MeshVertexList ============== .. py:module:: rhino3dm .. py:class:: MeshVertexList .. py:attribute:: UseDoublePrecisionVertices bool: Set to True if the vertices should be stored in double precision .. py:method:: __len__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: SetCount() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: __getitem__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: __setitem__() [todo] add documentation .. py:method:: Clear() Clears the Vertex list on the mesh. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Destroy() Releases all memory allocated to store faces. The list capacity will be 0 after this call. Subsequent calls can add new items. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Add(x, y, z) Adds a new vertex to the end of the Vertex list. :param float x: X component of new vertex coordinate. :param float y: Y component of new vertex coordinate. :param float z: Z component of new vertex coordinate. :return: The index of the newly added vertex. :rtype: int .. py:method:: IsHidden(vertexIndex) Gets a value indicating whether or not a vertex is hidden. :param int vertexIndex: Index of vertex to query. :return: True if the vertex is hidden, False if it is not. :rtype: bool .. py:method:: Hide(vertexIndex) Hides the vertex at the given index. :param int vertexIndex: Index of vertex to hide. :rtype: void .. py:method:: Show(vertexIndex) Shows the vertex at the given index. :param int vertexIndex: Index of vertex to show. :rtype: void .. py:method:: HideAll() Hides all vertices in the mesh. :rtype: void .. py:method:: ShowAll() Shows all vertices in the mesh. :rtype: void .. py:method:: CullUnused() Removes all vertices that are currently not used by the Face list. :return: The number of unused vertices that were removed. :rtype: int .. py:method:: CombineIdentical() Merges identical vertices. :param bool ignoreNormals: If true, vertex normals will not be taken into consideration when comparing vertices. :param bool ignoreAdditional: If true, texture coordinates, colors, and principal curvatures \ will not be taken into consideration when comparing vertices. :return: True if the mesh is changed, in which case the mesh will have fewer vertices than before. :rtype: bool