Rhino C++ API  8.14
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CRhinoAppSettings Class Reference

#include <rhinoSdkAppSettings.h>

Public Types

enum  osnap_command {
  osc_none = 0x00000000, osc_between = 0x00000010, osc_from_point = 0x00000100, osc_perpendicular_from = 0x00000200,
  osc_tangent_from = 0x00000400, osc_along_line = 0x00001000, osc_along_parallel = 0x00002000, osc_on_curve = 0x00010000,
  osc_on_surface = 0x00020000, osc_on_polysurface = 0x00040000
enum  osnap_mode {
  os_none = ON::os_none, os_near = ON::os_near, os_focus = ON::os_focus, os_center = ON::os_center,
  os_vertex = ON::os_vertex, os_knot = ON::os_knot, os_quadrant = ON::os_quadrant, os_midpoint = ON::os_midpoint,
  os_intersection = ON::os_intersection, os_end = ON::os_end, os_perpendicular = ON::os_perpendicular, os_tangent = ON::os_tangent,
  os_point = ON::os_point

Public Member Functions

ON_Color ActiveLayerColor () const
const CRhinoAppAliasListAliases () const
ON_Color AmbientLightColor (const CRhinoDoc *) const
const CRhinoAppAppearanceSettingsAppearanceSettings (bool synch_with_ui=false) const
bool AskOnLoadProtection () const
bool AutoAlignCPlane () const
bool AutocompleteCommands () const
 If true, commands are in-line autocompleted and exact matches are shown in a popup menu. More...
int AutoCPlaneAlignment () const
 0 = object, 1 = world, 2 = view More...
int AutoGumballAlignment () const
 For the sake of not breaking the SDK, you will have to cast back and forward from int to CRhinoView::drag_plane. More...
bool AutoGumballExtrudeMergeFaces () const
ON_Color BackgroundColor (const CRhinoDoc *) const
const CRhinoAppChooseOneObjectSettingsChooseOneObjectSettings () const
bool CommandPromptIsVisible () const
 command prompt visibility and position More...
CRhinoAppAppearanceSettings::command_prompt_position CommandPromptPosition () const
const CRhinoAppContextMenuSettingsContextMenuSettings () const
bool ControlClickSubObjectDeselect () const
const CRhinoAppCursorToolTipSettingsCursorToolTipSettings () const
const CRhinoCurvatureAnalysisSettingsCurvatureAnalysisSettings () const
const CRhinoCurvatureGraphSettingsCurvatureGraphSettings () const
bool DefaultAutocompleteCommands () const
const ON_FontDefaultFont ()
void DefaultFontFaceName (ON_wString &font) const
bool DefaultFuzzyAutocomplete () const
const ON_LightDefaultLight () const
const class CRhinoMaterialDefaultMaterial () const
ON_Color DefaultObjectColor () const
 default properties and light More...
void Defaults ()
bool DefaultWorldCoordIconMoveLabels () const
double DigitizerOsnapPickboxRadius () const
 3D digitizer object snap pick box size More...
const CRhinoDirectionAnalysisSettingsDirectionAnalysisSettings () const
int DirectionArrowIconHeadSize () const
 Length of direction arrow icon head in pixels. More...
int DirectionArrowIconShaftSize () const
 Length of direction arrow icon shaft in pixels. More...
bool DisableRightClickAsEnter () const
bool DisplayCurvesAndIsocurvesInRenderedViews (const CRhinoDoc *) const
const CRhinoDisplaySettingsDisplaySettings () const
bool DisplayTextAndDimensionsInRenderedViews (const CRhinoDoc *) const
bool DisplayViewportTitles () const
 viewport options More...
const CRhinoAppDontRepeatCommandSettingsDontRepeatCommands () const
const CRhinoDraftAngleAnalysisSettingsDraftAngleAnalysisSettings () const
bool EchoCommandsToHistory () const
bool EchoPromptsToHistory () const
const CRhinoEdgeAnalysisSettingsEdgeAnalysisSettings () const
const CRhinoEdgeContinuitySettingsEdgeContinuitySettings () const
const CRhinoEmapAnalysisSettingsEmapAnalysisSettings () const
void EnableGridSnap (bool=true)
void EnableOrtho (bool=true)
bool EnableOsnapHighlight () const
bool EnableOsnaps () const
void EnablePlanar (bool=true)
const CRhinoEndAnalysisSettingsEndAnalysisSettings () const
ON_Color FeedbackColor () const
const CRhinoAppFileSettingsFileSettings () const
ON_Color FrameBackgroundColor () const
bool FuzzyAutocomplete () const
 If true, in-line auto-complete uses popularity sorting, and pop-up menu includes closest inexact matches. More...
const CRhinoAppGeneralSettingsGeneralSettings () const
ON_wString GetPackageManagerSources () const
bool GetRenderedViewSettingsFromDoc () const
 rendered views options More...
int GridAxisLineWidth () const
const CRhinoAppGridSettingsGridSettings () const
bool GridSnap () const
 Grid snap setting. More...
ON_Color GridThickLineColor () const
int GridThickLineWidth () const
 construction plane grid line properties More...
ON_Color GridThinLineColor () const
 construction plane grid colors More...
ON_Color GridXAxisColor () const
ON_Color GridYAxisColor () const
ON_Color GridZAxisColor () const
bool GumballAutoReset () const
ON_Color HiddenLineColor (void) const
float HiddenLineColorMixingFactor (void) const
bool HiddenLineEnabled (void) const
int HiddenLineMode (void) const
float HiddenLineThicknessScale (void) const
unsigned int ImportFileLayerMatchingOption () const
void LoadProfile (CRhinoProfileContext &context)
void LoadRepeatCommandSettings (CRhinoProfileContext &context)
ON_Color LockedObjectColor (bool bIsReferenceObject=false) const
const class CRhinoMaterialLockedObjectMaterial () const
 for RenderPreview More...
const CRhinoAppModelAidSettingsModelAidSettings () const
bool MouseOverHighlight () const
 If true, objects are highlighted with mouse over. More...
bool MouseOverHighlightSubObjects () const
 If true, sub-objects are highlighted with mouse over. More...
int MousePickboxRadius () const
 mouse pick box size More...
const CRhinoAppMouseSettingsMouseSettings () const
const ON_ClassArray< CRhinoNamedColor > & NamedColorList ()
UINT NudgeAutoUpdateDelay () const
bool NudgeAutoUpdateMesh () const
bool NumericKeypadDecimalKeyPeriod () const
const CRhinoOpenGLSettingsOpenGLSettings () const
bool OrientAutoCPlaneToView () const
bool Ortho () const
 Ortho setting. More...
bool OrthoUseZ () const
bool OsnapDialogVisible ()
bool OsnapEnabled () const
 Returns: true if any osnaps are enabled. More...
unsigned int OsnapMode () const
bool OsnapMode (osnap_mode) const
 Persistent Osnaps. More...
int OsnapPickboxRadius () const
 object snap pick box size More...
bool PickOccluded () const
bool Planar () const
 Planar setting. More...
CRhinoAppModelAidSettings::point_display_mode PointDisplayMode () const
class CRhAppSettingsData * Private () const
 For internal use only. More...
bool ProjectOsnaps () const
bool ProjectOsnapsInPlanParallelViews () const
void RemapMouse (int, int &, UINT &) const
void SaveProfile (CRhinoProfileContext &context) const
bool SaveViewChanges () const
 true if changing a view should mark a document as modified More...
ON_Color SelectedGripColor () const
ON_Color SelectedObjectColor (bool bIsReferenceObject=false) const
 object state colors More...
ON_Color SelectedObjectCornerColor (void) const
float SelectedObjectCornerLength (void) const
int SelectedObjectCornerThickness (void) const
const CRhinoAppSelectionFilterSettingsSelectionFilterSettings () const
void SetAliases (const CRhinoAppAliasList &settings)
void SetAppearanceSettings (const CRhinoAppAppearanceSettings &settings)
void SetAskOnLoadProtection (bool bAsk)
void SetAutoAlignCPlane (bool bAutoCPlane)
void SetAutocompleteCommands (bool bEnable)
void SetAutoCPlaneAlignment (int iAlignment)
void SetAutoGumballAlignment (int)
void SetAutoGumballExtrudeMergeFaces (bool bMerge)
void SetChooseOneObjectSettings (const CRhinoAppChooseOneObjectSettings &settings)
void SetContextMenuSettings (const CRhinoAppContextMenuSettings &settings)
void SetControlClickSubObjectDeselect (bool bEnable)
void SetCursorToolTipSettings (const CRhinoAppCursorToolTipSettings &settings)
void SetCurvatureAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoCurvatureAnalysisSettings &settings)
void SetCurvatureGraphSettings (const CRhinoCurvatureGraphSettings &settings)
void SetDirectionAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoDirectionAnalysisSettings &settings)
void SetDisableRightClickAsEnter (bool)
void SetDisplaySettings (const CRhinoDisplaySettings &settings)
void SetDontRepeatCommands (const CRhinoAppDontRepeatCommandSettings &settings)
void SetDraftAngleAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoDraftAngleAnalysisSettings &settings)
void SetEdgeAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoEdgeAnalysisSettings &settings)
void SetEdgeContinuitySettings (const CRhinoEdgeContinuitySettings &settings)
void SetEmapAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoEmapAnalysisSettings &settings)
void SetEnableOsnapHighlight (bool bEnable)
bool SetEnableOsnaps (bool bEnable=true)
void SetEndAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoEndAnalysisSettings &settings)
void SetFileSettings (const CRhinoAppFileSettings &settings)
void SetFuzzyAutocomplete (bool bEnable)
void SetGeneralSettings (const CRhinoAppGeneralSettings &settings)
bool SetGetRenderedViewSettingsFromDoc (bool b)
void SetGridSettings (const CRhinoAppGridSettings &settings)
void SetGumballAutoReset (bool bAutoReset)
void SetGumballColors (CRhinoGumballColors gumball_colors)
void SetGumballSizes (CRhinoGumballSizes gumball_sizes)
void SetHiddenLineColor (ON_Color)
void SetHiddenLineColorMixingFactor (float)
void SetHiddenLineEnabled (bool)
void SetHiddenLineMode (int)
void SetHiddenLineThicknessScale (float)
void SetImportFileLayerMatchingOption (unsigned int import_file_layer_matching_option)
void SetModelAidSettings (const CRhinoAppModelAidSettings &settings)
void SetMouseOverHighlight (bool bEnable)
void SetMouseOverHighlightSubObjects (bool bEnable)
void SetMouseSettings (const CRhinoAppMouseSettings &settings)
void SetNudgeAutoUpdateDelay (UINT delay)
void SetNudgeAutoUpdateMesh (bool bEnable)
void SetNumericKeypadDecimalKeyPeriod (bool bEnable)
void SetOpenGLSettings (const CRhinoOpenGLSettings &)
void SetOrientAutoCPlaneToView (bool bAlign)
void SetOrthoUseZ (bool bUse)
void SetOsnapMode (osnap_mode mode, bool b)
void SetPackageManagerSources (const wchar_t *s)
void SetPickOccluded (bool bEnable)
bool SetProjectOsnaps (bool bEnable=true)
bool SetProjectOsnapsInPlanParallelViews (bool bEnable=true)
void SetSelectedObjectCornerColor (ON_Color)
void SetSelectedObjectCornerLength (float)
void SetSelectedObjectCornerThickness (bool)
void SetSelectionFilterSettings (const CRhinoAppSelectionFilterSettings &)
void SetShortCutKeys (const CRhinoAppShortcutKeys &settings)
void SetShowAutoGumball (bool bShowAutoGumball)
void SetShowHiddenLines (bool)
void SetShowOrthoHashMarks (bool bShow)
void SetShowSelectedObjectCorners ()
void SetShowViewportXEdges (bool)
void SetSilhouetteHighlighting (bool bEnable)
void SetSilhouetteHighlightInnerColorScale (float)
void SetSilhouetteHighlightInnerFactor ()
void SetSilhouetteHighlightOuterScale (int)
void SetSilhouetteMethod (int)
void SetSilhouetteThickness (int)
void SetSmartTrackSettings (const CRhinoAppSmartTrackSettings &settings)
void SetSnappyGumball (bool bSnappyGumball)
void SetSpaceBallSettings (const CRhinoAppSpaceBallSettings &settings)
void SetStatusBarLayerPaneWidth (int value)
void SetStickyAutoCPlane (bool bSticky)
void SetThicknessAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoThicknessAnalysisSettings &settings)
void SetUiPaintColorSettings (const CRhinoUiPaintColorSettings &settings)
void SetViewportXEdgeLength (float)
void SetViewportXEdgeSensitivity (float)
void SetViewportXEdgeStyle ()
void SetViewportXEdgeThickness (int)
void SetViewSettings (const CRhinoAppViewSettings &settings)
void SetWidgetColorSettings (const CRhinoWidgetColorSettings &settings)
void SetZebraAnalysisSettings (const CRhinoZebraAnalysisSettings &settings)
const CRhinoAppShortcutKeysShortCutKeys () const
bool ShowAutoGumball () const
ON_Color ShowEdgeColor () const
bool ShowHiddenLines (void) const
bool ShowOrthoHashMarks () const
void ShowOsnapDialog (bool=true)
 Show and Hide the Osnap dialog. More...
bool ShowSelectedObjectCorners (void) const
bool ShowStatusBar (bool bShow=true)
bool ShowViewportXEdges (void) const
bool ShowZAxis (void) const
bool SilhouetteHighlighting (void) const
float SilhouetteHighlightInnerColorScale (void) const
float SilhouetteHighlightInnerFactor (void) const
int SilhouetteHighlightOuterScale (void) const
int SilhouetteMethod (void) const
int SilhouetteThickness (void) const
const CRhinoAppSmartTrackSettingsSmartTrackSettings () const
bool SnappyGumball () const
const CRhinoAppSpaceBallSettingsSpaceBallSettings () const
bool StatusBarIsVisisble () const
 status bar state More...
int StatusBarLayerPaneWidth () const
bool StickyAutoCPlane () const
const CRhinoThicknessAnalysisSettingsThicknessAnalysisSettings () const
ON_Color TrackingColor () const
const CRhinoUiPaintColorSettingsUiPaintColorSettings () const
bool UseDontRepeatList () const
bool UseHiddenLightsInRenderedViews (const CRhinoDoc *) const
ON_Color ViewportBackgroundColor () const
 viewport colors More...
float ViewportXEdgeLength (void) const
float ViewportXEdgeSensitivity (void) const
int ViewportXEdgeStyle (int) const
int ViewportXEdgeThickness (void) const
const CRhinoAppViewSettingsViewSettings () const
const CRhinoWidgetColorSettingsWidgetColorSettings () const
int WorldCoordIconAxisSize () const
 length of the axes lines in pixels More...
int WorldCoordIconLabelSize () const
 radius of the axes labels in pixels More...
bool WorldCoordIconMoveLabels () const
ON_Color WorldCoordIconXAxisColor () const
 world coordinate icon axes colors More...
ON_Color WorldCoordIconYAxisColor () const
ON_Color WorldCoordIconZAxisColor () const
const CRhinoZebraAnalysisSettingsZebraAnalysisSettings () const


class CRhinoApp
class CRhLinuxApp

Detailed Description

CRhinoAppSettings class - Rhino application settings

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ osnap_command


◆ osnap_mode

The CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode enum is OBSOLETE. Use the ON::osnap_mode values. The reason for the change is that history records are saving these values in ON_ObjRefs.

Currently lots of files are checked out and I can't convert Rhino's use CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode to ON::osnap_mode.


Member Function Documentation

◆ ActiveLayerColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::ActiveLayerColor ( ) const

◆ Aliases()

const CRhinoAppAliasList& CRhinoAppSettings::Aliases ( ) const

◆ AmbientLightColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::AmbientLightColor ( const CRhinoDoc ) const

◆ AppearanceSettings()

const CRhinoAppAppearanceSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::AppearanceSettings ( bool  synch_with_ui = false) const

◆ AskOnLoadProtection()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::AskOnLoadProtection ( ) const

If true, a dialog will be shown when load protected plug-ins are being loaded. If false, load protected plug-ins will silently not load

◆ AutoAlignCPlane()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::AutoAlignCPlane ( ) const

END Gumball settings

◆ AutocompleteCommands()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::AutocompleteCommands ( ) const

If true, commands are in-line autocompleted and exact matches are shown in a popup menu.

◆ AutoCPlaneAlignment()

int CRhinoAppSettings::AutoCPlaneAlignment ( ) const

0 = object, 1 = world, 2 = view

◆ AutoGumballAlignment()

int CRhinoAppSettings::AutoGumballAlignment ( ) const

For the sake of not breaking the SDK, you will have to cast back and forward from int to CRhinoView::drag_plane.

◆ AutoGumballExtrudeMergeFaces()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::AutoGumballExtrudeMergeFaces ( ) const

When the gumball extrudes a face it will merge faces along the extrusion if possible

◆ BackgroundColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::BackgroundColor ( const CRhinoDoc ) const

◆ ChooseOneObjectSettings()

const CRhinoAppChooseOneObjectSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::ChooseOneObjectSettings ( ) const

◆ CommandPromptIsVisible()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::CommandPromptIsVisible ( ) const

command prompt visibility and position

◆ CommandPromptPosition()

CRhinoAppAppearanceSettings::command_prompt_position CRhinoAppSettings::CommandPromptPosition ( ) const
Obsolete method, no longer used and does not reflect the actual command control state

◆ ContextMenuSettings()

const CRhinoAppContextMenuSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::ContextMenuSettings ( ) const

◆ ControlClickSubObjectDeselect()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ControlClickSubObjectDeselect ( ) const

◆ CursorToolTipSettings()

const CRhinoAppCursorToolTipSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::CursorToolTipSettings ( ) const

◆ CurvatureAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoCurvatureAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::CurvatureAnalysisSettings ( ) const

◆ CurvatureGraphSettings()

const CRhinoCurvatureGraphSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::CurvatureGraphSettings ( ) const

◆ DefaultAutocompleteCommands()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultAutocompleteCommands ( ) const

◆ DefaultFont()

const ON_Font& CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultFont ( )

Returns: A managed font with facename = DefaultFontFaceName().

◆ DefaultFontFaceName()

void CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultFontFaceName ( ON_wString font) const

◆ DefaultFuzzyAutocomplete()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultFuzzyAutocomplete ( ) const

◆ DefaultLight()

const ON_Light& CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultLight ( ) const

◆ DefaultMaterial()

const class CRhinoMaterial& CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultMaterial ( ) const

◆ DefaultObjectColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultObjectColor ( ) const

default properties and light

◆ Defaults()

void CRhinoAppSettings::Defaults ( )

◆ DefaultWorldCoordIconMoveLabels()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::DefaultWorldCoordIconMoveLabels ( ) const

◆ DigitizerOsnapPickboxRadius()

double CRhinoAppSettings::DigitizerOsnapPickboxRadius ( ) const

3D digitizer object snap pick box size

◆ DirectionAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoDirectionAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::DirectionAnalysisSettings ( ) const

◆ DirectionArrowIconHeadSize()

int CRhinoAppSettings::DirectionArrowIconHeadSize ( ) const

Length of direction arrow icon head in pixels.

◆ DirectionArrowIconShaftSize()

int CRhinoAppSettings::DirectionArrowIconShaftSize ( ) const

Length of direction arrow icon shaft in pixels.

◆ DisableRightClickAsEnter()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::DisableRightClickAsEnter ( ) const

◆ DisplayCurvesAndIsocurvesInRenderedViews()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::DisplayCurvesAndIsocurvesInRenderedViews ( const CRhinoDoc ) const

If GetRenderedViewSettingsFromDoc() returns true then values for the following are returned from CRhinoDoc::Properties().RenderSettings() otherwise they are returned from CRhinoDisplaySettings

◆ DisplaySettings()

const CRhinoDisplaySettings& CRhinoAppSettings::DisplaySettings ( ) const

◆ DisplayTextAndDimensionsInRenderedViews()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::DisplayTextAndDimensionsInRenderedViews ( const CRhinoDoc ) const

◆ DisplayViewportTitles()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::DisplayViewportTitles ( ) const

viewport options

◆ DontRepeatCommands()

const CRhinoAppDontRepeatCommandSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::DontRepeatCommands ( ) const

◆ DraftAngleAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoDraftAngleAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::DraftAngleAnalysisSettings ( ) const

◆ EchoCommandsToHistory()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::EchoCommandsToHistory ( ) const

◆ EchoPromptsToHistory()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::EchoPromptsToHistory ( ) const

◆ EdgeAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoEdgeAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::EdgeAnalysisSettings ( ) const

◆ EdgeContinuitySettings()

const CRhinoEdgeContinuitySettings& CRhinoAppSettings::EdgeContinuitySettings ( ) const

◆ EmapAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoEmapAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::EmapAnalysisSettings ( ) const

◆ EnableGridSnap()

void CRhinoAppSettings::EnableGridSnap ( bool  = true)

◆ EnableOrtho()

void CRhinoAppSettings::EnableOrtho ( bool  = true)

◆ EnableOsnapHighlight()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::EnableOsnapHighlight ( ) const

By default active osnap is indicated by thickening the wireframe of the osnapped object. Disable osnap highlight to remove the effect.

◆ EnableOsnaps()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::EnableOsnaps ( ) const

◆ EnablePlanar()

void CRhinoAppSettings::EnablePlanar ( bool  = true)

◆ EndAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoEndAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::EndAnalysisSettings ( ) const

◆ FeedbackColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::FeedbackColor ( ) const

◆ FileSettings()

const CRhinoAppFileSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::FileSettings ( ) const

◆ FrameBackgroundColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::FrameBackgroundColor ( ) const

◆ FuzzyAutocomplete()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::FuzzyAutocomplete ( ) const

If true, in-line auto-complete uses popularity sorting, and pop-up menu includes closest inexact matches.

◆ GeneralSettings()

const CRhinoAppGeneralSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::GeneralSettings ( ) const

◆ GetPackageManagerSources()

ON_wString CRhinoAppSettings::GetPackageManagerSources ( ) const

◆ GetRenderedViewSettingsFromDoc()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::GetRenderedViewSettingsFromDoc ( ) const

rendered views options

◆ GridAxisLineWidth()

int CRhinoAppSettings::GridAxisLineWidth ( ) const

◆ GridSettings()

const CRhinoAppGridSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::GridSettings ( ) const

◆ GridSnap()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::GridSnap ( ) const

Grid snap setting.

◆ GridThickLineColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::GridThickLineColor ( ) const

◆ GridThickLineWidth()

int CRhinoAppSettings::GridThickLineWidth ( ) const

construction plane grid line properties

◆ GridThinLineColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::GridThinLineColor ( ) const

construction plane grid colors

◆ GridXAxisColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::GridXAxisColor ( ) const

◆ GridYAxisColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::GridYAxisColor ( ) const

◆ GridZAxisColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::GridZAxisColor ( ) const

◆ GumballAutoReset()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::GumballAutoReset ( ) const

◆ HiddenLineColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::HiddenLineColor ( void  ) const

◆ HiddenLineColorMixingFactor()

float CRhinoAppSettings::HiddenLineColorMixingFactor ( void  ) const

◆ HiddenLineEnabled()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::HiddenLineEnabled ( void  ) const

◆ HiddenLineMode()

int CRhinoAppSettings::HiddenLineMode ( void  ) const

◆ HiddenLineThicknessScale()

float CRhinoAppSettings::HiddenLineThicknessScale ( void  ) const

◆ ImportFileLayerMatchingOption()

unsigned int CRhinoAppSettings::ImportFileLayerMatchingOption ( ) const

The import file layer matching setting belongs on CRhinoAppFileSettings but that class cannot be modified without breaking the SDK. This setting controls what happens to layers when the contents of an external source file are imported into an existing model.
The Import, Paste and Insert commands are a few of the ways a file can be imported into an existing model. 0 = import layer names using the full path found in the source file. 1 = if the source file has a layer with named "source_file_parent_layer_path/X" and the current model has a layer named "current_model_parent_layer_path/X", then change all references from "source_file_parent_layer_path/X" to "current_model_parent_layer_path/X" when importing items from the source file. This mimics Rhino 4.0 behavior, where all short layer names had to be unique and the parent path was ignored.

◆ LoadProfile()

void CRhinoAppSettings::LoadProfile ( CRhinoProfileContext context)

This function WILL call OnAppSettingsChanged event watchers if any settings change.

◆ LoadRepeatCommandSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::LoadRepeatCommandSettings ( CRhinoProfileContext context)

◆ LockedObjectColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::LockedObjectColor ( bool  bIsReferenceObject = false) const

◆ LockedObjectMaterial()

const class CRhinoMaterial& CRhinoAppSettings::LockedObjectMaterial ( ) const

◆ ModelAidSettings()

const CRhinoAppModelAidSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::ModelAidSettings ( ) const

◆ MouseOverHighlight()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::MouseOverHighlight ( ) const

If true, objects are highlighted with mouse over.

◆ MouseOverHighlightSubObjects()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::MouseOverHighlightSubObjects ( ) const

If true, sub-objects are highlighted with mouse over.

◆ MousePickboxRadius()

int CRhinoAppSettings::MousePickboxRadius ( ) const

mouse pick box size

◆ MouseSettings()

const CRhinoAppMouseSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::MouseSettings ( ) const

◆ NamedColorList()

const ON_ClassArray<CRhinoNamedColor>& CRhinoAppSettings::NamedColorList ( )

◆ NudgeAutoUpdateDelay()

UINT CRhinoAppSettings::NudgeAutoUpdateDelay ( ) const

◆ NudgeAutoUpdateMesh()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::NudgeAutoUpdateMesh ( ) const

◆ NumericKeypadDecimalKeyPeriod()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::NumericKeypadDecimalKeyPeriod ( ) const

◆ OpenGLSettings()

const CRhinoOpenGLSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::OpenGLSettings ( ) const

◆ OrientAutoCPlaneToView()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::OrientAutoCPlaneToView ( ) const

◆ Ortho()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::Ortho ( ) const

Ortho setting.

◆ OrthoUseZ()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::OrthoUseZ ( ) const

◆ OsnapDialogVisible()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::OsnapDialogVisible ( )

◆ OsnapEnabled()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::OsnapEnabled ( ) const

Returns: true if any osnaps are enabled.

◆ OsnapMode() [1/2]

unsigned int CRhinoAppSettings::OsnapMode ( ) const

Returns: An unsigned int with CRhinoAppSettings::osnap_mode bits set if an osnap is enabled.

◆ OsnapMode() [2/2]

bool CRhinoAppSettings::OsnapMode ( osnap_mode  ) const

Persistent Osnaps.

◆ OsnapPickboxRadius()

int CRhinoAppSettings::OsnapPickboxRadius ( ) const

object snap pick box size

◆ PickOccluded()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::PickOccluded ( ) const

◆ Planar()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::Planar ( ) const

Planar setting.

◆ PointDisplayMode()

CRhinoAppModelAidSettings::point_display_mode CRhinoAppSettings::PointDisplayMode ( ) const

◆ Private()

class CRhAppSettingsData* CRhinoAppSettings::Private ( ) const

For internal use only.

◆ ProjectOsnaps()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ProjectOsnaps ( ) const

◆ ProjectOsnapsInPlanParallelViews()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ProjectOsnapsInPlanParallelViews ( ) const

◆ RemapMouse()

void CRhinoAppSettings::RemapMouse ( int  ,
int &  ,
UINT &   
) const

The "original" mouse event is passed in and can be modified by users who want to change one action to another.

◆ SaveProfile()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SaveProfile ( CRhinoProfileContext context) const

◆ SaveViewChanges()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::SaveViewChanges ( ) const

true if changing a view should mark a document as modified

◆ SelectedGripColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::SelectedGripColor ( ) const

◆ SelectedObjectColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::SelectedObjectColor ( bool  bIsReferenceObject = false) const

object state colors

◆ SelectedObjectCornerColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::SelectedObjectCornerColor ( void  ) const

◆ SelectedObjectCornerLength()

float CRhinoAppSettings::SelectedObjectCornerLength ( void  ) const

◆ SelectedObjectCornerThickness()

int CRhinoAppSettings::SelectedObjectCornerThickness ( void  ) const

◆ SelectionFilterSettings()

const CRhinoAppSelectionFilterSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::SelectionFilterSettings ( ) const

◆ SetAliases()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAliases ( const CRhinoAppAliasList settings)

◆ SetAppearanceSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAppearanceSettings ( const CRhinoAppAppearanceSettings settings)

◆ SetAskOnLoadProtection()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAskOnLoadProtection ( bool  bAsk)

◆ SetAutoAlignCPlane()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAutoAlignCPlane ( bool  bAutoCPlane)

◆ SetAutocompleteCommands()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAutocompleteCommands ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetAutoCPlaneAlignment()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAutoCPlaneAlignment ( int  iAlignment)

◆ SetAutoGumballAlignment()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAutoGumballAlignment ( int  )

◆ SetAutoGumballExtrudeMergeFaces()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetAutoGumballExtrudeMergeFaces ( bool  bMerge)

◆ SetChooseOneObjectSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetChooseOneObjectSettings ( const CRhinoAppChooseOneObjectSettings settings)

◆ SetContextMenuSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetContextMenuSettings ( const CRhinoAppContextMenuSettings settings)

◆ SetControlClickSubObjectDeselect()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetControlClickSubObjectDeselect ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetCursorToolTipSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetCursorToolTipSettings ( const CRhinoAppCursorToolTipSettings settings)

◆ SetCurvatureAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetCurvatureAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoCurvatureAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ SetCurvatureGraphSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetCurvatureGraphSettings ( const CRhinoCurvatureGraphSettings settings)

◆ SetDirectionAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetDirectionAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoDirectionAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ SetDisableRightClickAsEnter()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetDisableRightClickAsEnter ( bool  )

◆ SetDisplaySettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetDisplaySettings ( const CRhinoDisplaySettings settings)

◆ SetDontRepeatCommands()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetDontRepeatCommands ( const CRhinoAppDontRepeatCommandSettings settings)

◆ SetDraftAngleAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetDraftAngleAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoDraftAngleAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ SetEdgeAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetEdgeAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoEdgeAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ SetEdgeContinuitySettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetEdgeContinuitySettings ( const CRhinoEdgeContinuitySettings settings)

◆ SetEmapAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetEmapAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoEmapAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ SetEnableOsnapHighlight()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetEnableOsnapHighlight ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetEnableOsnaps()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::SetEnableOsnaps ( bool  bEnable = true)

◆ SetEndAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetEndAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoEndAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ SetFileSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetFileSettings ( const CRhinoAppFileSettings settings)

◆ SetFuzzyAutocomplete()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetFuzzyAutocomplete ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetGeneralSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetGeneralSettings ( const CRhinoAppGeneralSettings settings)

◆ SetGetRenderedViewSettingsFromDoc()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::SetGetRenderedViewSettingsFromDoc ( bool  b)

◆ SetGridSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetGridSettings ( const CRhinoAppGridSettings settings)

◆ SetGumballAutoReset()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetGumballAutoReset ( bool  bAutoReset)

◆ SetGumballColors()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetGumballColors ( CRhinoGumballColors  gumball_colors)

BEGIN Gumball settings NOTE: When we are closer to shipping a finished gumball, There will be a CRhinoGumballSettings class that can be used to set/get all gumball related settings. While we are still testing the look and feel of the gumball, individual settings will be added here. Rhino default gumball colors The CRhinoGumballColors() constructor uses these values.

◆ SetGumballSizes()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetGumballSizes ( CRhinoGumballSizes  gumball_sizes)

Set Rhino gumball sizes. The CRhinoGumballSizes() constructor uses these values.

◆ SetHiddenLineColor()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetHiddenLineColor ( ON_Color  )

◆ SetHiddenLineColorMixingFactor()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetHiddenLineColorMixingFactor ( float  )

◆ SetHiddenLineEnabled()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetHiddenLineEnabled ( bool  )

◆ SetHiddenLineMode()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetHiddenLineMode ( int  )

◆ SetHiddenLineThicknessScale()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetHiddenLineThicknessScale ( float  )

◆ SetImportFileLayerMatchingOption()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetImportFileLayerMatchingOption ( unsigned int  import_file_layer_matching_option)

See the comment above the declaration of CRhinoApp::ImportFileLayerMatchingOption() for a description of the values import_file_layer_matching_option can have.

◆ SetModelAidSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetModelAidSettings ( const CRhinoAppModelAidSettings settings)

◆ SetMouseOverHighlight()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetMouseOverHighlight ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetMouseOverHighlightSubObjects()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetMouseOverHighlightSubObjects ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetMouseSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetMouseSettings ( const CRhinoAppMouseSettings settings)

◆ SetNudgeAutoUpdateDelay()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetNudgeAutoUpdateDelay ( UINT  delay)

◆ SetNudgeAutoUpdateMesh()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetNudgeAutoUpdateMesh ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetNumericKeypadDecimalKeyPeriod()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetNumericKeypadDecimalKeyPeriod ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetOpenGLSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetOpenGLSettings ( const CRhinoOpenGLSettings )

◆ SetOrientAutoCPlaneToView()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetOrientAutoCPlaneToView ( bool  bAlign)

◆ SetOrthoUseZ()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetOrthoUseZ ( bool  bUse)

◆ SetOsnapMode()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetOsnapMode ( osnap_mode  mode,
bool  b 

◆ SetPackageManagerSources()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetPackageManagerSources ( const wchar_t *  s)

◆ SetPickOccluded()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetPickOccluded ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetProjectOsnaps()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::SetProjectOsnaps ( bool  bEnable = true)

◆ SetProjectOsnapsInPlanParallelViews()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::SetProjectOsnapsInPlanParallelViews ( bool  bEnable = true)

◆ SetSelectedObjectCornerColor()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSelectedObjectCornerColor ( ON_Color  )

◆ SetSelectedObjectCornerLength()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSelectedObjectCornerLength ( float  )

◆ SetSelectedObjectCornerThickness()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSelectedObjectCornerThickness ( bool  )

◆ SetSelectionFilterSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSelectionFilterSettings ( const CRhinoAppSelectionFilterSettings )

◆ SetShortCutKeys()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetShortCutKeys ( const CRhinoAppShortcutKeys settings)

◆ SetShowAutoGumball()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetShowAutoGumball ( bool  bShowAutoGumball)

◆ SetShowHiddenLines()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetShowHiddenLines ( bool  )

◆ SetShowOrthoHashMarks()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetShowOrthoHashMarks ( bool  bShow)

◆ SetShowSelectedObjectCorners()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetShowSelectedObjectCorners ( )

◆ SetShowViewportXEdges()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetShowViewportXEdges ( bool  )

◆ SetSilhouetteHighlighting()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSilhouetteHighlighting ( bool  bEnable)

◆ SetSilhouetteHighlightInnerColorScale()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSilhouetteHighlightInnerColorScale ( float  )

◆ SetSilhouetteHighlightInnerFactor()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSilhouetteHighlightInnerFactor ( )

◆ SetSilhouetteHighlightOuterScale()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSilhouetteHighlightOuterScale ( int  )

◆ SetSilhouetteMethod()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSilhouetteMethod ( int  )

◆ SetSilhouetteThickness()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSilhouetteThickness ( int  )

◆ SetSmartTrackSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSmartTrackSettings ( const CRhinoAppSmartTrackSettings settings)

◆ SetSnappyGumball()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSnappyGumball ( bool  bSnappyGumball)

◆ SetSpaceBallSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetSpaceBallSettings ( const CRhinoAppSpaceBallSettings settings)

◆ SetStatusBarLayerPaneWidth()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetStatusBarLayerPaneWidth ( int  value)

◆ SetStickyAutoCPlane()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetStickyAutoCPlane ( bool  bSticky)

◆ SetThicknessAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetThicknessAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoThicknessAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ SetUiPaintColorSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetUiPaintColorSettings ( const CRhinoUiPaintColorSettings settings)

◆ SetViewportXEdgeLength()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetViewportXEdgeLength ( float  )

◆ SetViewportXEdgeSensitivity()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetViewportXEdgeSensitivity ( float  )

◆ SetViewportXEdgeStyle()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetViewportXEdgeStyle ( )

◆ SetViewportXEdgeThickness()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetViewportXEdgeThickness ( int  )

◆ SetViewSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetViewSettings ( const CRhinoAppViewSettings settings)

◆ SetWidgetColorSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetWidgetColorSettings ( const CRhinoWidgetColorSettings settings)

◆ SetZebraAnalysisSettings()

void CRhinoAppSettings::SetZebraAnalysisSettings ( const CRhinoZebraAnalysisSettings settings)

◆ ShortCutKeys()

const CRhinoAppShortcutKeys& CRhinoAppSettings::ShortCutKeys ( ) const

◆ ShowAutoGumball()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ShowAutoGumball ( ) const

When AutoGumball is on, a gumball automatically appears when objects are prepicked.

◆ ShowEdgeColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::ShowEdgeColor ( ) const

◆ ShowHiddenLines()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ShowHiddenLines ( void  ) const

◆ ShowOrthoHashMarks()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ShowOrthoHashMarks ( ) const

◆ ShowOsnapDialog()

void CRhinoAppSettings::ShowOsnapDialog ( bool  = true)

Show and Hide the Osnap dialog.

◆ ShowSelectedObjectCorners()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ShowSelectedObjectCorners ( void  ) const

◆ ShowStatusBar()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ShowStatusBar ( bool  bShow = true)

◆ ShowViewportXEdges()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ShowViewportXEdges ( void  ) const

◆ ShowZAxis()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::ShowZAxis ( void  ) const

◆ SilhouetteHighlighting()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::SilhouetteHighlighting ( void  ) const

◆ SilhouetteHighlightInnerColorScale()

float CRhinoAppSettings::SilhouetteHighlightInnerColorScale ( void  ) const

◆ SilhouetteHighlightInnerFactor()

float CRhinoAppSettings::SilhouetteHighlightInnerFactor ( void  ) const

◆ SilhouetteHighlightOuterScale()

int CRhinoAppSettings::SilhouetteHighlightOuterScale ( void  ) const

◆ SilhouetteMethod()

int CRhinoAppSettings::SilhouetteMethod ( void  ) const

◆ SilhouetteThickness()

int CRhinoAppSettings::SilhouetteThickness ( void  ) const

◆ SmartTrackSettings()

const CRhinoAppSmartTrackSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::SmartTrackSettings ( ) const

◆ SnappyGumball()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::SnappyGumball ( ) const

When SnappyGumball is on, a dragging a gumball moves the center point. When snappy gumball is off, dragging a gumball moves the mouse down point.

◆ SpaceBallSettings()

const CRhinoAppSpaceBallSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::SpaceBallSettings ( ) const

◆ StatusBarIsVisisble()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::StatusBarIsVisisble ( ) const

status bar state

◆ StatusBarLayerPaneWidth()

int CRhinoAppSettings::StatusBarLayerPaneWidth ( ) const

Relative width of the status bar layer pane. The default has been 2 in the past, and will be changed to 3 from V8 onwards

◆ StickyAutoCPlane()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::StickyAutoCPlane ( ) const

◆ ThicknessAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoThicknessAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::ThicknessAnalysisSettings ( ) const

◆ TrackingColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::TrackingColor ( ) const

◆ UiPaintColorSettings()

const CRhinoUiPaintColorSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::UiPaintColorSettings ( ) const

◆ UseDontRepeatList()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::UseDontRepeatList ( ) const

◆ UseHiddenLightsInRenderedViews()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::UseHiddenLightsInRenderedViews ( const CRhinoDoc ) const

◆ ViewportBackgroundColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::ViewportBackgroundColor ( ) const

viewport colors

◆ ViewportXEdgeLength()

float CRhinoAppSettings::ViewportXEdgeLength ( void  ) const

◆ ViewportXEdgeSensitivity()

float CRhinoAppSettings::ViewportXEdgeSensitivity ( void  ) const

◆ ViewportXEdgeStyle()

int CRhinoAppSettings::ViewportXEdgeStyle ( int  ) const

◆ ViewportXEdgeThickness()

int CRhinoAppSettings::ViewportXEdgeThickness ( void  ) const

◆ ViewSettings()

const CRhinoAppViewSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::ViewSettings ( ) const

◆ WidgetColorSettings()

const CRhinoWidgetColorSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::WidgetColorSettings ( ) const

◆ WorldCoordIconAxisSize()

int CRhinoAppSettings::WorldCoordIconAxisSize ( ) const

length of the axes lines in pixels

◆ WorldCoordIconLabelSize()

int CRhinoAppSettings::WorldCoordIconLabelSize ( ) const

radius of the axes labels in pixels

◆ WorldCoordIconMoveLabels()

bool CRhinoAppSettings::WorldCoordIconMoveLabels ( ) const

If WorldCoordIconMoveLabels() returns true, the world axes icon labels position themselves so that the axes lines are not drawn on top of the axes labels. If false, the labels are always drawn to the right of the ends of the axes.

◆ WorldCoordIconXAxisColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::WorldCoordIconXAxisColor ( ) const

world coordinate icon axes colors

◆ WorldCoordIconYAxisColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::WorldCoordIconYAxisColor ( ) const

◆ WorldCoordIconZAxisColor()

ON_Color CRhinoAppSettings::WorldCoordIconZAxisColor ( ) const

◆ ZebraAnalysisSettings()

const CRhinoZebraAnalysisSettings& CRhinoAppSettings::ZebraAnalysisSettings ( ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CRhinoApp

friend class CRhinoApp

◆ CRhLinuxApp

friend class CRhLinuxApp