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GH_FadeAnimationEvaluate Method

Overload List
Public methodEvaluate(GH_Canvas)
Reevaluate the fade animation parameters. You should call this method from within the Render method of your attributes. If an animation is currently in progress a redraw of the canvas will be scheduled, whether or not the attributes are actually visible on the canvas. You should therefore only call this method if your attributes are already drawing themselves.
Public methodEvaluate(GH_Canvas, Boolean)
Reevaluate the fade animation parameters. You should call this method from within the Render method of your attributes. If an animation is currently in progress a redraw of the canvas will be scheduled, whether or not the attributes are actually visible on the canvas. You should therefore only call this method if your attributes are already drawing themselves.
Public methodEvaluate(GH_Canvas, Single)
Reevaluate the fade animation parameters. You should call this method from within the Render method of your attributes. If an animation is currently in progress a redraw of the canvas will be scheduled, whether or not the attributes are actually visible on the canvas. You should therefore only call this method if your attributes are already drawing themselves.
Public methodEvaluate(GH_Canvas, Single, Boolean)
Reevaluate the fade animation parameters. You should call this method from within the Render method of your attributes. If an animation is currently in progress a redraw of the canvas will be scheduled, whether or not the attributes are actually visible on the canvas. You should therefore only call this method if your attributes are already drawing themselves.
See Also