SubD ==== .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: SubD .. py:method:: SubD() SubD constructor .. py:attribute:: IsSolid bool: Test SubD to see if the active level is a solid. A "solid" is a closed oriented manifold, or a closed oriented manifold. .. py:method:: ClearEvaluationCache() Clear cached information that depends on the location of vertex control points :rtype: void .. py:method:: UpdateAllTagsAndSectorCoefficients() Updates vertex tag, edge tag, and edge coefficient values on the active level. After completing custom editing operations that modify the topology of the SubD control net or changing values of vertex or edge tags, the tag and sector coefficients information on nearby components in the edited areas need to be updated. :return: Number of vertices and edges that were changed during the update. :rtype: uint .. py:method:: Subdivide(count) Apply the Catmull-Clark subdivision algorithm and save the results in this SubD. :return: True on success :rtype: bool