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GH_Chunk Constructor

Overload List
Protected methodGH_Chunk
Blank constructor. You typically do not need to create your own Chunks. The GH_Archive class will create top-level chunks and existing chunks can create child chunks.
Protected methodGH_Chunk(GH_Archive)
Constructor. You typically do not need to create your own Chunks. The GH_Archive class will create top-level chunks and existing chunks can create child chunks.
Protected methodGH_Chunk(GH_Archive, String)
Constructor. You typically do not need to create your own Chunks. The GH_Archive class will create top-level chunks and existing chunks can create child chunks.
Protected methodGH_Chunk(GH_Archive, String, Int32)
Constructor. You typically do not need to create your own Chunks. The GH_Archive class will create top-level chunks and existing chunks can create child chunks.
See Also