Plane ===== .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: Plane .. py:method:: Plane() Plane constructor .. py:method:: Plane(origin, normal) Constructs a plane from a point and a normal vector. :param rhino3dm.Point3d origin: Origin point of the plane. :param rhino3dm.Vector3d normal: Non-zero normal to the plane. .. py:method:: Plane(origin, xPoint, yPoint) Initializes a plane from three non-collinear points. :param rhino3dm.Point3d origin: Origin point of the plane. :param rhino3dm.Point3d xPoint: Second point in the plane. The x-axis will be parallel to x_point-origin. :param rhino3dm.Point3d yPoint: Third point on the plane that is not collinear with the first two points. \ taxis*(y_point-origin) will be > 0. .. py:method:: Plane(origin, xDirection, yDirection) Constructs a plane from a point and two vectors in the plane. :param rhino3dm.Point3d origin: Origin point of the plane. :param rhino3dm.Vector3d xDirection: Non-zero vector in the plane that determines the x-axis direction. :param rhino3dm.Vector3d yDirection: Non-zero vector not parallel to x_dir that is used to determine the \ y-axis direction. y_dir does not need to be perpendicular to x_dir. .. py:method:: Plane() Constructs a plane from an equation Ax+By+Cz+D=0. .. py:attribute:: Origin rhino3dm.Point3d: Gets or sets the origin point of this plane. .. py:attribute:: XAxis rhino3dm.Vector3d: Gets or sets the X axis vector of this plane. .. py:attribute:: YAxis rhino3dm.Vector3d: Gets or sets the Y axis vector of this plane. .. py:attribute:: ZAxis rhino3dm.Vector3d: Gets or sets the Z axis vector of this plane. .. py:staticmethod:: WorldXY() [todo] add documentation .. py:staticmethod:: WorldYZ() [todo] add documentation .. py:staticmethod:: WorldZX() [todo] add documentation .. py:staticmethod:: Unset() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: Encode() [todo] add documentation .. py:staticmethod:: Decode(jsonObject) [todo] add documentation