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ModelContentParamT Events

The ModelContentParamT generic type exposes the following members.

Public eventAttributesChanged
Raised whenever the number or kind of attributes changes. This event is handled by GH_Documents who subsequently wipe their attribute caches.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public eventDisplayExpired
Raised whenever the display (on the Canvas) of a certain object becomes invalid.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public eventObjectChanged (Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public eventPingDocument
Raised whenever an object needs to know which GH_Document it belongs to.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public eventPreviewExpired
Raised whenever the display (in the Rhino viewports) of a certain object becomes invalid.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
Public eventSolutionExpired
Raised whenever the solution of a certain object becomes invalid.
(Inherited from GH_DocumentObject.)
See Also