in] Bounding rectangle for text in device context coordinate system.

◆ DrawItem()

virtual void CRhinoUiButton::DrawItem ( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT  )

◆ EndTracking()

void CRhinoUiButton::EndTracking ( )

Description: Call this method to end capture and clear all tracking flags.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::StartTracking()

◆ EndTrackToolTip()

void CRhinoUiButton::EndTrackToolTip ( )

Description: Call this method to close the tool tip and reset all tracking tool tip properties.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetToolTipText() CRhinoUiButton::EndTrackToolTip()

◆ GetImageList()

CImageList* CRhinoUiButton::GetImageList ( image_list  il) const

Description: This method retrieves the handle to an image list used when drawing button face.

Parameters: il [in] Specifies the type of image list. It can be one of these values: il_normal - Image list with enabled buttons il_disabled - Image list with disabled buttons.

Returns: Returns a pointer to the image list used for drawing button face.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetImageList() CRhinoUiButton::IsBitmapButton()

◆ GetImageListImageSize()

CSize CRhinoUiButton::GetImageListImageSize ( image_list  il) const

Description: This method retrieves the bitmap size for a single bitmap in the image list.

Parameters: il [in] Specifies the type of image list. It can be one of these values: il_normal - Image list with enabled buttons il_disabled - Image list with disabled buttons.

Returns: Returns individual bitmap size.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetImageList() CRhinoUiButton::GetImageList()

◆ GetImageListIndex()

int CRhinoUiButton::GetImageListIndex ( image_list  il) const

Description: This method retrieves the index of an image for the button face for bitmap.

Parameters: il [in] Specifies the type of image list. It can be one of these values: il_normal - Image list with enabled buttons il_disabled - Image list with disabled buttons.

Returns: Returns the index of the image to be used when drawing the button face.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetImageListIndex() CRhinoUiButton::SetImageList() CRhinoUiButton::GetImageList()

◆ GetToolTipText()

const wchar_t* CRhinoUiButton::GetToolTipText ( ) const

Description: Use the following method to get the tool tip text associated with this button.

Returns: Returns tool tip text associated with this button.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetToolTipText()

◆ IsBitmapButton()

bool CRhinoUiButton::IsBitmapButton ( ) const

Description: This method is used to determine if a button is a bitmap button. A button is a bitmap button if SetImageList() has been called assigning at least a normal image list and SetImageListIndex() has been called.

Returns: Returns true if a button a bitmap will be used when drawing the button face.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::GetImageListIndex() CRhinoUiButton::SetImageList() CRhinoUiButton::GetImageList()

◆ IsColorButton()

bool CRhinoUiButton::IsColorButton ( ) const

Description: Call this method to determine if this button is a color button.

Returns: Returns true if SetButtonColor has been called with a color other than ON_UNSET_COLOR otherwise returns false.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::ButtonColor() CRhinoUiButton::SetButtonColor()

◆ IsMenuButton()

bool CRhinoUiButton::IsMenuButton ( ) const

Description: If this returns true and the button is owner draw then the button will act like a menu bar item.

Returns: Returns true if button should be drawn like a menu

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetIsMenuButton()

◆ MakeOwnerDraw()

bool CRhinoUiButton::MakeOwnerDraw ( )

Description: This method is called when a button is created to decide whether or not to force the button to be owner draw. If a button color is set prior to creating the button or an image list assigned then the button will become owner draw.

Returns: Returns true if button should be forced to be owner draw.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::IsColorButton() CRhinoUiButton::IsBitmapButton()

◆ MouseOkToDisplayToolTip()

bool CRhinoUiButton::MouseOkToDisplayToolTip ( )

Description: Call this method to determine it the tool tip should be displayed.

Returns: Returns true if tool tip should be displayed, otherwise; returns false.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetToolTipText() CRhinoUiButton::TrackToolTip() CRhinoUiButton::EndTrackToolTip()

◆ MouseOverThisButton()

bool CRhinoUiButton::MouseOverThisButton ( )

Description: Call this method to determine if the mouse is currently over this button.

Returns: Returns true if the mouse is currently over this button, otherwise; returns false.

◆ OnChildNotify()

virtual BOOL32 CRhinoUiButton::OnChildNotify ( UINT  message,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam,
LRESULT *  pLResult 

◆ OnColorButtonClicked()

virtual bool CRhinoUiButton::OnColorButtonClicked ( )

Description: This method is called when a color button is clicked. The default implementation displays the Rhino color dialog and invalidates the button if a new color is selected.

Returns: Returns true if color was changed or false if not.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetColor() CRhinoUiButton::IsColorButton()

Reimplemented in CRhinoUiColorButton.

◆ OnCreate()

afx_msg int CRhinoUiButton::OnCreate ( LPCREATESTRUCT  lpCreateStruct)

◆ OnCustomMouseButtonDown()

void CRhinoUiButton::OnCustomMouseButtonDown ( )

Description: This MUST be called if your CRhinoUiButton::m_on_mouse_button_down handler returns a value greater than zero to clean up the button state.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::m_on_mouse_button_down

◆ OnLButtonDown()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnLButtonDown ( UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

Event handlers.

◆ OnLButtonUp()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnLButtonUp ( UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

◆ OnMButtonDown()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnMButtonDown ( UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

◆ OnMButtonUp()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnMButtonUp ( UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

◆ OnMouseButtonDown()

bool CRhinoUiButton::OnMouseButtonDown ( mouse_down_button  mdb,
UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

Description: This method is called by mouse event handlers.

Parameters: mbd [in] Identifies button sending the message. nFlags [in] Indicates whether various virtual keys are down. See OnLButtonDown in MSDN for details. point [in] Specifies the x- and y-coordinate of the cursor. These coordinates are always relative to the upper-left corner of the window.

Returns: Returns true if this method handled the message indicating the calling method should not call the base class. If false is returned then the calling method should call the base class.

See Also: CWnd::OnLButtonDown() CRhinoUiButton::OnMouseButtonUp()

◆ OnMouseButtonUp()

bool CRhinoUiButton::OnMouseButtonUp ( mouse_down_button  mdb,
UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

Description: This method is called by mouse event handlers.

Parameters: mbd [in] Identifies button sending the message. nFlags [in] Indicates whether various virtual keys are down. See OnLButtonUp in MSDN for details. point [in] Specifies the x- and y-coordinate of the cursor. These coordinates are always relative to the upper-left corner of the window.

Returns: Returns true if this method handled the message indicating the calling method should not call the base class. If false is returned then the calling method should call the base class.

See Also: CWnd::OnLButtonDown() CRhinoUiButton::OnMouseButtonDown()

◆ OnMouseMove()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnMouseMove ( UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

◆ OnPaint()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnPaint ( )

◆ OnRButtonDown()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnRButtonDown ( UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

◆ OnRButtonUp()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnRButtonUp ( UINT  nFlags,
CPoint  point 

◆ OnTimer()

afx_msg void CRhinoUiButton::OnTimer ( UINT_PTR  nIDEvent)

◆ PreSubclassWindow()

virtual void CRhinoUiButton::PreSubclassWindow ( )

CWnd overrides.

◆ PreTranslateMessage()

virtual BOOL32 CRhinoUiButton::PreTranslateMessage ( MSG *  pMsg)

◆ SetButtonColor()

void CRhinoUiButton::SetButtonColor ( COLORREF  cr = ON_UNSET_COLOR)

Description: Setting the button color to anything other than ON_UNSET_COLOR will cause the button to become a color button. This is only valid if this is an owner draw button.

Parameters: cr [in] Color to paint the button face

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::ButtonColor() CRhinoUiButton::IsColorButton()

◆ SetImageList()

CImageList* CRhinoUiButton::SetImageList ( CImageList *  pImageList,
image_list  il 

Description: This method assigns an image list to a button. You must call this method prior to creating the button or create the button as owner draw for this to be affective.

Parameters: pImageList [in] Specifies the pointer to the image list to assign. il [in] Specifies the type of image list. It can be one of these values: il_normal - Image list with enabled buttons il_disabled - Image list with disabled buttons. Returns: Returns a pointer to the previous image list.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::GetImageList() CRhinoUiButton::IsBitmapButton()

◆ SetImageListIndex()

int CRhinoUiButton::SetImageListIndex ( int  iIndex,
image_list  il 

Description: This method assigns the index of an image for the button face for bitmap.

Parameters: iIndex [in] Specifies the image index for the button face bitmap. il [in] Specifies the type of image list. It can be one of these values: il_normal - Image list with enabled buttons il_disabled - Image list with disabled buttons.

Returns: Returns the index of the image to be used when drawing the button face.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::GetImageListIndex() CRhinoUiButton::SetImageList() CRhinoUiButton::GetImageList()

◆ SetIsMenuButton()

bool CRhinoUiButton::SetIsMenuButton ( bool  b)

Description: If this returns true and the button is owner draw then the button will act like a menu bar item.

Parameters: b [in] If true then the button will be drawn like a menu item

Returns: Returns previous state.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::IsMenuButton()

◆ SetSuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot()

bool CRhinoUiButton::SetSuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot ( bool  b)

Description: Call this method to make owner draw button draw its frame only when hot or active.

Parameters: b [in] If true then button frame will only draw when the mouse is not over the button.

Returns: Returns previous value.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot()

◆ SetSuppressTextWhenEnabled()

void CRhinoUiButton::SetSuppressTextWhenEnabled ( bool  b)

Description: Call this method to make a color button display text when enabled. By default text is suppressed for enabled buttons.

Parameters: b [in] If true then text is displayed on color buttons when enabled.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetColor() CRhinoUiButton::IsColorButton()

◆ SetToolTipText()

void CRhinoUiButton::SetToolTipText ( const wchar_t *  lpsTip)

Description: Use the following method to set the tool tip text associated with this button.

Parameters: lpsTip [in] Tool tip text to associate with this button.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::GetToolTipText()

◆ StartTracking()

bool CRhinoUiButton::StartTracking ( )

Description: Call this method to capture the mouse and begin tracking. The default tracking mode is track_mode_no_button_down

Returns: If mouse is captured true is returned, otherwise false is returned.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::track_mode_no_button_down CRhinoUiButton::EndTracking()

◆ SuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot()

bool CRhinoUiButton::SuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot ( ) const

Description: Check to see if owner draw button should draw its frame when not hot or active.

Returns: Returns true if button frame will only be drawn when mouse is over the button.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetSuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot()

◆ SuppressTextWhenEnabled()

bool CRhinoUiButton::SuppressTextWhenEnabled ( ) const

Description: Call this method to determine if text should be displayed on a color button when it is enabled. Color buttons will paint using the ::GetSystemColor( COLOR_BTNFACE) color and display text when disabled.

Returns: Returns true if button text should be displayed on enabled color button.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetColor() CRhinoUiButton::IsColorButton()

◆ ToolTipIsVisible()

bool CRhinoUiButton::ToolTipIsVisible ( ) const

Description: Call this method to determine if the button tool tip is currently visible.

Returns: If the tool tip has been created and is visible true is returned otherwise false is.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetToolTipText() CRhinoUiButton::TrackToolTip() CRhinoUiButton::EndTrackToolTip()

◆ TrackToolTip()

bool CRhinoUiButton::TrackToolTip ( bool  bShow,

Description: Call this method to display or hide the tool tip associated with this button.

Parameters: bShow [in] If true then the tool tip will be displayed if this button as tool tip text. lpR [in] Button window rectangle, the tool tip will be displayed below this if possible.

Returns: Returns true if tool tip was displayed or hidden successfully.

See Also: CRhinoUiButton::SetToolTipText() CRhinoUiButton::EndTrackToolTip()

◆ WindowProc()

virtual LRESULT CRhinoUiButton::WindowProc ( UINT  message,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m__button_sdk_extension

class CRhUiButtonExtension* CRhinoUiButton::m__button_sdk_extension

For internal use only! Reserved for future use.

◆ m_bIsMenuButton

bool CRhinoUiButton::m_bIsMenuButton

◆ m_bSuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot

bool CRhinoUiButton::m_bSuppressButtonFrameWhenNotHot

◆ m_bSuppressTextWhenEnabled

bool CRhinoUiButton::m_bSuppressTextWhenEnabled

◆ m_crButton

COLORREF CRhinoUiButton::m_crButton

Color button properties.

◆ m_image_list_disabled

CImageList* CRhinoUiButton::m_image_list_disabled

◆ m_image_list_disabled_index

int CRhinoUiButton::m_image_list_disabled_index

◆ m_image_list_normal

CImageList* CRhinoUiButton::m_image_list_normal

Bitmap button properties.

◆ m_image_list_normal_index

int CRhinoUiButton::m_image_list_normal_index

◆ m_image_size_disabled

CSize CRhinoUiButton::m_image_size_disabled

◆ m_image_size_normal

CSize CRhinoUiButton::m_image_size_normal

◆ m_on_color_changed_msg_id

const UINT CRhinoUiButton::m_on_color_changed_msg_id

Color button methods

Use the following macro in your dialogs message map to receive notification when a color button is clicked and a new color value was specified: ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE( CRhinoUiButton::m_on_color_changed_msg_id, OnRhinoUiColorButtonColorChanged) Method prototype: afx_msg LRESULT OnRhinoUiColorButtonColorChanged( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); The WPARAM and LPARAM are the same as BN_CLICKED notification.

◆ m_on_menu_button_down

const UINT CRhinoUiButton::m_on_menu_button_down

Description: Registered windows message sent by a IsMenuButton() when pressed

◆ m_on_mouse_button_down

const UINT CRhinoUiButton::m_on_mouse_button_down

Use the following macro in your dialogs message map to receive notification when a mouse button goes down over a button. ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE( CRhinoUiButton::m_on_mouse_button_down, OnRhinoUiButtonMouseDown) Method prototype: afx_msg LRESULT OnRhinoUiButtonMouseDown( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); wParam The low-order word contains the button's control identifier. The high-order word specifies which mouse button went down. See "enum mouse_down_button" above. lParam Window handle for the button. Return a value greater than zero to handle the mouse event yourself. NOTE: You must call CRhinoUiButton::OnCustomMouseButtonDown() if you return a value greater than zero so the button state can be correctly set.

◆ m_rToolTip

CRect CRhinoUiButton::m_rToolTip

◆ m_tooltip

CRhinoUiToolTip CRhinoUiButton::m_tooltip

◆ m_track_mode

int CRhinoUiButton::m_track_mode


◆ m_traking_over_button

bool CRhinoUiButton::m_traking_over_button

◆ m_wToolTip

ON_wString CRhinoUiButton::m_wToolTip