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GH_TextDot Properties

The GH_TextDot type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundingbox (Overrides GH_GeometricGooTBoundingbox.)
Public propertyClippingBox
Public propertyIsGeometryLoaded
Gets the load state of this text dot object. The text dot is considered to be loaded when the local text dot instance is not null.
(Overrides GH_GeometricGooTIsGeometryLoaded.)
Public propertyIsReferencedGeometry
Gets a value indicating whether or not this geometry is referenced. Not all IGH_GeometricGoo implementations support referenced geometry.
(Inherited from GH_GeometricGooT.)
Public propertyIsValid
Gets the validity of this text dot. If the text dot is referenced but cannot be loaded, the text dot is not valid.
(Overrides GH_GeometricGooTIsValid.)
Public propertyIsValidWhyNot
Gets a string describing the state of "invalidness". If the instance is valid, then this property should return Nothing or String.Empty.
(Overrides GH_GooTIsValidWhyNot.)
Public propertyReferenceID (Overrides GH_GeometricGooTReferenceID.)
Public propertyTypeDescription (Overrides GH_GooTTypeDescription.)
Public propertyTypeName (Overrides GH_GooTTypeName.)
Public propertyValue (Overrides GH_GeometricGooTValue.)
See Also