PointCloud ========== .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: PointCloud .. py:method:: PointCloud() PointCloud constructor .. py:method:: PointCloud() PointCloud constructor .. py:attribute:: Count int: Gets the number of points in this point cloud. .. py:attribute:: HiddenPointCount int: Gets the number of points that have their Hidden flag set. .. py:attribute:: ContainsColors bool: Gets a value indicating whether or not the points in this point cloud have colors assigned to them. .. py:attribute:: ContainsNormals bool: Gets a value indicating whether or not the points in this point cloud have normals assigned to them. .. py:attribute:: ContainsValues .. py:attribute:: ContainsHiddenFlags bool: Gets a value indicating whether or not the points in this point cloud have hidden flags assigned to them. .. py:method:: __len__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: __getitem__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: ClearColors() Destroys the color information in this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: ClearNormals() Destroys the normal vector information in this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: ClearHiddenFlags() Destroys the hidden flag information in this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: AppendNew() Appends a new PointCloudItem to the end of this point cloud. :return: The newly appended item. :rtype: PointCloudItem .. py:method:: InsertNew(index) Inserts a new at a specific position of the point cloud. :param int index: Index of new item. :return: The newly inserted item. :rtype: PointCloudItem .. py:method:: Merge(other) Merges, or appends, a specified point cloud into this one. :param PointCloud other: PointCloud to merge with this one. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Add(point) Append a new point to the end of the list. :param rhino3dm.Point3d point: Point to append. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Add(point, normal) Append a new point to the end of the list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Add(point, color) Append a new point to the end of the list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Add(point, normal, color) Append a new point to the end of the list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Add(point, value) Append a new point to the end of the list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Add(point, normal, normal, value) Append a new point to the end of the list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: AddRange(points) Appends a collection of points to this point cloud. :param list[rhino3dm.Point3d] points: Points to append. :rtype: void .. py:method:: AddRange(points, normals) Appends a collection of points to this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: AddRange(points, colors) Appends a collection of points to this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: AddRange(points, normals, colors) Appends a collection of points to this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: AddRange(points, values) Appends a collection of points to this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: AddRange(points, normals, colors, values) Appends a collection of points to this point cloud. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Insert(index, point) Inserts a new point into the point list. :param int index: Insertion index. :param rhino3dm.Point3d point: Point to append. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Insert(index, point, normal) Inserts a new point into the point list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Insert(index, point, color) Inserts a new point into the point list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Insert(index, point, normal, color) Inserts a new point into the point list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Insert(index, point, value) Inserts a new point into the point list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Insert(index, point, normal, color, value) Inserts a new point into the point list. :rtype: void .. py:method:: InsertRange(index, points) Append a collection of points to this point cloud. :param int index: Index at which to insert the new collection. :param list[rhino3dm.Point3d] points: Points to append. :rtype: void .. py:method:: RemoveAt(index) Remove the point at the given index. :param int index: Index of point to remove. :rtype: void .. py:method:: GetPoints() Copy all the point coordinates in this point cloud to an array. :return: An array containing all the points in this point cloud. :rtype: rhino3dm.Point3d[] .. py:method:: PointAt(index) Returns the location of the point at a specific index. :param int index: The index. :rtype: rhino3dm.Point3d .. py:method:: GetNormals() Copy all the normal vectors in this point cloud to an array. :return: An array containing all the normals in this point cloud. :rtype: rhino3dm.Vector3d[] .. py:method:: GetColors() Copy all the point colors in this point cloud to an array. :return: An array containing all the colors in this point cloud. :rtype: Color[] .. py:method:: GetValues() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: ClosestPoint(testPoint) Returns index of the closest point in the point cloud to a given test point. :param rhino3dm.Point3d testPoint: . :return: Index of point in the point cloud on success. -1 on failure. :rtype: int