NurbsSurface ============ .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: NurbsSurface .. py:attribute:: IsRational bool: Gets a value indicating whether or not the NURBS surface is rational. .. py:attribute:: OrderU int: Gets the order in the U direction. .. py:attribute:: OrderV int: Gets the order in the V direction. .. py:attribute:: KnotsU Collections.NurbsSurfaceKnotList: The U direction knot vector. .. py:attribute:: KnotsV Collections.NurbsSurfaceKnotList: The V direction knot vector. .. py:attribute:: Points Collections.NurbsSurfacePointList: Gets a collection of surface control points that form this surface. .. py:staticmethod:: Create(dimension, isRational, order0, order1, controlPointCount0, controlPointCount1) Constructs a new NURBS surface with internal uninitialized arrays. :param int dimension: The number of dimensions.>= 1. This value is usually 3. :param bool isRational: True to make a rational NURBS. :param int order0: The order in U direction.>= 2. :param int order1: The order in V direction.>= 2. :param int controlPointCount0: Control point count in U direction.>= order0. :param int controlPointCount1: Control point count in V direction.>= order1. :return: A new NURBS surface, or None on error. :rtype: NurbsSurface .. py:staticmethod:: CreateFromCone(cone) Constructs a new NURBS surfaces from cone data. :param Cone cone: A cone value. :return: A new NURBS surface, or None on error. :rtype: NurbsSurface .. py:staticmethod:: CreateFromSphere(sphere) Constructs a new NURBS surfaces from sphere data. :param rhino3dm.Sphere sphere: A sphere value. :return: A new NURBS surface, or None on error. :rtype: NurbsSurface .. py:staticmethod:: CreateFromCylinder(cylinder) Constructs a new NURBS surfaces from cylinder data. :param Cylinder cylinder: A cylinder value. :return: A new NURBS surface, or None on error. :rtype: NurbsSurface .. py:staticmethod:: CreateRuledSurface(curveA, curveB) Constructs a ruled surface between two curves. Curves must share the same knot-vector. :param rhino3dm.Curve curveA: First curve. :param rhino3dm.Curve curveB: Second curve. :return: A ruled surface on success or None on failure. :rtype: NurbsSurface .. py:method:: MakeRational() Makes this surface rational. :return: True if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false. :rtype: bool .. py:method:: MakeNonRational() Makes this surface non-rational. :return: True if the operation succeeded; otherwise, false. :rtype: bool .. py:method:: IncreaseDegreeU(desiredDegree) Increase the degree of this surface in U direction. :param int desiredDegree: The desired degree. \ Degrees should be number between and including 1 and 11. :return: True on success, False on failure. :rtype: bool .. py:method:: IncreaseDegreeV(desiredDegree) Increase the degree of this surface in V direction. :param int desiredDegree: The desired degree. \ Degrees should be number between and including 1 and 11. :return: True on success, False on failure. :rtype: bool